ABOUT ME gender: uke romantic orientation: the universe amount of sleep i got last night: 157 cm age: sweden blood type: tsundere occupation: accidentally hurting myself
Veronica Maggio, Imogen Heap, Fall Out Boy, Lilla Sällskapet, Almedal, Norlie & KKV, Le Matos, Gregory and the Hawk, Teamonade, Hello Meteor, Sufjan Stevens, Black Marble, Adhesive Wombat, Bastille, Dance Gavin Dance, Radical Face, half~|•alive, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Eve MV, Panic! At the Disco, Hamilton, Amina Hocine, Nitro Fun, Teminite, Panda Eyes, Scattle, Avenza, INZO, Peturbator, Madeon, Porter Robinson, Noir Deco, Nanobii, Linkin Park, Møme, Bill Wurtz
1 licorice shit 2 quite bad 3 meh
4 more or less okay
5 good
6 very good
7 great
8 amazing
9 holy ravioli!!
10 the best
And of course it's just my personal, very subjective opinion.
3-10 are good, so an anime with 3 isn't necessarily bad, I just didn't enjoy it that much. I rate an anime depending on this:
✧ 3-dimensional, deep characters/story/plot that are relatable and interests me, characters change, special points if there's at least ONE character I heavily relate to/love
✧ based off reality (rather than mostly stereotypes/opinions/ideals; characters get to play more than one role ex. bad guy or joking victim)
✧ create feelings/settings/mood/atmosphere
✧ deals with something powerful/difficult (abilities/emotions/creatures/items/organizations/concepts etc) and does so in close-up - showing how it affects everything and everyone in detail (ex. brutal gore/any small damage/reactions) weight, charge and delay, to show true scale, individual impact, relative pain, action effects and differences, personal and vulnerable aspects of anything and draw parallels (macrocosm/microcosm - everything connects/circle philosophy)
✧ gives me knowledge/wisdom, such as discussing quotes from philosophers, scientific theories etc or the kind of knowledge you get from experience by doing something (for a long period of time/routine; life experiences)
✧ vagueness/ambiguity - not told what to think, nothing is right or wrong, everyone is to interpret it as they are, and someone/something that could be "evil" could turn into "good" and vice versa (like hayao miyazaki's movies)
✧ all above is conveyed in an interesting, realistic and unique way (surrealistic/dreamlike/abstract and logical)
✧ impacts me; makes me think, during and afterwards/leaves an impression, and has a high rewatch value, "easy to watch"
Oh kinda cringe
I mean, that was you? I hadn’t opened any of them but I fed them each individually to my pet guinea pig and he squeed with delight, you must have included some spicy syllables in those letters.
If your tongue is 9 P’s long I think we should definitely hang out though
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I mean, that was you? I hadn’t opened any of them but I fed them each individually to my pet guinea pig and he squeed with delight, you must have included some spicy syllables in those letters.
If your tongue is 9 P’s long I think we should definitely hang out though