All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 550.7
Mean Score:
- Watching52
- Completed287
- On-Hold0
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch143
- Total Entries494
- Rewatched17
- Episodes14,431
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 20.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries127
- Reread2
- Chapters3,507
- Volumes163
All Comments (33) Comments
Ecchi&Hentai 12
Presents LE Thread // Cards
Phraze's Birthday SE Thread // Cards
Winter Scarf RE Thread // Cards
HAMLET { Cards Collection }
Winners & Losers Thread // Cards
Namine's Cafe
Blue CE>>>Cards here:'s%20cafe/Blue%20CE/
Shishio's Affiliation 2nd Edition>>>Cards Here:'s%20cafe/Shishio's%20Affiliation%202nd%20Edition%20Namine%20Card/
Witches HE>>>Cards Here:'s%20cafe/Witches%20HE/
Kimono HE>>>Cards Here:'s%20cafe/Kimono%20HE/
Save and rehost, if you have any problems please contact Yorium.
Namine's Café
Please save and rehost the cards asap.
Hold ctrl + F to search for your cards.
Drop a comment here if there's any problem.
* please don't use Tinypic, Photobucket, or Flickr to host your card.
Its important to me everyone gets to try at least one more time after losing, so even if you lose this current round you have a last chance to still move on to the semi-finals from losers qualifiers round. I'll contact you later on your page about where you end up.
Next bracket + you can still enter unrevealed cards
Whether you win or lose, with the next bracket you end up in you will be asked to narrow down to one card to enter- and you can enter a brand new card to wow the audience! This is optional. If you decide to enter a new card for any next bracket you can let me know at any time, or tell me when I ask you what card you want to enter in the next bracket. Every card you make is viable for other categories judged by SylakentH later this month.
No rallying votes please
As always I have to tell everyone to please not rally friends or clubs to vote for your cards, this counts as cheating. Its ok to tell your friends to vote for the ones they like best.
Great work!
Pretty much every card entered has something I like about it, so everyone did a good job. You in particular picked some of the most gorgeous pics for your cards!
☆ Eternal Sonata ☆
Official Member Cards | Cards
LoveLive! ME | Cards
Hyperdimension Neptunia WE | Cards
The Queen's Safe Haven
Steampunk LE | Cards
Namine's Café
Cats LE | Cards
Please save and rehost within 2 weeks.
If there are any problems, let me know!
Thanks for requesting and have a nice day ♥
total cards: 209