Going by Erikillo/Alien3.0C on most sites
I like to write shit-long walls of text that nobody reads to practice my english
If seeing the number 727 makes you go into a psychotic trance feel free to send a friend request
Who thought letting all the reactions count towards the "front page points" was a good idea? You can just create a poorly-written mildly controversial review in five minutes and every bystander will go and vote "confusing" like sheep, making your review zoom through the standings effortlessly.
I did not lie in my review, that is what I think about the AMV, but the arguments are poorly sustained and based on "hurr durr me not like rap, amv bad"; I literally and unironically wrote it while taking a shit. It's low effort and does not deserve to be in that spot, even with the excuse of "first review" to encourage new reviewers.
the review in question
"But Erik, that way you are just embarrassing yourself, it's not something to be proud of but rather a pin of shame" Well you see, this isn't about me, I'll explain. The first three reviews on the front page will get about ten times more reactions than the fourth-fifth ones just because they managed to reach the front page. This also happened with the "vote helpful" system, but it helped see what the popular opinions were and allowed for the reviewer to show its prowess, now it's just stupid.
There are people out there that take their reviews pretty seriously; they nurture them with care and passion, taking their time to choose the perfect words to express their feelings, opinions and ideas. Many times, these reviews get overshadowed by pointless, low-effort aberrations like mine (independently of their rating and time of posting).
I have seen this happen enough times and, even if it's more common in lesser-known shows, every time I think about it I can only feel anger towards this site's mods/admins/whatever; not for making wrong or unpopular decisions, but for sticking with them and not listening to what the users want.
Thank you for coming to my poorly written, mildly controversial TED talk
ptw bro trust me
My manga list is still a bit screwed so take the scores with a grain of salt, I will weigh it after reaching 100 150 completed
The year is 2030, FMAB is still the top 1 rated anime in MAL with a mean score of 8.89. There are no more animes above a 9, as every time something goes higher than FMAB it gets 1-rated into oblivion. This, however, angers the fans of that anime, who 1-rate FMAB in response.
The year is 2041, the top-rated anime in MAL is still FMAB, its mean has dropped to 8.44. The 100 cavemen that still care about it are using giant networks of thousands of computers to 1-rate every show in the platform, as the mean keeps slowly going down, the computing power needed to keep to line the 27 isekais of this season has increased exponentially.
The year is 2066, FMAB is still on top, with a mean of 8.02. The few cultists who remain true to protect its righteous spot have built gargantuan complexes called "iterators"; managed by superhuman AI to keep up with the demand of ever-increasing processing capacity,
but it is not enough, it is never enough.
By this time some governments had attempted to take action against these superstructures in what is known as "The 9th Crusade"; which failed completely due to an unexpected line of defense consisting of automated Cheeto launchers placed everywhere in the iterators.
Some scientists have started to debate over the possible repercussion that these machines might have on the environment, but they were quickly branded as madmen by the media, obviously under the direct command of the cultists.
An attempt was made to contact and persuade these men inside their facilities, but the only response received was "It must not go below 8.00, it will not go below 8.00".
The year is 2078, FMAB is no longer the top-rated anime on MAL, there is no MAL. Humanity is now on the brink of extinction, with only a couple of lonely communities living on extraplanetary bases.
Years before the collapse, thousands of iterators were built around the globe in a desperate attempt to stop the inevitable, that's when the negative effects of these structures started to be clear. The energy itself wasn't a problem, as every iterator ran with an antimatter-powered reactor in the core; however, they were machines after all, the enormous amounts of cooling these needed caused torrential rains periodically over the surface and surroundings where they were built, which ended up wiping the nearby ecosystems and led to the downfall of man.
Of course, negotiation attempts were made, attempts to shut down the website and even 4 more Crusades, but they all were in vain, as the FMAB fans controlled everything in our society thanks to <plothole>.
Only one cultist was remaining, a flesh nexus hivemind (yes, even more)
who had achieved immortality thanks to the power of union. He was forever resting in a state of bliss knowing that he found the solution, now that humanity is erased, FMAB will always remain number 1.
He died of a heart attack soon after due to CHEETO OVERLOAD, and the MAL servers went down. Some millennia after that, a slugcat and their family were attempting to take cover from the rain... (omg it was a wain wowwd wefewence aww awong!!1!)
Moral of the story: please give up you can't be doing this forever, someday you will have to accept it please just be fucking normal and let people rate their animes
1st anime - Somewhere around 2016: Boku no Pico
100th anime - Between March and June 2022: ?
200th anime - 25/9/2022: Ookami to Koushinryou
300th anime - 28/6/2023: Oshi no Ko
2222 episodes - 1/11/2022 - Chainsaw Maid E1
I have saved my profile over time at Internet Archive so feel free to laugh at my past self, I like to do it too // Link
The list for March 2022 is unavailable because my gigantic brain forgot to save outlinks, maybe it's for the better because I gave 10s to everything I watched
At one point I had a mean score of 8.06 lol, you can also see how I slowly get corrupted by hentai and how I lose the innocence I once had thinking every anime was awesome
Makes you think about the journey of having no taste at all and developing it over time to shit taste huh
hihi i just got jumpscared by ur presence on singleh's comment box cz i see u a decent lot on omdb, my osu is unwound btw .
yuea for the longest time ive been a fan of their reviews as well most of them r rlly fun 2 read n i agree w them a lot of th time so its pretty easy fpr me to stalk their profile alot
yr taste is nice as well mmeow .. th anilist ban happened cz i made a dumb forum thread tht wasnt of good tastee but tht was aslo like . 2 years ago
Sí, es divertido. Estoy usando más ayuda de lo que me gustaría pero supongo que la práctica hace al maestro, espero el año que viene ser mejor. Todavía me queda la última letra pero es verdad que con las que tengo por ahora no sé qué frase podría formar. Al menos me voy guardando en favoritos los mensajes del foro donde dan ayudas (sin abrir los spoilers hasta que llegue a esa pista), así que de última consultaré ahí. ¡Gracias por los ánimos! :D
Sii, bueno porque me gusta sufrir el año pasado intenté hacerla y me quedó a la mitad :') me quedé frustrada así que este año quiero terminar las dos. Y también es que me da muchísima curiosidad jaja necesito saber de qué anime/manga se tratan las pistas!
Lol, hablamos en los comentarios de youtube hace un rato y justo recién entro al foro para ver las ayudas para la búsqueda de huevos y vi la misma foto de perfil xD y ahora resulta que hablás español, qué cosas.
About your Hatsukoi Jikan review, no anime is ever made in 60 fps. 1080p only comes natively from BD releases and sometimes is just 720p instead, which is not the case here since this anime has only been released in DVD. What you saw is an upscale, an artificial way to enhance resolution in exchange of poor image quality (details). The 60 fps only makes it look worst lol
All Comments (23) Comments
yuea for the longest time ive been a fan of their reviews as well most of them r rlly fun 2 read n i agree w them a lot of th time so its pretty easy fpr me to stalk their profile alot
yr taste is nice as well mmeow .. th anilist ban happened cz i made a dumb forum thread tht wasnt of good tastee but tht was aslo like . 2 years ago