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DarkNighty Oct 24, 2012 12:15 PM

Na forum polskiego klubu One Piece powstał nowy temat z grą forumową pt. "Wybij coś". Zachęcam do wejścia i sprawdzenia, o co chodzi ;)
Jeanne01 Feb 22, 2011 8:34 AM
I also hope. It's not something serious, just I am diabetic, and once a year, i have to go to control for a week.
We also have 4 holiday. The first is a "Halloween Break" (28st Oktober to 3rd of November), then the "Christmas Break", a Sping Break (its always changing..) and a Summer Holiday (end of June to 2nd of september).
Hmm..Honestly, I hate Valentine's Day.. It's always excessive.. ^^"
Brukselka means brussels sprout?xD It's funny.. we called brussels sprout ,,Kelbimbó"xD
But I've never heard about this film..If I heard this title, certainly I could remember.
The last film, what I see, is the "Salt Ügynök" (Salt agent) with Angelina Jolie. I love this film. On a five-point scale, it's nearly seven.^^"
Jeanne01 Feb 14, 2011 9:18 AM
Winter Holiday? Nooow? Ohh, you're very lucky.><
Our winter holiday was on 22 of december to 3 of january. I just go to cinema with my friends and celebrate Christmas and the New Year..It was a quite short.. the next holiday will be in april.. so we have until a lot of school-day. But we going to a trip to Warsow and Kijev. I do not know yet I'm going to go or no.. 'cause my parents don't want to release me.. and I have to go to a hospital in spring break, so it's a little depressing. I have once time to go Ukraine and Poland, and I can't go..=/
Jeanne01 Feb 9, 2011 10:56 AM
Sorry for my lately answer, but i have got a lot of things to do. ^^" This week is full of exams..
In 23th March? I've never heard this before.. but I'll celebrate too.:) I think I'll decorate my room with Polish and Hungarian flags..or..I don't know how..I never thinking about it.xD
in past? uhh.. I don't have any idea.. maybe they have a interpreter or something similar, like nowadays.
And how do you feel? Are you get better, or are you still ill?
Jeanne01 Feb 6, 2011 10:44 AM
Ohh. First of all, get better:) Secondly, I'm not bored at all. I like history too, but my teacher are not too good, and I usually don't understand what does she speak..
Yes, we learned about it at the elementary school. But we called "Lengyel-szovjet háború" (Polish-Soviet war). In Hungary, taught a lot of history about Polish, saying the two countries to the 20 th century was very closely related, as brother nations.
My town is Szigetszentmiklós. This is nearly 1000 years old, it's a little ancient, but it's not seems. The situation is same in Budapest (capital city). Every war anniversary, the reporters go out into the street inquire to passers how much they know.
Quite disappointing when they don't know anything about 1848 freedom struggle... even if it was a defining part of our history. My great-grandfather was fighting in the Don Bend .. 10% of people know what was this battle.. it's painful. The majority of people are not aware of literacy..And I think it will not easily change..=/

Jeanne01 Jan 30, 2011 9:24 AM
Budapest also destroyed in the second world war, all eight bridge of Budapest has been demolished and the houses are still visible traces of the projectile. About 200 meters from our house, the Russian radars are still standing. It's a little depressing..
Ömm..My favourite subject is Art and Physics. I like Art, because I can draw a lot of special things...and the Physics...ömm...because I understand what it is about, I love it too. I like social studies lessons because 2 hours a week I can sleep on them. ^^'
Jeanne01 Jan 30, 2011 2:27 AM
About Hungary? Huh..It's a really strange country.. Unfortunately, there are always demonstrations and similar things. I live in a town, near to the capital city, Budapest, so the traffic is very bad. Much people have problem, but fortunately a lot of kind people live here. However, it has a lot of nice places to visit. Like Lake Balaton and the old castles, fortresses across the country. Unlike many people I love living here.
And what about your country?:)
Jeanne01 Jan 28, 2011 2:03 PM
I started my first year at high school on September. It's a little hard, but I like it.:)
I also wanted to learn another language (Spanish or Italian), but my school has appointed the French language.. One of the schools, near to my home, the students can learn Japanese..that's why I'm a little envy them..^^'
Ömm. I interested in sports and other free time activities, like reading books, drawing and cooking. I usually play volleyball, basketball and I do rhythmic gymnastic.
And you?
Jeanne01 Jan 28, 2011 9:46 AM
I understand, what do you think. Hungarian is really a hard language.. that's why we are learn other languages easier. Now I'm learning French, but it's not nearly so difficult.
Edyta..that's a nice name. I really like it.:)
My name is Adrienn, but my friends and family call me ,,Ada''. I'm also 15 years old.
Jeanne01 Jan 27, 2011 7:32 AM
Thank you for your letter. I'm very glad, if you're love my language.:) You're's very hard..even for me.
I heard Lithuanian language is very, very difficult and is very hard to learn (as the Hungarian).
I am very happy to talk with you:) I hope we'll talk more.
Greetings from Hungary:)

(Sorry. my English not too good.^^')
red-dragon Jan 1, 2011 9:25 AM

W klubie została otworzona limitowana edycja kart z finalistami Konkursu na najpopularniejszą postać. Swoje zamówienia możecie zostawiać w tym temacie. W dodatku zapraszamy tutaj, by głosować na wybraną sygnaturę. Zapraszamy do klubu również 1 stycznia, gdyż w godzinach wieczornych możecie się spodziewać nowego konkursu oraz edycji(w końcu urodziny Ace'a!).
Pepees Dec 14, 2010 3:04 PM

Dziś krótko i (nie) na temat.
Nasze grono adminów zwiększyło się o kilkoro członków, dzięki którym (być może) zostanie Wam zapewniona rozrywka w zupełnie innym stylu~~.
Póki co zapraszamy na wciąż otwarte głosowanie na najpopularniejszą postać One Piece oraz limitowaną edycję kart +250 członków. Ponad to w życie weszły dwa nowe konkursy:
- One Piece mania
- Mój własny świat OP.

To nie koniec nowości, gdyż wkrótce zorganizowanych zostanie więcej zabaw, w których będziecie mogli, jak to określił Boracik, otrzymać parę tych pkt, które zbieracie na randki czy cokolwiek innego.
Raimei Dec 6, 2010 9:17 AM

Minna Ohayo~
W klubie trochę nowości. Ku końcowi zmierzają Wybory na najlepszą postać One Piece. Już teraz możecie zdecydować kto wejdzie do wielkiego finału poprzez głosowanie w następujących rozgrywkach:
- Monkey D. Luffy vs Nico Robin
- Tony Tony Chopper vs Franky
- Roronoa Zoro vs Portgas D. Ace
- Crocodile vs Shanks
Spieszcie się! Walki zamykamy 9.12~!
Ponad to ruszyło nowe polowanie, w którym możecie uczestniczyć tutaj. Pamiętajcie także, że zebrane punkty możecie wymienić na nagrody (zaraz po tym, jak ktoś się ruszy je zaktualizować). I wreszcie najważniejsza wiadomość dzisiejszego dnia:
Ekipa Polskiego FC One Piece otwiera nabór na adminów/oficerów
Szukamy ludzi kreatywnych, pomysłowych i przede wszystkim aktywnych, którzy pomogą choć trochę ożywić klub.
Potencjalne zgłoszenia przyjmujemy tutaj.

Wasze Adminki ^^

Raimei Nov 14, 2010 8:17 AM

Minna nakama~
W klubie ostatnio wieje nudą - jak z resztą zwykle. Trochę żeby Was ożywić powstały nowe tematy: dyskusja o ulubionej sadze oraz kącik Otaku, gdzie możecie się pochwalić swoimi kolekcjami. Ponadto to jest nowa zabawa zatytułowana znajdź Pandaman'a. A żeby tego było mało, Wasze cudowne adminki postarały się o skromną limitowaną edycję z okazji urodzin Zoro, które na marginesie były 11 listopada.

Mistral340 Oct 2, 2010 10:33 AM
Ja nawet nie znam takiego powiedzenia!
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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