1. Fallschirmjäger ✠ - "Grün ist unser Fallschirm" Remix
2. MANUEL / GAS GAS GAS【Official Lyric Video】【頭文字D/INITIAL D】
3. "Fire" -- I am the god of hellfire! (1968) by Arthur Brown
4. The British Grenadiers fife and drum
5. Serbia Strong
6. The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black
7. "Erika" ✠ German Soldier's Song
˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ✦ . ˚ * . . ✦ ˚ .
Content Rating
10 - must be good enough to give a response of emotion, Execute a well-written Plot and not shit itself in the second half, as well as good music (this is a ten only the best of the best). Also, everything about the anime has to be great characters, plots, and themes, just filled with creativity.
9 - Like number ten but a little forgiving in the plot and characters only a little wiggle room. Nothing is perfect that's why nines exist.
8 - Pretty good could have quite possibly have been a ten or a nine, but there was something I didn't like. Kind of like a flaw or the characters seemed okay but still an overall a thrilling anime that personally would recommend.
7 - Like an eight but worse, either the Art, characters, or second half seemed off, or the plot was just not there. Still enjoy it and would recommend 7s.
6 - Solid and okay, simply a lot more flaws, inconsistencies through the anime, Art may be off (like it looks like it was made on a 4 dollar budget) the only thing keeping this from dropping is how I enjoyed it. Depending on what the six is id still tell people to watch it.
5 - okay, not something special, give all the generic animes five because, well, they are all the same—nothing new just time killers. Lots of predictable animes fall under 5s.
4 - Sleep inducing, bland, very predictable, nothing new or unique seen it multiple times. Worst then generic
3- do not have 3s, but it is probably because the anime characters were stupid to watch.
2- it's so incredibly stupid to watch; everything is flawed the story, the plot, the characters, theme, and boring, but there is still one thing that makes me still watch, or it is just not that bad to be a 1.
1- Bottom of the barrel trash. The worst anime, lots of hyped-up shows that get so many false reviews, animes that individually attack people in some symbolic way, animes that can clearly show ZERO creativity. Stuff that quite frankly should have never been aired.
Some Notes
Why the Anime Industry is dying. Most anime viewers cannot uphold the standards that were given before. The Anime industry can be summed up as like Taco Bell in the 1980s it wasn't bad but it was pretty good. Taco Bell is trash now, that's my feelings towards the anime community in this contemporary age. A few things I abhor those weirdos who play magic the gathering and dungeons and dragons and then go home and watch shit like DBZ and One Piece. I hate people who watched 4 Animations and think they know everything like no you don't lol. Just a few reasons why the anime industry is dying and the community is already dead. Yes, I am Red PIlled what are you?
Above All else...... If all do is hype and watch Shounen, will not respond to you. Big fan of vociferous anime reviewers people who know what they are talking about. Refrain from dropping random and weird messages in the comments if you came to stop by please +Rep me as it makes me feel better about myself.
1. Favorite anime is only favorite when you have viewed it multiple times and have felt heart changing experiences *still volatile*. As stated in ** Favorites are very replaceable but It doesn't ignore the first sentence of the favorite rule.
2. A while ago I would set what seemed to be unmeasurable standards in today's contemporary anime but that has cooled down. What I accepted is cliche is fine as long as it's entertaining but Tropes, Generics, mediocre or poor music, plot armor, plot convince the list is long but these things are unacceptable.
3. It is fair to be a self-proclaimed Elitest; there is nothing wrong with it
4. There is nothing I hate more than some moronic, fake anime fan explaining to me how my views and facts are wrong. (I know most of you frauds just pirate anime I got my Crunchyroll sub on monthly). (As of Oct 17, I ended my sub I don't watch anime)
5. Don't send club invites If I don't even know you. Don't send random friend requests before saying something; therefore, I know who you are thanks.
I also thought that the Anime Industry is dead and started watching old anime (1970-2010) and found a lot of peak anime like Ashita no Joe, Rose of Versailles, Romeo no Aoi Sora, Treasure Island, Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, Ie Naki Ko and many more. So, you too should ditch garbage modern anime and start watching old animes. I suggest watching Ashita no Joe first!
I feel like as it is now the romance would have felt too rushed if it was there, but if the show had more episodes and time to spend, then yeah I totally agree it would have made the story better.
I think I have a good head start for Lain because I had watched the first 3 episodes way, way before (about 2 years ago) but I still somewhat remember the details of it, and manage to make sense some of it over time before rewatching those initial episodes just recently. So I feel like the narrative flows through my head incredibly smoothly, and things aren't too confusing for me.
But I will say, there are quite a lot of things in this show that do make sense if you just pay enough attention to it (or think a bit 'out of the box', like when Lain is unable to read the board, maybe she's too lost in Wired that she couldn't maintain any focus irl, or maybe she has some sort of mental disorder? It might even have further implications after completing the series, who knows.)
But admittedly, this does require the show to first not be a bore-fest. I mean, who would want to pay attention to something tedious anyway. I probably can understand if people find it boring (hell I found it boring 2 years ago too), but after the recent watch I'm completely out of keeping with those who feel this way. At least, the narrative worked for me and it consistently piqued my interest. I still recommend you giving it a try once more. If it bores you then feel free to drop again.
The order isn't complicated for Berserk. Fate seems pretty stinky, and I definitely didn't enjoy Fate/Zero much anyway. Also, if you ever feel like you're being too serious about life or whatever, and if you think comedy anime can entertain you, I do have quite a few. They're mostly shounens though (but just comedy shounen, not battle shounen).
edit: also fuck elitists, yes, but you should watch Lain. kinda wanna put that out.
bruh I think you're supposed to watch the movies first if you already decided to check out the remake. Otherwise I recommend the 1997 version, not that I think it's super great but seems like people prefer it. Or you could check out the manga. idk bout the anime but I do like the manga, so consider reading it.
Ah I actually realized I don't know your taste that well. I guess try Berserk? That's the most generic possible answer from how your taste looks, but I still won't guarantee you'll like it.
All Comments (214) Comments
I feel like as it is now the romance would have felt too rushed if it was there, but if the show had more episodes and time to spend, then yeah I totally agree it would have made the story better.
But I will say, there are quite a lot of things in this show that do make sense if you just pay enough attention to it (or think a bit 'out of the box', like when Lain is unable to read the board, maybe she's too lost in Wired that she couldn't maintain any focus irl, or maybe she has some sort of mental disorder? It might even have further implications after completing the series, who knows.)
But admittedly, this does require the show to first not be a bore-fest. I mean, who would want to pay attention to something tedious anyway. I probably can understand if people find it boring (hell I found it boring 2 years ago too), but after the recent watch I'm completely out of keeping with those who feel this way. At least, the narrative worked for me and it consistently piqued my interest. I still recommend you giving it a try once more. If it bores you then feel free to drop again.
edit: also fuck elitists, yes, but you should watch Lain. kinda wanna put that out.