All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 176.7
Mean Score:
- Watching258
- Completed977
- On-Hold311
- Dropped63
- Plan to Watch370
- Total Entries1,979
- Rewatched52
- Episodes11,988
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries30
- Reread0
- Chapters1,111
- Volumes150
All Comments (8) Comments
Ah I see I am in a lot of clubs but I don’t really I’m active in them like I used to in the past and yeah noworries
How are you today? :3
Also thanks 4 the friend request! :3
How did you find me?
And why did you send me a FR in the first place? I’m just curious ^^ and I Hope we can get along
Ah, I'm really sorry! I thought I approved you already and haven't been on in a while. Welcome to the 20+ club!! Check out our discord too, we are more active there ^^