All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 159.8
Mean Score:
- Watching39
- Completed483
- On-Hold18
- Dropped14
- Plan to Watch827
- Total Entries1,381
- Rewatched0
- Episodes10,834
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 50.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries229
- Reread0
- Chapters8,677
- Volumes255
All Comments (10) Comments
Yeah, since born I live here, never went to another country, but I have plans as most people.
Hyped af for s3
Whao, thats an awesome worldwide background, sorry if it sounds rude.
So you speak English, Spanish and an Asian language like korean, japanese, chinese?
Yeah, English is the best way to be on the internet.
At the age of 9, I got 3 months of english classes in a language school for free, there I learned a lot about the basis, fundamentals, gramatic rules and vocabulary, then I learned on my own on the internet and in the english classes on school until university, besides listening music, watching series and movies, reading mangas, playing games, english youtubers and websites like this.
Now, the last comment:
Yes, Im from México, but I just use Spanish on latin clubs, once I commented in a series's post in Spanish and one moderator deleted my comment and said that I had to write in English, it was like 3-4 years ago, but recently Ive seen a few comments in Spanish without any problem, so maybe that "restriction" is over.
Si, soy de México, pero acá sólo escribo en español en los clubes latinos, una vez comenté en español en un post de un episodio y un moderador me borró el comentario y puso que tenía que escribir en inglés, habrá sido hace unos 3-4 años, pero últimamente he visto comentarios (pocos) en español sin que tengan algún problema, tal vez ya cambió ese show.