All criticisms are relative to a time and a place:
10 = meme
9 = deeply enriching, continues to insert itself in my day to day and idle musings
8 = excellent, something i have a strong emotional resonance with
7 = great experience, could easily be an 8 from a more traditional perspective
6 = yea it's fine, probably not my genre but i've got nothing better to do
5 = run of the mill, easily replaceable
1-4 = largely negative, frustrating or tedious, strong regret of time investment
But, I usually just drop shows that would be rated 5 or lower.
Most my scores from 2013-2016 were swayed to extremes by emotions or general inexperience with media, but it feels wrong to change them retrospectively.
I guess my true feelings on things lies somewhere between this account and flaudible.
Ratings are just superficial heat signatures, y'know?
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