
My List Layout To All That Visit Me :D
Thank you for taking your precious time and visiting Foxys profile its always my pleasure for any visitor to come by my panel. All friend requests in any form will be accepted without delay because everyone needs more friends In this world at least that what Foxy believes. 🦊❤️
My Anime Achievements-
My In Depth Profile Stats-
Things to know about her:
A "Himedere" refers to a character who wishes to be treated like a princess or a queen by the person she loves, even if she is not actual royalty.
Himedere characters have a princess complex.They can be real princesses or only want to be treated like royalty. To be honest its always been Foxys dream to be a Cute Furry Princess OwO. Except they love pretty much everyone and just wants to make others happy all the time and have as many friends as possible to love and cherish furever. OwO
I am a Cute Pink Furry Fox Girl. I Go by Miss Foxy or Foxerellie OwO
My fursona is a Hot Pink Vixen Fox Gurl named Ruby Rouge.
I try to be very organized a orderly in reality and on the web as this profile has taken over 30 hours to build but it was well worth it :D
My name is Miss Foxy Ruby Rouge
Miss Foxy is 33 with blonde hair and Ocean Blue eyes and 6 ft tall
I love speed my favorite thing in the world is going fast in all i do
Ive Been watching Anime since 2011 and played videogames since i was 2 years old and own every system .
On Oct 17,2020 i achieved my goal of beating and reviewing 1000 videogames!
Heres my site link for proof-
Also an Author and published one book Called Guardians
Have one epic sister who im close too and share a good bond with.
I used to do videogame walkthroughs on youtube i may do so again in the future was known by Superfalcon1992 if u saw any thats really cool ^^
I have very high tolerance and will watch any anime unless it contains immorality or is a Hentai!
I'm working on maturing so that soon I'll be ready for a serious relationship in the future.
I love all the Vocaloids singers from japan and the top 3 are Miku Hatsune, Kagamine Rin, Luka Megurine .
Im such a sucker for Twintails i love that hairstyle its so gorgeous i wish it existed on real girls and i had hair that long it would be a dream come true having hair that cute ;3
She loves all anime girls especially lolis there so cute and adorable OwO.
Miss Foxy her number one favorite Anime of all time is Gintama and that will never change! My Second Favorite Anime of all time is Black Rock Shooter Series! These Animes stand out from all the rest are the best out there so far
(Unless it conflicts with her conscience)
Once i start it i will finish it no questions asked even if its super girly,boring,or just plain horrible. Ii don't care if other people drop anime series i will not do it but it is interesting to see what series people drop and why :D. A favorite hobby is adding all the anime other users drop and watching it myself. I will complete every anime series i start as my duty as an otaku completionist and i just hate leaving things unfinished. :D
My Personality Profile
EXTREME-Gusto-I do things with gusto and don't care about alittle mess
Very-Likes Hotties-I am attracted by good looks and cute girls
Very-Goal Oriented-Likes to have a clear end goal purpose
Very-Detail Oriented-Very good memory and good at finishing things-This list is proof of that haha
Very Romantic-Looking for love and attracted by inner qualities of others
Very-Stylish-Strong sense of style and excellent eye for design
Very-Competitive-Love to win can't stand losing
Very-Cool-identify with cool powerful efficient things
Curious Mind-Bright Curious mind always seeking knowledge
Plot Driven-In your shows and stories you look for strong plot over emotion
56% Gentle Loving 44% Powerful Confident
Left Brain 50% Analytical and logical 50% Right Brain creative artistic So im not either Extrovert or Introvert I'm right in the middle which is ultra rare for humans also means i'm one of the few guys who can multitask talk on the phone,listen to music,play games,and text someone all at the same time hahaha
Good Friend-Warm heart but tough overprotective you will fight if pushed but never mean
Well Adjusted Ego-Blessed with well balanced ego makes me well suited to teaching and my friendships last a long time
Innocent Type-Shy and Innocent and just starting to be interested in ROMANCE mostly though i don't think about it
Mellow Surfer-You can move when you need to but prefer to take things calm and relaxed and people feel calmer around me
Friendly Amigo-Takes a little while to warm up to new people but once i do i am open and friendly and have many friends
Generous Type-You are one of those rare people that enjoys giving and freely even at a cost to yourself
Intuitive Type-You trust your intuition and make decisions based on your feelings this makes me extremely creative
Mature Adult-I like to laugh and have a good sense of humor but also possess an adult maturity that commands respect
Thrill Seeker-I love excitement and I'm not afraid to take some chances. I often rush in ahead of the rest and don't mind risk
Brave Defender-You stand up for others when they are in trouble and need help others feel safe with you around
Team Player-My balance between being goal oriented and free form makes you a great teammate. I bring alot to any team
Confident Achiever-Others admire your self assurance and confidence,but you dont like to show off. I'm well suited to playing music
Flirtatious Type-I flirt without even realizing that's what i am doing. People get crushes on me and i don't even know it.
Good Listener-I can jam when i need to but mostly move at a thoughtful pace and i'm a very good listener
Outgoing type-I'm comfortable in groups and meet new people easily. My positive energy often makes me the center of attention
Anime Poll's
How Miss Foxy she rates is unique its a perfect 10 in her book if the anime never feels like a grind or has unnecessary elements if it does any less like have a horribly pointless storyline then the scale follows
10-Outstanding in every way possible
9-Amazing only a slight flaw here or there
8-Fantastic but need a little more
7-Great but not the best or close to it
6-Just floats above average
5-Meh just average nothing else
4- Could have been better but was downright awful
3-Waste of my time
2- Completely regrettable
1-Deplorable Crap that should have never aired and no one should see
Miss Foxys Her Favorite Anime Continued <3
Alnoah Zero
Dragon Ball Z
Soul Eater
Queens Blade
Absolute Duo
Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Summer Wars
Black Rock Shooter
Diamond No Ace
Fruits Basket
Monthly Girls Nozakikun
3000 Leagues in Search of Mother
Aria the Scarlet Ammo
Highschool of the Dead
Inferno Cop
How not to summon a demon lord
The shape of voice
Fighting Foodons
Eureka 7
Professor Layton Eternal Diva
Save Me Lollipop
Monster Musume
To Love Ru
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Pani Pony Dash
Pokemon Destiny Deoxys
All Comments (47) Comments
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2 0 2 5 🎉
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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2 0 2 4 🎉
I originally watched Outlaw Star dubbed, but when I think of Melfina, I usually picture Ayako-chan. She was so young when she did the voice of cute, little Tomoko Nomura.
By the way, I played Dot Hack before most MAL reached puberty so I know the original IMOQ characters and that GU character Atoli. Maybe the remastered version has dual audio, who knows. In the original copy of GU games, I only heard Bridget Hoffman and those American actors from Naruto.
Dot Hack was like everyday stuff back in my day. Came out before the anime industry adapted countless isekai LNs trying to ride on Dot Hack's coattails. As we can see, isekai is more generic than ever before.