If you're here, you're probably coming from my YouTube channel Filip Kanzurovski. In which case, hey guys! Here are all of the anime I have watched and plan to watch in the future. No descriptions are added to tell you my thoughts, but don't worry. I plan to talk about some of these shows on my channel in the future, and in some cases, I just might makes reviews of these shows.
Here is my personal rating system:
1 - Absolutely terrible! The worst of the worst and only given to shows that fail on almost every level. (I don't think any show would fail on EVERY level, hence the "almost")
2 - Awful! There could probably be 1 or 2 cool ideas, but the show as a whole just doesn't work and fails to captivate me.
3 - Bad! Nothing unbelievably awful and it may have some cool scenes, but it still fails on the basic principles of a good show.
4 - Mediocre! It's a "nothing show". A show that doesn't have anything majorly wrong with it, but one that is also uninteresting.
5 - Average! I had some enjoyment watching the show, but there were also moments that sucked. In other words, the show in question is very hit or miss.
6 - Alright! I came out with more enjoyment than displeasure. There are still a bunch of things that need to be worked on, but overall, it was fairly solid.
7 - Good! Nothing to praise to the heavens, but it is still a solid show with an entertaining story and enough enjoyment to warrant a re-watch.
8 - Great! Now we're getting into the REALLY good shows! These shows may still have 1 or 2 glaring flaws, but the stuff that's good is too damn good to care. (It's also the rating I seem to be giving most shows. Just to rub in the fact that I'm very forgiving when it comes to anime.)
9 - Awesome! It may have one aspect keeping it from a perfect score, but the rest of the show is outstanding! A show that I will definitely be re-watching over and over again in the foreseeable future.
10 - Absolutely amazing! These are the best of the best and only given to shows that talked to me in a way that I couldn't give it any other score. I recommend these shows to everyone. Even if you turn out not to like them, it's worth it to at least try them once.
Hope this helps you understand my taste in anime. Talk to you guys later. Peace!
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