Hello!! Thank you for your request and message! It's wonderful to meet you, and I'm glad to hear that you feel the same way about what you look for in a story :') I love your favorites as well, and I would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on CCS if you get around to watching more sometime!
Oh, if you're liking Mashimaro so much already I can't wait to see what you think of it later on. You see, while it certainly does remain as a lovely yet surprisingly 'dry' comedy show throughout its 12 eps, it somehow evolves it something more towards the end and this segmented itself as a favourite for me. Towards around ep 9 and onward this show becomes more so a mini character-study for Nobue as it explores her adult mind as compared to the young 'uns. And yeah, Ichigo Mashimaro became my favourite comedy show all the way back when I first watched it in Summer 2016 - feels sooo long ago! :') (also it ain't leaving any time soon, I can assure you).
Thanks so much for having read my messily written Scattered Recollections on Natsu no Sora, hopefully I got across how much I was smitten by that show. I can't stress enough how everything that show did was so authentic and original: everything from it's scene composition (where rather than a more linear storytelling it's sort of made up of a sequence of shorter cuts that somehow seamlessly work), to how dialogues are handled where instead of back and forth cuts from one character to another you very often have the camera pointed to a character listening to someone else speak to them from the background as if you are also listening into the conversation, to how the setting takes a surprising backseat. It's just mind-boggling to me honestly. It's great to see that you're planning to watch it soon - I can't wait to see what you think! There's really nothing else like it, yet at the same time it reminds me of so many other series e.g Kino's Journey, Haibane Renmei, Aria, Mushishi, Shinsekai Yori, Serial Experiments Lain, Omoide Poroporo and many many more it's ridiculous.
Nah dontchu worry I'm actually enjoying Sangatsu no Lion to quite an extent! Episode 18 in particular was beautiful with that exquisitely well handled bathtub scene where Rei almost drowned. The animation is just criminally meticulous man, I swear they just keep throwing in sakuga moments that's out of place even for Shaft I feel sorry for the poor animators ;-;.
Oh, and how can I be too harsh towards this show when you've got moments like these:
I completely agree with you about After the Rain - it really lacks anything particularly interesting or memorable to set it apart from any old show, especially when compared to something like Tsuki ga Kirei. I also agree that Kondou is the best and easiest to empathise with character out of the bunch - especially with some of the newer episodes. As a side note though, the cloud porn is just too good for this show, and probably the only reason I'm still watching!
Violet Evergarden definitely improves over time imo. A lot of ideas that were glossed over in the earlier episodes are at least fleshed out now, and a meaningful, though cliched, character arc is starting to be built up, and yet I still struggle to care, and occasionally find the odd episode horrible (especially episode 4, where violet learned basically nothing new and a random side character had some very generic and unsatisfying family conflicts, and ended up (if I remember correctly) apologising to her parents who, tbh, were both massive twats for the most part). Its still insanely beautiful, and the naoko yamada storyboards for episode 5 are especially wonderful, but at the end of the day it's also nothing that exciting.
Much more exciting though is all the manga you've been reading! How were YKK (I think thats your first 10 as well) and Punpun? And also is dead dead demon worth reading? I've had my eye on that one for a while.
And yeah sharing that video was the pinnacle of my time on MAL
YKK nun dein meist geliebtes Werk im Anime-,Manga-versum? :)
Man kann Alpha's Alltagsleben und ihre austrahlende Freude und Melancholie in vielen kleinen Momenten einfach nur genießen und lieben :3
Freu mich, dass dir Punpun auch gefallen hat und viel Spaß mit Kotonoba Drive und DDDD... :D
Oh, jemand der Punpun liest. Nice!
Wie findest du es so?
Wenn du Lust hast kannst du, nachdem du es gefinished hast, mir deine Gedanken dazu gern mitteilen.
Man, Daniel and I were attending a lecture when you sent that latest comment and it was so damn hilarious that we both laughed so loudly that people turned their heads at us! Absolutely the greatest anime quote hahaha, never change Aoi Bungaku... never change.
Also, thanks for the compliments. I don't think you're overthinking Sensei's body posture at all, in fact I completely agree. It's a great observation and suggestion :')
Danke! =)
Hab wirklich kein Problem länger auf ne Antwort zu warten. Dafür freut man sich dann umso mehr, wenn man sie erhält :3
Hauptsache dir vergeht nicht die Lust an der kleinen Konversation und wenn ich mal zu viel schreibe sag es mir einfach ;)
Und vielen Dank für die schöne Ambient Collection, sie ist wirklich sehr atmosphärisch.
Da antworte ich mal auch mit ein paar Fotos, die ich in meiner Umgebung mal gemacht hatte. Nichts besonders und weniger atmosphärisch, einfach nur ein paar kleine Momentaufnahmen :)
"But whatever, I'm probably just ranting because it shouldn't be that hard to portray a realistic relationship; a relationship whose development is slow and genuine rather than happening within milliseconds only so that the characters and can stand awkwardly next to each other without saying a word, yet alone knowing or fully understanding each other. It's still a pretty neat timepasser, but I can't deny that I'd love to see and experience a little bit more than that. :c"
Can't help but to say you should love Maisson Ikkoku then :D
Since the development between Godai and Kyoko is very slow, it might even seem non existent untill later episodes, yet if you take a closer look it's definitely there. It's a plus side of it's 96 episodes since it doesen't need to rush it.
I want to say more about it but then it will start to get into spoiler territory so i won't do that :p
All i can say is please be patient with it since most people who dislike Maison Ikkoku turn away from it because they take the "misunderstanding gimmick" too far and sometimes understandably so :s but then they miss out on prob the best romance work in the medium, well atleast in my opinion hehe :D
Ah good to know that you are liking those, since i planned to read them someday, i do like reading manga but i really have to be in the mood for it. For some reason i only enjoy reading manga at night in my bed haha :p.
Yeah tbh i also started to watch Doremi because i noticed alot of hype for it recently hehe, so far so good even tho there are quite a few things i don't like about it so far, for example when they try to be serious it fails to be poignant for the most part, it's use of magic is quite questionable.
However the main cast is quite memorable and fun, i did laugh more then i expected i would. And since it's suposed to get better each season i'm quite exicted to watch more :)
Couldn't have said it better myself man. I mean, just looking at some pictures of Sensei instills me a haunting chill to the spine.
And actually on that note, it's genius to me how Sensei doesn't look into the 'camera' directly, and usually points his back instead. I mean, look at the author herself for a change:
Jetzt heißt es erst mal warten bis zur nächsten 3-gatsu no lion Folge wegen der olympischen Winterspiele. Bist du auch so traurig :'(
Ich sollte wirklich mal mit dem Manga beginnen.
Und ich sehe nun, du hast auch schon mit Punpun begonnen. Es braucht vielleicht am Anfang ein wenig Gewöhnungszeit, aber das ist es definitiv wert.
Viel Spaß dabei und mit Alpha's Alltag natürlich auch.. :)
All Comments (102) Comments
Thanks so much for having read my messily written Scattered Recollections on Natsu no Sora, hopefully I got across how much I was smitten by that show. I can't stress enough how everything that show did was so authentic and original: everything from it's scene composition (where rather than a more linear storytelling it's sort of made up of a sequence of shorter cuts that somehow seamlessly work), to how dialogues are handled where instead of back and forth cuts from one character to another you very often have the camera pointed to a character listening to someone else speak to them from the background as if you are also listening into the conversation, to how the setting takes a surprising backseat. It's just mind-boggling to me honestly. It's great to see that you're planning to watch it soon - I can't wait to see what you think! There's really nothing else like it, yet at the same time it reminds me of so many other series e.g Kino's Journey, Haibane Renmei, Aria, Mushishi, Shinsekai Yori, Serial Experiments Lain, Omoide Poroporo and many many more it's ridiculous.
Nah dontchu worry I'm actually enjoying Sangatsu no Lion to quite an extent! Episode 18 in particular was beautiful with that exquisitely well handled bathtub scene where Rei almost drowned. The animation is just criminally meticulous man, I swear they just keep throwing in sakuga moments that's out of place even for Shaft I feel sorry for the poor animators ;-;.
Oh, and how can I be too harsh towards this show when you've got moments like these:
Yesterday, 7:41 AM
Watching 1/12 · Scored -
Also, Mahoutsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto: Natsu no Sora PTW? +1
Violet Evergarden definitely improves over time imo. A lot of ideas that were glossed over in the earlier episodes are at least fleshed out now, and a meaningful, though cliched, character arc is starting to be built up, and yet I still struggle to care, and occasionally find the odd episode horrible (especially episode 4, where violet learned basically nothing new and a random side character had some very generic and unsatisfying family conflicts, and ended up (if I remember correctly) apologising to her parents who, tbh, were both massive twats for the most part). Its still insanely beautiful, and the naoko yamada storyboards for episode 5 are especially wonderful, but at the end of the day it's also nothing that exciting.
Much more exciting though is all the manga you've been reading! How were YKK (I think thats your first 10 as well) and Punpun? And also is dead dead demon worth reading? I've had my eye on that one for a while.
And yeah sharing that video was the pinnacle of my time on MAL
Man kann Alpha's Alltagsleben und ihre austrahlende Freude und Melancholie in vielen kleinen Momenten einfach nur genießen und lieben :3
Freu mich, dass dir Punpun auch gefallen hat und viel Spaß mit Kotonoba Drive und DDDD... :D
Wie findest du es so?
Wenn du Lust hast kannst du, nachdem du es gefinished hast, mir deine Gedanken dazu gern mitteilen.
Also, thanks for the compliments. I don't think you're overthinking Sensei's body posture at all, in fact I completely agree. It's a great observation and suggestion :')
Hab wirklich kein Problem länger auf ne Antwort zu warten. Dafür freut man sich dann umso mehr, wenn man sie erhält :3
Hauptsache dir vergeht nicht die Lust an der kleinen Konversation und wenn ich mal zu viel schreibe sag es mir einfach ;)
Und vielen Dank für die schöne Ambient Collection, sie ist wirklich sehr atmosphärisch.
Da antworte ich mal auch mit ein paar Fotos, die ich in meiner Umgebung mal gemacht hatte. Nichts besonders und weniger atmosphärisch, einfach nur ein paar kleine Momentaufnahmen :)
Can't help but to say you should love Maisson Ikkoku then :D
Since the development between Godai and Kyoko is very slow, it might even seem non existent untill later episodes, yet if you take a closer look it's definitely there. It's a plus side of it's 96 episodes since it doesen't need to rush it.
I want to say more about it but then it will start to get into spoiler territory so i won't do that :p
All i can say is please be patient with it since most people who dislike Maison Ikkoku turn away from it because they take the "misunderstanding gimmick" too far and sometimes understandably so :s but then they miss out on prob the best romance work in the medium, well atleast in my opinion hehe :D
Yeah tbh i also started to watch Doremi because i noticed alot of hype for it recently hehe, so far so good even tho there are quite a few things i don't like about it so far, for example when they try to be serious it fails to be poignant for the most part, it's use of magic is quite questionable.
However the main cast is quite memorable and fun, i did laugh more then i expected i would. And since it's suposed to get better each season i'm quite exicted to watch more :)
Oh man.
She's doing her best <3. You still have a long way to go, and so many sublime chapters left! So excited for you!
Found somthing good/intresting?
Ich sollte wirklich mal mit dem Manga beginnen.
Und ich sehe nun, du hast auch schon mit Punpun begonnen. Es braucht vielleicht am Anfang ein wenig Gewöhnungszeit, aber das ist es definitiv wert.
Viel Spaß dabei und mit Alpha's Alltag natürlich auch.. :)