All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 143.8
Mean Score:
- Watching9
- Completed419
- On-Hold102
- Dropped19
- Plan to Watch356
- Total Entries905
- Rewatched9
- Episodes8,516
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 94.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries346
- Reread0
- Chapters16,428
- Volumes917
All Comments (54) Comments
I suppose you are if you're reading this comment
I was wondering if you still make banners for some reason
it appears you've hundreds of anime you won't ever get to
it's always strange approaching strangers and trying to unstrange (strange isn't a verb)
been farming usernames and i finally found an active user w/ a cool af username
Will you be my friend, also
Hey will you join my club, i am trying to start a game club where everyone who watches anime and play games will be able to find other people who plays the game they play.
Also so everyone in the club can find other games they might be able to enjoy~ Thats my goals anyways
add me~
please comment back
I made a livejournal account at one point a while ago but I never got around to using it. It was all a little too complicated for me tbh. And I don't have many friends who use the site.
Your dp is gorgeous btw.