Hallo I'm Fayetta! I've been into anime since I was young, I was first introduced to it by watching Pokemon, since then I grew an interest in it and my mum used to take me to the video store after shopping, there I was searching the anime section and I found Studio Ghibli films, I didn't know who they were back then, I just remember picking up 'Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind', renting it and being blown away! =D Then I devoured one after another!
I ♥ : Sunny days, starry nights, video games, pancakes, waffles, animals, reading, comedy, slice of life, action, theme parks, disney, vocaloids!
I ♥ these films: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Let The Right One In, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, True Grit, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Aliens, Toy Story, Kung Fu Panda 1+2, Whisper of the Heart, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, When Harry Met Sally, Blazing Saddles.
I ♥ these Shows: The IT Crowd, Peep Show, 8 out of 10 Cats, The Simpsons, The Nostalgia Critic, The Angry Video Game Nerd.
I ♥ these Video Games: Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy IX, The Last of Us, The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Tomb Raider II, Resident Evil 2.
Feel free to comment ^_^
All Comments (134) Comments
I somehow ended up not replying in what feels like ages. Suddenly got busy with uni and didn't really have time to write any longer comments. ;-; Though now I have my bachelor's degree anyway. Two more years and I'll have my master's degree.
In other news! I have a new and really nice 25" 2K screen now, woo hoo! And kinda burned out on FFXIV, but now with the expansion out I've gotten into it again. So much stuff to do in the game now ,-,
And still didn't finish Bravely Default eh...
Also currently in this anime slump kind of state, I have a looooot of episodes stacked up from this new season that I'm going to check out, but haven't really felt like actually checking anything yet. :c
Also, I got my tablet back from repairs after almost two months, only to find out they'd screwed up another thing and I have to send it back on Friday again orz
Turns out my little brother watching Non Non Biyori and was highly entertained by it. But uh, I'm guessing he's less grumpy than I am after having seen as much as I have.
As for the new season's anime, turns out there's a lot of kind of generic fantasy stories. And then there's Kantai Collection and I don't even know why I'm really enjoying it.
Also, fun thing is that currently the console I want the most is the WiiU. It has the most current and upcoming games that I want. After that's the Vita and the the PS4. Currently the PS4 is just too expensive for the amount of games available. :| If every game ever was made for PC, consoles would die and I wouldn't be sad at all.
The Fate/stay Night Unlimited Blade Works TV series is great. It's really good :D Finally the franchise has found a studio that can do it justice. And now comes the wait for Spring when the second half begins airing. As for Madoka, I went into it expecting greatness due to the writer behind it. I fell victim to the hype train and ended up disappointed instead. orz And Madan no Ou turned out to be one of the most generic and yet most enjoyable shows this season. I still don't understand how that works. I heard some say Non Non Biyori is good, but I've never really felt like checking it out. As for Higurashi, I personally didn't like it. I guess partly for the same reason I ended up disappointed with Madoka :|
Oh yeah, speaking of FF. Kind of. I tried the Theathrythm Curtain Call demo the other day and it was really fun. Also tried the latest Etrian Odyssey while at it, also really fun. Suddenly so many games on the 3DS that I want. The eshop is pretty expensive though, but I have this huge SD-card so I don't really have any need for buying the physical games. :V
As for anime, I've somehow managed to keep up relatively well this season. The shows that I'm really enjoying this season are the Fate/stay night remake, Donten ni Warau, Madan no Ou to Vanadis and Akatsuki no Yona. The funny thing is I hadn't expected Donten ni Warau to be among the most enjoyable this season. In fact, I hadn't even expected to watch it further than the first episode. Not to mention those last two. I don't even know why I'm enjoying Madan no Ou as it's the epitome of a generic story (with nice additions like some city and town names from medieval Europe. I still miss Ulm though. It needs to be there.). Last one I'm probably enjoying mostly because it's not bad and the main character is voiced by probably one of the best voice actresses ever.
Uh, I think I kind of wrote a lot :V
I need to finish Tomb Raider sometime. I think it's next in my game backlog though, after finally finishing Shadow of Mordor. Should've been Assassin's Creed 4 next, but Uplay decided that I don't have a save file anymore and I just really don't feel like playing if I have to replay 36 hours of the game. Uplay still knows how far I progressed in the story, but the save file is nowhere to be seen. :|
Playing ninja (the new class) in FFXIV is so much fun. Not sure if it's a good or bad thing, but the main difference from black mage, which is the class I used to play the bost, is that I have to be active and do stuff all the time in combat. As black mage, I could just sit back and cast my spells while chatting and doing other stuff, thanks to pretty long casting times :D
The nice thing with retakes is that you kind of have unlimited tries. The sad thing is that you for whatever reasons couldn't pass the first time and thus have to spend more time later to pass the exam.
The last episode was basically an entire episode of some people on this armed forces team thingy bullying the main girl who's also on this team, and her not caring in the least. There. That's the episode. Oh and then it ended with said main girl waking up naked in a bed next to an unknown man. Somehow, strange stuff like this has become commonplace in recent shows from Sunrise. :|
Well, I haven't played it yet. Unexpected, I know. ( ¬‿¬) And yeah, I would've considered getting that bundle if I didn't already have both Tomb Raider (which I've yet to finish) and Thief (which I've yet to even install).
The FFXIV patch did come out, which was nice. I've spent way too many hours playing this week. Got the new class all the way to max level (50) in about 42 hours of playtime, spread out over 3 days. Oh well, I'll just pretend that this week of way too much gaming will make up for the considerably less time I'll have to play from Tuesday onwards. ( ¬‿¬)
As for my exam, turns out it didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped, and I'll probably retake it during the next exam period. :|
Well, not really distracting as much as covering the voice track completely making the voices unhearable. And I don't really know why I keep watching Cross Ange. I mean, sure, the music is amazing, but the whole show is so silly. :| This week's episode was kind of hilarious though, for all the wrong reasons.
I've only heard a bit of FFXIII's Japanese voices in some videos on Youtube, but seeing as Squenix are so good at choosing voice actors for even the English voice track, so the Japanese voice cast can't be anything but amazing. Oh, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes the voices just don't fit at all.
I bought Murdered: Soul Suspect the other day. The Square Enix store had this crazy halloween sale and it was dirt cheap. orz Actually, being a halloween sale it's probably still running. Speaking of games, I hope the next big patch for FFXIV comes out on Tuesday, because this week I'll have time to play for once. Second exam week, but I don't have any more exams, so it's technically a one week break.
Aww, now they've fixed the audio in Cross Ange too. First episode was weird, having louder background music than any other sound, sometimes overlaying the voice track. If it'd continued like that, it would've been way more enjoyable, I'm sure.
Now, FF being FF, even the English voices are pretty damn good, but in most cases Japanese voice acting is on a whole different level. But yeah, already have so many games to play and so many more to buy. Why is everything coming out during autumn щ(゚Д゚щ)
Well, Cross Ange is unlikely to be any good, which is too bad because the music is fantastic. Oh well.
As it turns out, FFXIII on Steam supposedly has Japanese voices as well as English. I don't think I've ever seen that in a FF game, except for XIV, so that's kind of surprising and it kind of makes me want to buy it.
Well, yeah. Shadow of Mordor turns out to be great fun. The story seems rather bland, but gameplay's fun enough to make up for it. And in fact, Star Citizen reached $55 million in crowd funding a couple days ago. So looking forward to it, it's going to be awesome.
I did check one new show already though, despite saying I wouldn't, namely Cross Ange. Not because I like Sunrise or because it seems interesting, but because the soundtrack is composed by Shikata Akiko. Amazing soundtrack is going to be amazing.
Well, if it goes like so many other PS3-to-PC ports, it'll be terribad. :|
Oh well, time to go pick off some stuff from that backlog.
Speaking of having loads of unfinished games, I went and bought this new Lord of the Rings game, Shadow of Mordor. It seems pretty fun, kind of like an Assassin's Creed game set in the Lord of the Rings world. Kind of the main reason I want to watch Wing Commander is because it's created and directed by Chris Roberts, who's currently producing the game with the most successful crowdfunding campaign ever in any category, namely Star Citizen. If the finished game is going to be anything near what they're aiming for, it's going to be the best damn space sim ever. And hey, only 41 episodes left of this season now! Too bad the new season is beginning already. orz Must not watch anything new before finishing off the old stuff.
The sad thing with FFXIII for PC is that I kind of want it, just for the sake of having it. I'm highly unlikely to play through the game again. :| I mean, sure, it was a pretty fun game, but that's mainly because of the story. I don't think there's that much replay value in it.
I feel like the backlog never ends. I mean, I've watched like a lot this week, but I'm still 46 episodes behind. orz Going to down 2 episodes now before going to sleep though. Also feel like watching some non-anime movies. Been planning to watch the old Wing Commander movie for a while now but haven't gotten around to it.
Haha yeah, with all these FF games coming out these days it's hard to keep track of them all. Speaking of which, apparently FFXIII came out for PC all of a sudden. :O For no reason whatsoever.
Oh well, time for a bit of anime and then sleep o/