my ratring system.:
1: i didnt even watch it cuz it wwas ob 8kx speed
2: dint coun + my rating didnt matter
3: take u for a ride. Gonna Take You For a Ride. Amongus
4: almost perfect just lacking a few "things"
5: a so called "BASED" anime/ one of the anime to end all otger animes
7: onepiece episode 1087 spoilers
holy shit he actyakky did it
8: that's it im smoking weed. You drove me to this :\
9: gangnam style op op op
10: idk i watched it wrong (8 times speed_)
"his power can't possibly be closing in on mine this soon" Vegata said through gritted greenish-yellow teeth, all the while chewing on his She-Julk funko pop. Looming in not far behind him Sans watched on, mouth agape "eheheheh my bones are rattling at the mere sight, isn't that right Noid" Sans turned to gauge the Noid's reaction, but where he had stood nothing remained but a black streak of scorched earth. Before he could so much as turn his head back to face the Fernocious one's direction, he had already vanished from sight "...!" vegate and Sants began to squint as their field of vision was enveloped in a scotch colored glow, the Fernocioulius one's glory beggininng to flare in a fasion not seen in eons, in the blink of an eye they were all standing on a rough gray rocky surface. "what is.. is that...?" sans and gveta's eyes finally adjusting to their new landscape fernociouis nageth puts an arm around each of their shoulders "See, I told you it was real sans, space is real. Stop sating it's not or ill clone you" fear enter sant's heart upon hearing these words "clone me? space? what is he even talking about?" before he had time to process this new found information he looked down to find that his Famous and Iconic coat now read in big red letters "Single Most Bitchly 😛 yuh" he began to weep and sob and literally super smash bros Bawl his (lack) of eyes out. It was far too late for vegeta, he had been reduced to a saiba man and began screeching obscene language of all kinds, especially racial. While doing somersaults in the excitement he fell directly off the side of the flat plain they were standing on, "Welcome to Earth 2 guessie". Buhjoingus. Next chapter
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