All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 117.0
Mean Score:
- Watching9
- Completed260
- On-Hold16
- Dropped14
- Plan to Watch243
- Total Entries542
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,060
All Comments (120) Comments
Please tell me what you thinks!
You are invited to read it in the following link:
(i will be more than glad for you to vote "helpful" after reading)
אם נילך לכנס, אני יבקר בדוכן שלך ^-^
תודה שאישרת ^-^
כן נחמד לדעת שיש עוד כמונו חח
דרך אגב, את הולכת לכנסים?
We are proud to deliver to you our very first Newsletter. The Club has been brought back to life for about four months now and we plan to make many things in the future for all the members to enjoy. For now here are some of the things that may interest you.
Read Together
If you are interested in reading with someone else in the club, either by choosing from those who have their names and reading choices listed, or by joining the list, you can visit the above link.
Mini Event: Anime & Literature
We will hold an anime-watching event throughout May, and currently we are opening a poll for you to vote for the anime that will be included in the event. Visit the given link for more information and also to cast your vote. The poll will be open for approximately one week.
Other threads to join:
Introduce yourself (if you haven't)
Ask for reading recommendation
Brag about books you currently read
...or just completed
General discussion
News of literary world
Our Games
Guess the characters
Biblio This or That
Anagram: Harry Potter Edition
Useful links:
Forum rules & guideline
Table of content
The staffs
Staff Recruitment: Open
If you would like to receive more Newsletter in the future, you can subscribe here.
We look forward to seeing you at the club!!!
Damn you were right.
היי :)
לא מזמן חזרה לחיים קהילת אנימה שנעלמה אי שם ב2003 וקהילת פאלט טאון, אשמח אם תבואו ותירשמו <: