idk man, I've only read wholecake island since it wasnt available on crunchyroll in my country. I just prefered Wano animated. Besides that I just wanted to watch it rather than read, skipped filler ofc.
Yeah you're welcome. Are you a fan of ecchi though? I notice you gave High School DxD a very low rating. I should warn you that Kiss x Sis is about as extreme of an ecchi as it gets when it comes to frequency of sexual scenes so if you don't like when an anime has lots of sexual scenes and random nudity/panty shots you definitely won't like Kiss x Sis. For the OVA, you can't just not be bothered by sexual scenes, you need to want to see it because it really does take up a big portion of each episode. If you are an ecchi fan though or think you could get into the concept on its own sake, you'll love it.
Well I did write a review on Kiss X Sis if you want to check it out. But to sum it up, I love that its comfortable in the fact that its very perverted but also a very light-hearted and fun show. The whole show has a strong moe feel to it and the creators never treat this overlap of innocent cuteness and the pervy behavior of the characters as a contradiction. The part that makes it all really funny is how blatantly shameless all the characters are but they're still represented as very cute and sweet girls which makes them all very likable. As far as the ecchi goes, I will also admit that its the hottest and best ecchi I've ever seen. It also had me laughing the whole way though, whenever the jazz song came on indicating that a sexual scene was about to happen, I was already grinning. I think part of it is that I'm proud of the studio for showing that artistic creativity is not contradictory to having a borderline pornographic and fun show. The way a lot of other people think is that if its artsy it needs to be dark or pretentious and Kiss X Sis blows that out of the water by showing that pure fun can be intelligently done, and an artistic masterpiece too.
The second season of Higurashi wouldn't have done well if it stayed on the dementia route. I loved the paranoia and insanity of the first season, but I think it would've been a mistake to continue down that route for the second season or you risk audience fatigue. The second season was about explaining everything and giving the audience hope that the characters can get out of this time loop so I think they made a good decision. Plus, I personally didn't feel that the suspense was ruined. I thought the suspense was still very good in the second season especially since we've grown to care about the characters.
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idk man, I've only read wholecake island since it wasnt available on crunchyroll in my country. I just prefered Wano animated. Besides that I just wanted to watch it rather than read, skipped filler ofc.
Are you reading it?-
It wasn't yours to begin with...
The second season of Higurashi wouldn't have done well if it stayed on the dementia route. I loved the paranoia and insanity of the first season, but I think it would've been a mistake to continue down that route for the second season or you risk audience fatigue. The second season was about explaining everything and giving the audience hope that the characters can get out of this time loop so I think they made a good decision. Plus, I personally didn't feel that the suspense was ruined. I thought the suspense was still very good in the second season especially since we've grown to care about the characters.