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Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera
Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera
Jun 26, 2014 11:57 AM
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Futakoi Alternative
Futakoi Alternative
Jun 24, 2014 8:16 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 7
Amaenaide yo!!
Amaenaide yo!!
Jun 24, 2014 6:12 AM
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Caramel Kitsch Yuugekitai
Caramel Kitsch Yuugekitai
Jul 3, 2014 6:34 PM
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Jun 21, 2014 6:52 AM
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Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita P!
Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita P!
Jun 19, 2014 7:18 PM
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MrGela Jul 10, 2014 4:00 AM
So if I have to write to you I must do it in English! :o
Valefor Jul 4, 2014 11:09 AM
Oddio, su Grisaia non so quanto essere triste a dire il vero. Potrei comprarlo in inglese ad un prezzo abbordabile e, francamente, per quanto abbia ottime scene erotiche è uno di quei titoli il cui lato romantico mi ha detto poco e nulla.
Lo paragonerei quasi a Majikoi, nel senso che durante la common mi facevo un sacco di risate e ho amato tutto il cast, ma una volta giunto alla conclusione delle varie route (e dopo essermi spoilerato la fine del Rakuen), certo mi son piaciute, ma mi sono anche reso conto che lo avrei davvero preferito come SoL solo commedia. Non so perché in testa mia gli harem come genere mi son cresciuti pesanti...

Gahkthun pure mi sa che lo comprerò a scatola chiusa, anzi è pure più probabile di Grisaia, ma in questi casi mi viene spontaneo chiedere chi ci lavora sopra alla traduzione, per quanto sia il più accessibile dei titoli di Sakurai. Maaaaa, in questo senso suppongo di non poter proprio aprir bocca.
Valefor Jul 4, 2014 9:36 AM
Ho giusto la vaga impressione che mi stiate sopravvalutando nella mia effettiva capacità di imparare o dedicarmi a qualcosa. Se continuate di questo passo finisce che riprendo a imparare kanji per davvero, e non è una cosa che vorrei accadesse tanto presto. Puoi notare infatti come sia sommerso da titoli meritevoli da seguire, tipo Euphoria e quell'altra roba thailandese che esce oggi e che spacciano per cartoni cinesi.

Gli aggiustamenti di mugi li ho letti un po' di tempo fa, insieme alle new entry tipo Hachimyoujin, ma posso dire con felicità che tranne qualche pensiero random raramente mi sono trovato d'accordo con le sue idee e raccomandazioni (i titoli che ho citato prima sono in lista per altre ragioni). Sorvolando sui giochi porno credo che se dovessi effettivamente pensare ad un paio di priorità (Jabberwocky e forse Saihate no Ima a parte) per cui vorrei seriamente darmici alle rune lunari, direi di sicuro le novel di Jinrui (alla faccia dell'ハードモド) e di Oppaizon, che già ho scaricato e la cui onnipresenza di furigana costituiscono una vetta abbastanza più accessibile. Peccato che Kawakami scriva tomi che vanno dalle 800 alle 1400 pagine in base alle saghe щ(ºДºщ); persino Baldr Sky mi appare più fattibile a questo punto.
E francamente, all'infuori di questo il mio hype train attuale mi spinge ad adocchiare quel bel mattone del Conte di Montecristo che non vedo l'ora arrivi agosto per iniziarlo. Purtroppo con mia somma vergogna non faccio parte dell'eroge masterrace, sono un'entità troppo impura per questo magico mondo...

Ah, anche se mi dimenticassi del tuo quote c'è MAL che se lo ricorderà per me, sempre che Crave non esploda anche più di quanto già abbia fatto e cancelli tutto. In quel caso cercherò le palle che mi son cadute e rileggerò Insects.
Valefor Jul 4, 2014 12:52 AM
Inutile citare CC, mugi la pensa uguale anche per SubaHibi, è cosa risaputa.
Come ho già detto al tizio delle oppai, molto dipende da una questione di interesse al momento e dal fatto che salto da una cosa all'altra con fin troppa facilità. Credo di dover imparare qualcosa da Hartmann e il principio del piacere differito, la mia situazione attuale potrebbe essere un ottimo avvio per qualcosa di patologico se non riesco ad andare oltre una situazione che i bambini di norma riescono a superare a prima ancora di imparare a parlare.
Che poi SubaHibi sia LA COSA MIGLIORE MAI ESISTITA, è altro fatto risaputo, ormai non puoi girare venti minuti in rete senza trovartelo sbattuto in faccia, sta superando anche MLA con tutta la gente che si attacca a vvav perché lo concluda. Questa categoria dovrebbe includere anche me, credo. In ogni caso è spassoso vedere la visibilità che sta avendo in ogni dove, considerando anche che noi contiamo come la generazione che lo conosce da prima che fosse mainstream.

Ci risentiremo probabilmente se/quando/forse/no proverò con Eustia, Harukuru, Baldr Sky o qualcos'altro degli entry level che ho installato giusto per sfizio. Avere una cartella pronta con questi + Saihate no Ima, Asairo e CC è l'ideale per farti venire su la forza di volontà (e ammazzarti l'umore, in base ai casi). Forse dovrei installare anche Dies Irae, e WA2 tanto per il colpo di grazia.
Se caso mai riuscissi a fare qualcosa, mi aspetto un coro di "ヒーロー見参", giusto perché siamo in periodo.
MrGela Jun 28, 2014 5:16 AM
one two yeah yeah
opernlied May 3, 2014 2:09 AM
I think it's actually a good thing that I don't get stalked as much as Kasucchi; I don't exactly like being popular (though I suppose this comes at the cost of a lack of "authority," but it's not I have the writing ability to sustain that anyway).
That's what I mean with the low scores, because I don't actually think like that with scores. I don't even think that much about scores to begin with (and despite that way of thought and general "generosity," I'm apparently still one of the lowest raters on MAL).
... Anyway, I think it's creepy that I even have some stalkers to begin with (also creepy that you know that I have a twitter account). My paranoia tells me that there are a fair bit that don't talk to me.

I saw someone named wagatsuki_kagami on IRC from Italy, I believe, and for some reason I thought that was you. Although I didn't see any indication of fluffy...

Kastel said that Cyrano de Bergerac and The Black Swan are more important references. And Ginga Tetsudou in there.

Well yeah the endings complete SubaHibi. They are melodies, too, and those melodies combine to form an even greater melody. Because SubaHibi is that kind of story, etc. It might often be associated with philosophy and stuff but it's too "wide (perhaps even... wider than the sky) to be simply labeled as such. But yes, Hasaki's scenes were powerful and stuff and writing is hardj lasfdhksaf.
opernlied Apr 30, 2014 4:45 PM
Well Kastel would argue that the Tractatus isn't one of the most important references in SubaHibi. But since you stalk his, you should have known that.

Weird that you would say that considering that you're talking to me, of all people. And because of God screaming about sex. I don't really draw much attention, but when I do I feel like I come off as either a pretentious prick (low scores, all dropped, sarcasm being taken literally, etc...) or just stupid (terrible writing and articulation). But then again, I'm rambling and I'm not an Internet Celebrity like Kastel.

He's easy to talk to on IRC, though. You should use that so I don't eventually decide to show Kastel what you just said for laughs. I guess you might be afraid of using it, or something. pantyshot appeared on there for a while, and then disappeared...
opernlied Apr 27, 2014 3:36 PM
Tsui no Sora OVA is a masterpiece.

Yeah, I know about the Tractatus; apparently it requires the context of Wittgenstein's life and other philosophies to understand, and even then some of the well-read types have trouble with it. It's basically impenetrable because it's meant to be a circlejerk for himself and Russell. The preface makes it clear, I guess:

"This book will perhaps only be understood by those who have already thought the thoughts which are expressed in it -- or similar thoughts. It is therefore not a text-book. Its object would be attained if there were one person who read it with understanding and to whom it afforded pleasure."

But yeah, those well-read types also say Investigations is much more understandable because he gets off his high horse. SubaHibi's narrative is based on Wittgenstein's general philosophies of language and the world and whatnot, so some understanding of him is nice to have. Anyway SubaHibi is too vast for me to talk about it without sounding stupid, so...

Funny that you mention Kastel, considering that, well, he's one of the people I talk to. Baldr Sky and Eustia are two VNs that he recommends to JP beginners, and are also two of the three VNs that he wants to relive through other people reading. The third one being Asairo, which can apparently happen not too long after reading the first two.

Himawari is pretty good. It isn't that sci-fi (at least the first one), though I guess my criteria for that might be messed up. Anyway, words from The Don himself:

<+Moogy> i would recommend starting with something like subahibi, harukuru, himawari, etc.
opernlied Apr 26, 2014 3:06 AM
Yeah, that's kind of my title now; I hope it becomes "Asairo Guy" soon.

1. Yes, you had to. I'm currently "monitoring" someone who just recently finished Insects. Reading walls of text (I didn't even know about that acronym at first) isn't that bad, really. Writing them, on the other hand...
2. Yeah, SubaHibi is frequently called "deep." I should really familiarize myself with more of the references before I decide to reread it (which might happen before Sakura no Uta).
3. I guess. It's supposed to be written like a novel, so it can be verbose and go deep with its metaphors and imagery. Sakurai's stuff isn't actually supposed to be hard to read; it's just done in that poetic Sakurai way. That being said, Sona-nyl's mini-game apparently involves reading a newspaper and finding out the fake passage. It also apparently has that Forest thing with audio-only lines, though I might be remembering incorrectly from what I've heard/read.

Based on expert opinion, Eustia and Baldr Sky are the general recommendations. I've started reading Eustia, but I've been too much of a dame ningen to be able to actually read much.
BEEEEH Oct 24, 2013 1:16 PM
Ciao amore.
opernlied Oct 22, 2013 1:19 PM
Once Invention's crazy train goes full throttle, it doesn't stop, pretty much (so a little girl getting tentacle raped, maybe?!)

I think with that positive thinking, you'll be ready for Insects!

Well, we all have some of that キモオタ inside of us. Maybe (I forget when he says that one 2D line). Either way, I'd love to have whatever Takuji's smoking.

Dropping all that stuff has changed my life.
opernlied Oct 19, 2013 11:43 PM
Wow, "feeling" the words? That's deep. Actually, I think a possible reason might have to do with narrative pacing, or whatever you call it. RH2 is sort of just an introduction to mystery and events of the story, while Invention is the core to the mystery. Or maybe it's just too insane for you; the denpa in Invention is pretty much the pinnacle of the genre (although there doesn't seem to be much to compare it to, but I would probably also be call it the best mindfuck).

You'll mostly see Kimika in the later part of Invention and then Insects. And, uh, I'm guessing the scene in Invention that you're referring to involves Takuji getting "bullied."

You like Forest, so it would actually be weird if you didn't SubaHibi's denpa (I think). I don't really understand that blowjob analogy, but a lewd mind would probably help when it comes to Takuji's delusions. Everyone loves desk-chan, after all.
opernlied Oct 17, 2013 4:01 PM
Well, I think Invention is just brilliant all around (that scene you mentioned was hilarious; Flying Cows is one of the best scenes of anything ever, of course), but it didn't really seem too different in terms of difficulty compared to RH2. The denpa and philosophical portions might be confusing, certainly, but they shouldn't be making the chapter much more difficult. I mean, you read RH2 and the forum posts, and those are pretty weird with their slang and emoticons.

I was also a bit depressed when Yuki was no longer the protagonist, but Takuji is a pretty damn amazing protagonist throughout the chapter. But if you really want some motivation, then there's a character who appears in Invention that most people seem to consider the best girl (I forget if she appeared already). Worse comes to worse, you'll get more of your yuri in a branch of Insects.

Speed is an issue that can't really be helped, I guess. It's a battle of attrition, or something like that. Anyway, Invention's style isn't really "replicated" later on, though you might end up worrying about Jabberwocky's emotional prose or the endings' subject matter.

Personally, after what happens at the end of RH2 (NANDEMONAI), I wouldn't be able to bear holding off on the rest of the story, but that's just me.

I actually haven't listened to that track; I've decided to refrain from listening to random tracks for the sake of my sanity (although I just listened to it right now...). Also I'm more than likely a donkan character so I couldn't tell that about pantyshot, even after the first comment he made. Unless he decides to save me from the Precure Plague (笑).

Pale Fire is interesting; it's oddly similar to Forest because of its unconventional presentation in the medium, meta topics, and social commentary on literary criticism.
pantyshot Oct 4, 2013 2:18 PM
quanto cazzo sei faget? x2
pantyshot Oct 4, 2013 10:11 AM
wut man, non hai letto YKK? quanto cazzo sei faget?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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