All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 84.5
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed249
- On-Hold11
- Dropped100
- Plan to Watch157
- Total Entries532
- Rewatched21
- Episodes5,319
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 9.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries53
- Reread0
- Chapters1,431
- Volumes193
All Comments (53) Comments
>is on anime fan site.
What anime is the gif below the "I'll do it with my hands" pic?
what part of hentai ouji did you like most?
Why did my thread get locked? ; _ ;
I loved the scene where that penguin ant died, when he/she turned around only to get their head sliced off by the king's tail, thought it was pretty funny lol. And about one piece... is it worth watching? All my friends keep recommending it...that along with soul eater and fairy tail which looks stupid imo lol.
I play on PS3, Wii, PC (well, mac for me), PS2, PS1, and DS
I've accumulated a lot of consoles over the years...
Personally, I can't do too many FPS games, and I'm not a huge fan of certain M rated games in general. I'm looking forward to KH and the new South Park game for the most part.
I play mostly Portal 2, LoL, Tf2, and L4D2 for the most part. I'm not a huge PC gamer myself, but if I'm bored than I'll play some games with my pals. I'd never play a PC game by myself though... I pretty much only play for the high multiplayer aspect.
I really enjoy pretty much everything Naughty Dog creates to be honest. I feel like Uncharted, The Last of Us, and such are the way that I wish FPS games were like. I enjoy the adventure aspect of it, and how the gameplay works. If I could, I would try to push for the FPS genre to change into more of a mix like those games. Just my opinion though. In regards to naughty dog, Crash Bandicoot was my childhood. Along with Spyro, KH, and Nickelodeon games.
I get where you're coming from. I can't really be asked to buy stuff related to anime that often, for it is much too expensive.
Kotonoha was also the girl that I liked. She honestly didn't do anything really "wrong" throughout the series. Sekai is pretty awful. I forget her name, but the loli was probably the worst girl in that series, objectively.
I play Slashers, KH-style game, and Shooter/adventures like Uncharted.
Hahaha. Out of curiosity, which chick did you like the most? Which one did you like the least? Why?
I love FMA and Soul Eater (minus the ending) I'm glad that you enjoyed them too :D
I've been off of games for the longest time. They were like a drug to me... maybe I should get back into them.
I <3 U
Katsuragi for the win.