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Naruto Gaiden: Nanadaime Hokage to Akairo no Hanatsuzuki
Sep 26, 2016 1:29 PM
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All Comments (9) Comments
You should take a look at paragraph 3, with all the currently airing season you watch. It might be of interest -.^.
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fifth Newsletter!
~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fourth Newsletter!
We at the Anime Guild have brought back the topic of the week, but now you have the chance to pick what topic will talk about every month in our voting thread that is ongoing right now. Have fun participating ^.^
Did you enjoy Shokugeki no Souma? We surely did with Souma winning both the Anime and Character of the Season Polls. What that also means is our Seasonal Card Edition is out for all your Souma needs.
Something unique to the Anime Guild has been our Power Rankings Committee. We have done some retooling recently to make the feature more accommodating for more of our members to participate. There are now two different classes (Casual Class- 5 show voting and Titan Class- 10 show voting). If you are interesting in participating in the 2016 Winter Season please sign-up here
Then for the main event of the year, is the inaugural 2015 Anime Trivia Challenge. Where you can test your knowledge of what happened in this year of anime. Will you be the one with the biggest Anime IQ? Will you be our Champion? Thread link is right here
Our Head Admin is a big dork for personality tests and personality psychology and at the Anime Guild we have several threads dedicated to personality tests like Myers Briggs 16 Personalities, Enneagram Personality Test, and What is YOUR Business Cultural Profile?. So please share your results and entertain our head admin (what a loser right?).
[i]~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Third Newsletter!
After 11 months of existence we have finally started to get into the card game thanks to Sakamoto. Here is a link to her first edition. Our next edition will be our one year anniversary that will be coming out sometime after September 6th.
Speaking of Artsy things. We at the Anime Guild is currently looking to expand our Art Department. If you are interested then please follow the steps in this thread.
We finally have started to hold events for our steam group as seen here So if your interested please make sure you join our Steam group.
Our last bit of news is that were starting to get into the later rounds of the 2nd Seasonal Openings Competition. The link to the bracket is [i][b]Here.[/i][/b] One match up is posted daily so make sure you don’t miss anything -.^. Our first Ending Competition will be started shortly after.
[i]~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
I'm just saying it has a terrible story and the following episodes don't contribute much to the story. That's what my review was about.
You have zero understanding about the difference between plot and character and world development. I don't think you're capable of criticising someone else's review.
Yes, I did not watch Cowboy Bebop since nothing much happened in the first few eps, same as with Trigun.
Klaus hasn't done very much. Do you call shouting out one-liner moves and hitting things as doing much? The only interesting thing he's done was play that chess-like game. Stick to One Piece, at least that has a story at least.
It takes 4 episodes
Episode 2: Introduce some random villains and then they get instantly forgotten.
Episode 3: Introduce some random brain thing and it's instantly forgotten too.
Episode 4: Random vampire battle that serves no purpose.
Episode 5: Another random event to introduce characters in an already large cast who haven't really done anything outside of their episode.
So it takes 5 episodes for something to develop (Femt and Black). That's like calling bleach and naruto fillers as a great addition to the story. Do argue what you would have missed by not watching episodes 2, 3, 4 that you couldn't easily gain by just getting a list of names introduced.
Lucky star had more of a story than this nonsense.
You need a dictionary honestly.