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Touhou Project Niji Sousaku Series: Kirenu Hai nado Anmari Nai!
May 23, 2022 10:52 PM
· Scored
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Also nice seem you're into VNs too. Got any plans on what to read next?
First, I saw you scored Hanayamata with an 8. For me, this was a big decision because I felt like I thoroughly enjoyed the show, especially with the character development between the girls and their relationships with each other. The thing that significantly hindered my score was the fact that
Other than that, the other thing, more of a suggestion/recommendation, is that I saw you enjoyed Sabage-Bu. Might I suggest Stella Jogakuin Koutou-Ka C3-Bu? This suggestion is less about the activity itself, airsoft, and more about the characters, story, and relationships that take place within that show. It is a show that I have thought about for a long time, and one that I am actually thinking about creating a video essay about! If not, an unnecessarily hyper-detailed examination of a character in the show because of the depth and meaning that I have experience from that character. Needless to say, she was quite divisive in the community!
just recently finished, monster. quite the phycological thriller huh. i wish it explored a bit more in the ending like what excatly will johan do n stuff but oh well :) its good as it is haha
Happy birthday!
Also, seems you like Touhou: this one has been added to MAL:
Nagi no Asukara, the characters pissed me off
Who and which part of them?