also ever u need card sending help, then just make cards and send them to me, i can always send to people! Dont forget u havent send some SE :D their useless enyway... people send when they want.
U and Konoha Anbu are head admins so you two may make new layouts! Also im think if somebody could make id cards to poeple.. so they have to use id from club member card.. And befoe i actualy though if u have roy mustang club banner to add into jinchuuriki club.
I thank you very much for helping club as much u can!
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Also i had some fun chat with ather friends and we wondered, are u male or female:D (u dont have to aswer, its just for fun).
Ur admin so update when ever u want and add new cards when ever u want!
I thank you very much for helping club as much u can!