All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 112.8
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed361
- On-Hold29
- Dropped88
- Plan to Watch20
- Total Entries513
- Rewatched3
- Episodes6,832
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 20.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries26
- Reread8
- Chapters2,855
- Volumes105
All Comments (1341) Comments
love, funkfreed/cocopuff
As for the 4th, I know Tsuna is active on another anime forum. I posted there for a while, but I couldnt really keep up so I didnt bother to stay. For the rest, not so much. Kai says he will chat on skype, but I never got around to setting that up. I dont have time to live chat these days.
Sports anime is great, and Ippo is definitely one of the best. And yes, I have recs for you. Its a bit of an oldie, but the classic of boxing anime, Ashita no Joe is definitely a must see. Its a little less upbeat than Ippo, but it has great characters and a story that really leaves an impact. IN some ways it surpasses Ippo. If you are looking for something shorter, Ping Pong was pretty cool.
On the shounen side of things, I had some fun with Kuroko no Basket and Diamond no Ace.
Well, we have different tastes in 2d women... my personal new favorite goddess is Kujo Karen from Kiniro Mosaic. I also liked Chitoge from Nisekoi just to name two... I can't really think of any others at this moment >.< Most moe girls nowadays are very generic and unoriginal :(
And there's still plenty of shows to watch. : D