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Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari
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Ore to Mou Ichido, First Love.
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Uneducated_Weeb Oct 23, 2024 12:57 PM
I play Stardew Valley modded. Nothing game changing, just the appearance and some things that make the game slightly easier e.g getting into all chests no matter where they are. I don't play often, just when I'm in the mood. Also, it really is like we shop at the same place! We must be long lost siblings or something XD I've been meaning to get back to Disco Elysium but i deleted it for space DX I really want to 100% most of these games but ik i most likely wont.

The only reason i was able to get a Steam deck was because i spent all my money...i went broke DX. I totally get what you mean though, i felt the same way. Most of those games i wouldn't have gotten since my PC cant really handle it. Looool Id absolutely trade my Steam deck for your beautiful cat!!! but i think they'd miss you!!

Trust me, college wasn't too bad! My teacher was chill and let me watch anime on a second screen (as long as i was doing work). Maybe idk what I'm saying because i only attended 1yr (Which is a long story, a lotta family problems) but it wasn't as scary as ppl made it out to be. Just put your head down, focus, and then cause trouble during break/after school >:) I should have romanticised it, like some anime girl usually does. Also i thought you may have been older!! Im 19 this year! I don't wanna be old yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE MEEEEEEEE !!!!! Btw, i must be crazy, are you telling me you READ the big 3!?!?! Because mad respect. (P.S i haven't read Tokyo Ghoul yet but i just order vol. 3-4 and once i finish those ima blab away!)
reamatory Oct 22, 2024 4:08 PM
Sorry to reply to you so late! Life has been unkind, and the audhd has been even unkinder to me
I still celebrate your comment every time I see it haha! Respect the elders he said XDD
Do you feel like Omoide Emanon needs a sequel?
I kind of grew up with old-school sci-fi, and the story felt rather old-school sci-fi-ish and finished to me..So I actually couldn't bring myself to read the sequel as well (as of now). Have you possibly read it since then?
actually I still feel like the classic sci-fi is somewhat underrepresented in anime and manga ;;
And yeah well if you're still on here and still feel like having a conversation about anything you have read or watched recently - feel free to share^^ it might not come asap, but I'll make sure to reply eventually^^
Uneducated_Weeb Oct 10, 2024 8:25 AM
Bro Fang this is crazy!? Why the HELL are we both playing the SAME Picross game XDD. I downloaded it recently but I'm too used to how the 3Ds ones work, where it will tell you where u fucked up and double the timer. I play Stardew Velley too! Btw, I've added you so if you'd like to erase that part of your comment so the police don't get ya go ahead.

For me its almost similar. I either play video games or watch anime. I cant do both. That's why i take so much time off, i always end up doing something else. But tbh its nice to take a break, you end up refreshed and ready for some new animanga. Its good to get your studies out the way first and then reward yourself with good old anime lol (although that's what everyone says, not even i could do that when i was in college).
so i haven't touched steam in a good while, like i brought kingdom hearts recently but i haven't even touched it because i've been trying to finish naruto and ahughaaghsa
^ Meeeee! I got Devil May cry, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil 2 etc all at the same time and i started them all up and haven't completed ONE.

Thanks for wishing me luck! Omg that's so true those bozo's probably don't even know what anime is! And by big 3, do you mean Naruto One Piece anddd Bleach?? I'm not even close to finishing any DX nice job! Also Mate i didn't know you were Australian, that's mad cool!! So you have bone die beach or whatever its called alongside that tv show XD And yeah I'm up for talking about TG!! I'm the same when it comes to learning Japanese. Its hard to stay committed when everyone around you is speaking English. We need IMMERSION!!
Uneducated_Weeb Oct 7, 2024 11:21 AM
Fangggg i swear down i didn't mean to leave, i look like a hypocrite lol. When i was messaging you that i had a lingering feeling i was going to drop anime and take a break but i was trying to hang on as much as i could because i KNOW how many months i take off. Even now, I'm not interested in manga or anime but there's so many things to read and watch this season so i want to catch up. Hey!! Maybe i can read Tokyo Ghoul for Halloween! Perfect! I'm stealing your idea loser!!!

I often think the same thing when i see you on my list, honestly when i see you offline i just hope you're gonna log back on lol. I can assure you I've been well, i got a steam deck and it took all my attention away XD. If you have a steam account, id happily add you. Also, no matter how long i go away for, i will ALWAYS be back. (last words DX)

Happy October to you too!! I haven't been out for Halloween for years. I use to go with my dad, it was so fun! In England its not much of an event, people go trick or treating but there's no big parties or crazy things like in America or Japan's Shibuya for example. I'm thinking of trying to do something though. Good luck on the move, it sound fun honestly! Also it makes sense not taking the butcher job but always keep doors open just in case! I've not been lucky job one wants to hire me!!! I'm trying to get a job to go to JP language school, i was hoping to go 2025 but that seems like tomorrow which is impossible now. Uneducated Weeb may be too Uneducated for these bozo's.
ertiis Aug 19, 2024 8:07 PM
Exactly! It has to happen to everyone at least once for us to go oh shit gotta up our backup game. Ahh you lost artwork too?? I had a few Photoshop files that I lost, but somehow had the lower-res JPEGs saved somewhere lol. What kind of art do you do if you don’t mind me asking? Yeah, that’s a great way of putting it: it gives us a good excuse to start from scratch and organize things better… but hopefully not everytime lol.

Lmao omggg a single grain of rice!!! That’s effin’ TRAGIC. Yeah, I said “destroyed itself” cuz I had no idea what happened at all. it just started flickering and then had a seizure. The OS and everything was completely functional, but the screen just couldn’t chill out, and since I had warranty, I went straight back before it got worse. Heck yeah they’re so cheaply made; everyone likes their tech to look thinner and sleeker, but they don’t realize one small move can destroy it. I might sound old when I say this, but I kinda miss the clunkier stuff for that same reason XD. An actual PC would be soooo nice right now my goddd, and a lot easier to upgrade too over time, so even if a laptop is way cheaper, PCs save us money over time… I think lol? Unless yer gunning for that hyper gaming rig😎

Thanks for reassuring me! I remember having friends that were like ohhhhmygod you talk sooo much, but they didn’t mean it in a bad way, and you’re absolutely right! If our conversation ever gets college-thesis level long, feel free to cut things down to a manageable size. I’m telling you this because i’m not sure if I can myself loool.

AHHHH OMG BLACKJAAAACK HE’S SO FLOOFY AND ADORABLE, LOOKIT THOSE BEADY EYYYES. Oh man I’m laughing cuz I’m all 🥹 but then I’m thinking you have him in your shady trench coat showing everyone to get them interested lmao. That’s so damn adorable how he’s ditzy and so friendly ahhh I can tell he’s a gentle babie looking at those eyes <3. I get real crazy with animals because I never owned a pet since I’m allergic, so I appreciate every little opportunity I can get. I humbly thank you for sharing *bow bow*✨

Thanks for the encouragement!! ^ u^ It’s so good to be real with our circumstances and make any effort we can because we can’t stay worrying that we’re getting nowhere if we’re clearly working on it, right? Oh, don’t say miracle, I might just become too swole’d up to the point of no return! Jokes aside, I’ll be doing my due diligence, and hope you get any number of things accomplished for yourself, too! Everyday’s a new day, and you have BlackJack too to cheer you on~😁 or waiting for pets. Same thing, honestly lol.
ertiis Aug 18, 2024 10:23 AM
Ohh man, the dreaded failure of tech and the loss it incurs. So sorry you had to go through that, and the costs! It's good you recovered from that and had the break, cuz continuing in those conditions always lead to burnout.😵‍💫
That is a good topic loll I most certainly had a lot of that happen to me. My old external drive died, and at the time I didn't have anything backed up on a cloud or anything, so it was alllll gone. Luckily (?), I couldn't remember most of what was lost since I had that drive for decades. So maybe precious photos/files were lost, but ignorance is bliss... except for my music. I at least had all my music on an ipod classic, so I slooowly transferred them through a third party app back onto my computer. A few files got corrupted, but I managed to recover most of it. A multi-week endeavor, that. I swear on cloud services now to back everything else up on top of externals, but I've got way too much music to back up without going insane lol.
I also had a newly bought laptop's screen destroy itself just from turning it on. Thankfully it had warranty, so I got it completely replaced, but was just like ??? Gotta roll with the punches when it comes to things suddenly breaking down, and always have a secret pocket stashed with money dollars for tech emergencies. Sorry to make that long; I just went down memory lane and am shakin' my head lol.

Ohh that's smart with the pets looool. It's working, pls show me or tell me about your cat. What is its name? Who aaaare they? XD

I feel exactly the same about this year. Can't really point at anything specifically that's caused it to be kinda flat, but I dig your optimism, the year's not over yet! We can still do something that'll help us look back and go, " well, that wasn't so bad." Thinking about it as I write this, I def should be more physically active. I've been real sensitive to the weather (too hot, too cold) and I think weirdly enough it's connected to my lack of stamina. More active people tend to be more tolerable to the extreme weather I think (in my experience, but I could be wrong!). It's easy to form bad habits and be negligent, but self-awareness is a good first step~👍
ertiis Aug 17, 2024 1:16 PM
Awww I figured you were out for a while cuz you haven't logged in a few months before I commented, so it's okay! Glad you're still alive, at least, and hopefully okay!! XD We all gotta take breaks from time to time.

And it's totally cool! I totally understand. I'm awkward and unsure of how to interact so it's hard to keep a convo going, but you're definitely cool too😊 Would never hold it against you, and it's nice we can use special days/holidays to break the ice if we so need loool.

And thank youuu~! This month's going so fast, I keep forgetting I'm that close to my bday😳
Uneducated_Weeb Jul 30, 2024 12:58 AM
Noo fang don't go! Now i know how you felt seeing me offline for months. Do you have an anilist account? Also, I'm going to be using MAL a little more often
ertiis May 16, 2024 12:51 PM
Happy birthday!🥳 Hope you've been good, and enjoy your day!
Gros May 16, 2024 7:07 AM
happy BD
ClubM Apr 1, 2024 8:02 AM
Yeah we are back but I've been so busy and miss you all! DOn't forget about me haha

You've already finished it!! I'm only halfway there! Does It get like real at times? Because the manga does have it's real moments and stuff but like do people go through depression or even a death? Also, does everyone end up with someone? Don't spoil but just answer yes or no haha

Hope you've been good man! What did you think about some of the endings from the anime you've watched this season!
ClubM Mar 19, 2024 8:52 AM
And to answer your bus question, many major cities have trains and busses that are fairly cheap and even free for some students depending on certain things. Busses and trains are pretty big here in the states. Even in smaller towns they have busses but those smaller tows sometimes have shitty scheduling, unpredictable timing, and can be more unlike in the city. the city doesn't miss a beat haha.
ClubM Mar 19, 2024 8:50 AM
YOOOOOO! Missed you, man! Been freaking busy and tired but aye that's life right? (: But yeah man the car is better than ever I'm not even kidding. I saved thousands of dollars by going to these guys and as the kids say. trusting in the process. It's the little things that make me happy man.

Dude what!!! I never knew about all that. Why is it a freaking mess????

I see you read some Cat Street which I wanna say, whatever you think, I'm just happy and respect you for keeping your word and trying it out. Means a lot to mean when people keep their word. Alright....lets see what you think... 🥁

It seems you are enjoying it!!! Right, why did she have to come back? Idk how far you are now but sheeit man she gets more pathetic and desperate. I love most of the characters so much bro. They all feel human and relatable.
ClubM Mar 12, 2024 6:48 AM

Yeah 16 16-year-olds old can get licenses man. The thing is they went through a driving school (usually offered by the school) and it's kinda expensive. You take that class for an X amount of weeks and then you have drive with your parent(s) and log a certain amount of hours before taking the tests and then getting your license. Shoot my old friend Mitch had a car and driving at the early 16 which I thought was the coolest haha.

That's a broken system Why make it so difficult? DO yall have many buses??

Dude please read it with me haha! I've been enjoying it and I'm a few volumes in.
ClubM Mar 8, 2024 9:10 PM
My car isn't done for yet!! Just like a protagonist who is down to their last move in a shonen, my car too shall prevail and never give up! haaha

Min age to get a license there is 22?! Uh that's so weird and late to me bro! Many kids here have them before they leave high school. Most have them by their senior year I'd say.

Yeah, I hear in China they kinda have the same thing. It costs a lot of money to get a license, car, maintain a car, etc. My bro's wife just turned 36 and she just learned how to drive (she's from China if you didn't catch on to that).

Aye man, I encourage you to try a new anime that you wouldn't normally might be delightfully surpised. I started reading this choujo slice of life romance manga called Cat Street and it's great. I'm only a few volumes in but I think I might have a new favorite character and manga depending on how it all ends.
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