◆Born and raised in Canada ◆Living in Texas ◆Favorite sport: Hockey ◆Languages: Québecois/French, English and German ◆Hobbies:Cars, Anime and Airsoft Milsim ◆Favorite genres: Psychological, Cyberpunk and Shounen ◆Automotive enthusiast ◆Motosports crazy ◆Military sim enthusiast ◆Fate series fan ◆Certified cowboy ◆Rancher ◆All makert and culture car lover/currently working on a V8, America! ◆Loves; Driving on lonely secondary roads ◆Military surplus collector ◆Patriot ◆Likes women
Anime Girls in Uniform
My Goddess
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All Comments (103) Comments
Russia is going to descend into the Sengoku period. Rival Daimyo warlords and PMCs are going to battle it out to become Shogun.
Me with the backing of Monsanto, a few hundred billion dollars, and 300,000 AZOV fighters.
Saber tried to kill me with her Noble Phantasm after I told her that her failure was following the will of God (on this odd AI website).
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocked Wall Street on Wednesday for wanting to crack down on a Reddit message board that helped GameStop’s shares soar.
“Gotta admit it’s really something to see Wall Streeters with a long history of treating our economy as a casino complain about a message board of posters also treating the market as a casino,”