A Little About Me:
I got into anime in middle school, and I watched a ton of it in high school. I am currently in college, and I study Japanese CMLT and Music with a concentration in euphonium. I still watch anime sporadically because it helps me with my Japanese, but its very addicting and I try to stay away from it most of the time.
- Likes: anime, classical music, sappy teen romance and fantasy/adventure books, over-committing myself, organization, sleeping in~
- Dislikes: reality TV, over-committing myself, fish~
- Hobbies: horseback riding, crocheting, reading, singing, making music, and sleeping
I don't initiate conversations very often, but I am generally open to messaging. Please drop me a line if you have any burning questions.
Anime Info:
- I believe dubs are sacrilegious, unless the Japanese voice actors are really bad, and alternatively the English ones are highly rated. But generally I only watch anime because I like figuring out more about the language. It's very useful for vocabulary once you learn the basic grammar. I'm a bit (understatement of the century) obsessive and even if I'm absolutely sick of watching an anime its hard for me to not finish it once I start, so at this point I take starting a new anime pretty seriously.
- Scoring: I give a positive critical score to animes that have a certain amount of realism, also, a well constructed plotline, decent music + title sequence, as well as the art (I notice all the small details; the more realistic the better!!!). Sometimes I feel like my scores are inconsistent, as I might go back and change some scores as I think back on the show, but then after re-watching I realize I made a mistake. I watched many of these anime when I was younger so when I watched them also reflects in their score. Gintama has gotten me red in the face and unable to breath from it's comedy, and while many might say it's not a "materpiece" of artwork or intelligience on the mangaka's part, wit and enjoyment it reason enough for me to boost an anime's score. So, obviously some of my scores are less objective than others, but I try my best to give each anime a fair rating.
- Characters: Depth is the most important thing. They usually have the most layers. I normally cringe at the weaklings in shounen anime; especially intelligence-wise. Realism again is important, and I like seeing humanism. Characters that seem to change personalities also bother me, but development, of course, is wonderful. I'm a girl, and I also enjoy incredibly cute characters, like Frosch from Fairy Tail.
- Style: Music is important to me. I think the most memorable music in an anime that I have watched is Durarara!. The piano theme developed and changed as the characters did. Masterful. I also like it when the animation isn't blocky and the movement of the characters seems natural, and usually that means that I like the newer anime. I hate unrealistic, inconsistent, and poorly executed proportions in character design as a rule. No human being has an eight pack at 14 years old, tits larger than their face, or natural green hair. Again, realism is awesome.
- Genres: I love anime that pulls on your emotional strings; seriously . . . anything that evokes strong feelings, I just love the depth that they put through. I also like anime that offer unique style and presentation. Funny animes as a genre I think are underrated. I truly enjoy an anime that can give me side-splitting humor, and I don't think there is enough of it. I have watched and enjoyed many Shounen animes like Naruto, One Peace, and Bleach, however, I just can't take waiting forever to find out what happens next, and they are a huge time suck; that is why many of them are dropped. I have no problems with Hentai, but ecchi as a genre does not make much sense to me because its just a bunch of teasing. Yaoi is fun when it's done well. Sorry to the fans, but I'm not too into mecha, in particular. There is too much of it and I don't think it makes much sense (basically giant humanoid robots controlled by smaller people doesn't interest me).
If that's not enough, feel free to check out my list!!! ^^
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And I don't have much time anymore so I only watch some shows :'(
You probably have no idea who I am.
This is because I have changed my username.
My previous username was Neko_Nozomi-Chan.
Just telling you so all confusion could be avoided.
Thank you for reading~