I'm Farfalla. Some calls me Farf. ^^
You might know me from other places with other names; if you see Monochromatic Pylon, or Finite_farfalla, or combination of those, then there's high possibility that's me. Haha.
=IALC Newsletter=
Halo halo semua member IALC, mohon maaf menggangu jika menganggu tapi kami ingin coba sampaikan beberapa hal yang berlangsung di IALC saat ini
Pertama adalah Voting Best Summer 2014 Anime sedang kita selanggarakan, bagi teman teman yang sudah menonton dan ingin mendukung anime favorit di musim itu silahkan datang dan vote~.
Berikut link threadnya, IALC Vote Anime Summer 2014 Terbaik
Lalu selanjutnya adalah Grup LINE IALC! beberapa waktu yang lalu kita coba buat untuk mempermudah komunikasi antar member dan ini berhasil, ayo bergabung di grup LINE kita bagi yang memiliki smartphone ataupun android user di PC.
Dan ini link threadnya, IALC LINE Group
Sekian saja newsletter untuk saat ini, semoga teman teman dapat ikut berpartisipasi di kegiatan yang sedang kita adakan ini.
Jika ada pertanyaan jangan sungkan untuk bertanya di club ataupun lewat kami admin dan officer. :3
2) If you have any Doujin's you'd like to share, then please contact Hisagi-Chan, though she still has to add some to the thread in the Club =)
But do check if we dont already have it uploaded.
3) Share pictures of the lovely pairing if you have some in this thread, some people might need them *kekeke*
4) Last but not least, have great last days of this year and let's await the continuation of Gintama <3
Awww haha! Well I'm not really doing commissions anymore but just tell me what you want me to draw and I'll definitely draw it for free! *^* You really don't need to pay me, especially with your birthday coming up so soon, Farfy! <3
And h-how did you know, I was already trying to draw something for you for your birthday, p-psychic! *3*
All Comments (27) Comments
=IALC Newsletter=
Halo halo semua member IALC, mohon maaf menggangu jika menganggu tapi kami ingin coba sampaikan beberapa hal yang berlangsung di IALC saat ini
Pertama adalah Voting Best Summer 2014 Anime sedang kita selanggarakan, bagi teman teman yang sudah menonton dan ingin mendukung anime favorit di musim itu silahkan datang dan vote~.
Berikut link threadnya, IALC Vote Anime Summer 2014 Terbaik
Lalu selanjutnya adalah Grup LINE IALC! beberapa waktu yang lalu kita coba buat untuk mempermudah komunikasi antar member dan ini berhasil, ayo bergabung di grup LINE kita bagi yang memiliki smartphone ataupun android user di PC.
Dan ini link threadnya, IALC LINE Group
Sekian saja newsletter untuk saat ini, semoga teman teman dapat ikut berpartisipasi di kegiatan yang sedang kita adakan ini.
Jika ada pertanyaan jangan sungkan untuk bertanya di club ataupun lewat kami admin dan officer. :3
Just some news for you to know:
1) We have 200+ Members Limited Edition, for the first 50 members to post, there are still some spots left.
2) If you have any Doujin's you'd like to share, then please contact Hisagi-Chan, though she still has to add some to the thread in the Club =)
But do check if we dont already have it uploaded.
3) Share pictures of the lovely pairing if you have some in this thread, some people might need them *kekeke*
4) Last but not least, have great last days of this year and let's await the continuation of Gintama <3
Greetings from your GinxHiji FC ♥
The Tsunayoshi Sawada FC is new, but we hope more people that like or love Tsuna to join us!!
You can link to Tsunayoshi Sawada FC by following:
Link to club: http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=18111&time=1262933431
Untuk request member card IALC udah dibuka,silakan buka link ini.http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=14230
jangan lupa untuk mengecek polling bulanan di IALC ya.
Staff IALC
NB : IALC = Indonesian Anime Lovers Club
And h-how did you know, I was already trying to draw something for you for your birthday, p-psychic! *3*
aktif ya? di indo bagian mana nih?
Muku owl bby ;w;
Ara? Now they're 19 desu.
Amazingly High
Woah. And yet we share only 14 anime desu.