All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 314.2
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed1,081
- On-Hold56
- Dropped15
- Plan to Watch259
- Total Entries1,414
- Rewatched29
- Episodes18,547
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 32.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries96
- Reread0
- Chapters5,238
- Volumes581
All Comments (18) Comments
I did get Trails of Cold Steel in the latest Steam Sale. So I have put 35 hours into that so far.
But other than that it is just been isolated Fifa craves.
Here is a link to the club page as you said your invite did not send ^.^ -
I tend to like to start a conversation with everyone I invite instead of just giving you a random invite.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
What video games have you been playing recently?
okno, gracias por la friend request, cualquier cosa por aqui estoy a la orden, saludos!
"With his authority secure, General Pérez Jiménez forced many former associates into exile and tortured, murdered and incarcerated hundreds of other opponents. Many were sent to the Guasina Island prison in the Orinoco jungle. The national university was closed, independent labor unions were abolished, and the press was intimidated.
The main pillar of General Pérez Jiménez's rule was the much feared National Security police force. It was run by a cruel but loyal underling, Pedro Estrada, whom Hubert Herring in ''The History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present'' called ''as vicious a manhunter as Hitler ever employed.''
Government spending on education and health was slashed, and the earnings from oil sales were diverted into lavish, costly and often superfluous construction projects. General Pérez Jiménez presided over the opening of a highway between Caracas and the Caribbean coast, the building of a copy of Rockefeller Center and a luxury mountaintop hotel that overlooks Caracas and what was said to be the world's most expensive officers' club. His cronies pocketed much of the remaining government budget.
Fearing a repetition of his electoral embarrassment in 1952, General Pérez Jiménez ordered that an election scheduled late in 1957 be replaced by a simple plebiscite on his administration. Barely two hours after the polls had closed, the triumphant results were announced: 85 percent supposedly favored his remaining in office for another five years."
Tortura? Exilio? Muerte? Represión? Utilizo indiscriminado del ejercito? Fraude electoral? Opresión de las universidades? Gastando en cualquier cosa menos en la educación y la salud? Es esto lo que se entiende por "todo funcionaba"? No te recuerda a alguien? Quizás a Maduro?
Por lo menos ahora con el internet y los smartphones todo queda registrado, en esa época al pobre, al común lo desaparecían y quien se enteraba? Maduro es un santo en comparación a ese hombre y el proceso bolivariano funciona a la perfección.
Yo soy demasiado despistada, asi que no, no me habia fijado hahaha :<