Liked your Kill La Kill review. I mean naked school girls who are considerably underaged can only be swept under the rug if the plot is great. I was uninterested the minute the fight that should have been the end happened 2-4 episodes in....
But, to be honest you've got balls giving a review with 2.4 days watched. I waited years. Enjoy MAL.
Some of you guys need to chill out. The fact that he only has 2.4 days of anime might just be becuase he hasn't put every anime he has watched on his list like it's some kind of achievement. And even if he only has watched 2.4 days worth of anime does that really devalidate his opinion? Anime isn't as unique or niche as you all seem to think it is. If you wanna comment give him contructive criticism and not just "u r shit u have shit taste lol hahah i have more internet points than you have to im better lol fucking normie".
I'm not even gonna try to read your reviews, saw your ratings and by the looks of things you shouldn't be allowed to comment or review. With 2.4 days and only 145 episodes, a standard "oh i'm a weeb wannabe and its funny to put a trap picture" profile pic... You people ruin the community.
I thought Re:Creators was ambitious and I enjoyed it a lot for what it was. Yes, they could have explored a lot of different things with it. But I went into it without demands, expectations or anticipating a certain type of plot. I was happy with the result.
I definitely agree with that. I don't give things number ratings, but I of course realize that most people do. Was just commenting how I felt about the rating-to-review ratio being off a bit; based on what I've seen others say.
All Comments (21) Comments
But, to be honest you've got balls giving a review with 2.4 days watched. I waited years. Enjoy MAL.
I know you're better than that. I'll gladly accept your apology whenever you're ready~
also, great kill la kill review.