Older than most here, but not so ancient that I've lost the ability to enjoy the simple pleasures that I have embraced throughout my life. My work is physically demanding and my life mentally taxing so what little time is left I devote to watching quality anime and reading engrossing manga.
Since time is so scarce I am very selective about what I watch, and I find that as time goes on I am able to more easily give up on shows that don't make the grade and I am watching less in sheer numbers. I tire easily of the endless parade of lazy, unimaginative, rubber-stamped 'sameness' running amok through cour after cour.
Complex plots constructed outside of well-worn tropes, well-developed characters, and engaging art are what attract me. I don't discount any genre as I believe that each genre has the potential to offer me something of value so long as it is true to my criteria. That doesn't mean I don't like occasional 'fluff' shows of fanservice and action that I can watch with my brain turned off; but if I had catchphrase it would be, "Show me something different!"
Thank God, there are still a few studios that still can and do.
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