A wild FemmeFatale appeared.
You use Ushiromiya Battler and half-naked shota
It's super effective.
Summer 2010 Season:
Highschool of the Dead : Might stay for the blood and zombies, might drop for the rich-girl-genius-tsundere pink haired archtype.
Shiki : Looks very promising, and the creepy loli seems interesting.
Ookami-san : Dropped 10 minutes in for annoying narrator and it was just annoying in general.
Amagami SS : Dropped because of stupid main character and unlikeable characters.
Rainbow : Awesome. Has me absorbed in each episode.
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Do watch Kaiba!! Best romance ever!
I see that our anime compatibility is 77.1% and that's high
you like Hetalia too?
and I see you do that too