Glad you liked it!
how long...hmm...I guess it was quite a long period of time...
about 3-4 months maybe, because we're lazy and because we always change parts if we come up with something better. But now it's pretty much 98% finished.
we have some other songs, but we don't have the skill to play them yet :O
LOL people in cosplay scare you? :P Too bad that most likely most people go in cosplay ^^
It's in Los Angeles, California right? I don't know how big that is but at least it's at the same place. I travel trough my country to get at anime cons xD Although my country isn't that big ^_^
Hey man! Glad you are okay!! What was keeping you busy all this time? :O
I am also fine mine, my birthday is coming close, and I am going to another anime convention again, finally! =D
I srsly thought you got your ass killed this time... so how are you doing? I know i could read that at Marco's page but hell, he gets over 9000 comments a day
All Comments (64) Comments
Guess what?
no, really, it's been A YEAR
I procrastinated and don't really have time to write something clever, so HAVE GOOD LUCK THIS YEAR!11
But, crap :< I missed it this year, on facebook too
Oh really, is it that far? :P No way to get there?
You should do it like me, just travel to go there! :P
For the upcoming con I have to travel like 2.5 hours :P
Hmm I don't know xD It's in the Los Angeles Conventions Center, wherever that may be. Check the site for an address =P
how long...hmm...I guess it was quite a long period of time...
about 3-4 months maybe, because we're lazy and because we always change parts if we come up with something better. But now it's pretty much 98% finished.
we have some other songs, but we don't have the skill to play them yet :O
you should come to a show when we tour the US! =D
It's in Los Angeles, California right? I don't know how big that is but at least it's at the same place. I travel trough my country to get at anime cons xD Although my country isn't that big ^_^
Yup you should go and buy lots of stuff!!! =D
Hmm this is one convention at your place:
Anime Expo
And it's soon too!!!!
And I am sure more are close by ^^
Oh okay then xD Well I will be turning 21 ^^
Well go to one then!! This will be my 5th con! :D
Oh ya I see that your birthday is July 13.. Your year is also 1989? :P
lol just in my country, in Holland. We have like 4 cons each year xD
you can look through his comments for a description =P
I am also fine mine, my birthday is coming close, and I am going to another anime convention again, finally! =D
you could also check out teh song on Filler's profile
promotion, yeah
no.. I mean... WHAT?
I srsly thought you got your ass killed this time... so how are you doing? I know i could read that at Marco's page but hell, he gets over 9000 comments a day