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Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare
Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare
Jan 30, 2014 4:12 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 9
Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
Jan 30, 2014 3:54 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 7
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Jan 30, 2014 3:54 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
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Jan 30, 2014 4:12 PM
Completed 134/134 · Scored 8
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Jan 30, 2014 4:11 PM
Completed 52/55 · Scored 10
Soul Eater
Soul Eater
Jan 30, 2014 4:11 PM
Completed 117/117 · Scored 8

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FelipeSchiffer Jul 21, 2018 8:20 PM
Where did you find the 1979 Crusher Joe manga to read?
Huss May 18, 2018 7:36 AM
hey you have a good taste. can i be your friend?
Yup Apr 4, 2014 3:03 AM
Zombiehero Mar 10, 2014 2:03 PM
No problem!

There are some manga I want to read, but for the most part I do not read much manga these days. Although I have not been watching much anime either lately.

I really want to buy one of the new Pokemon games too, maybe for the summer when I have more time to play games. I feel like I would get obsessed when I started, and since I am studying at university I do not feel like I have time for it now.

Yes, I do like yuri as a genre but I have not found many that really appealed to me. One of the problems I have is often that the art is too cute, and also that the story is too cute. It does not feel very realistic, which is something I feel that yaoi often is better at. But I also think that there is a bigger group of people that read yaoi, that is why there is so much more yaoi than yuri.

Since I love to draw myself, I find that nice art is very inspiring for me. I think that might be why I care about the art so much.

It is alright!

I am from Sweden, yes. I rarely listen to Swedish music, there are a few exceptions but for the most part it is not to my taste. I listen to jazz, korean pop, also anime soundtracks, and other movie soundtracks. A little of everything I guess, what kind of music do you like?

Yes, I love to read. I have not gotten much reading done lately because I read so much for school, I do not feel like reading more on my free time. But I love to read. Do you read?
Zombiehero May 31, 2013 11:41 PM
Sorry for my late response, I had a visitor until today so I have been busy.

I see! Then maybe I will skip the anime. Or I might try one episode to see how I feel about it. Music is definitely one of the reasons I prefer anime to manga. I also feel like I can follow the story better watching it as a video. Some manga art is very chaotic and that makes me a little stressed out. ^^;;

I agree! I love the Pokemon games, I still play them although not as much as before. The games I own are for Game Boy, but I would like to get one for my Nintendo Dsi. Or maybe I should buy a Nintendo 3DS, haha. I don't play games that much, but when I do it is usually Game boy or Nintendo Dsi. Or puzzle games, like Sudoku.

Haha, yes I am definitely a bit fujoshi. Hm, I think the appeal to me is that often yaoi (or any time of boys love) is sweeter than the normal "romance" genre. With shoujo romance manga, I feel like the same theme is done over and over again. A short, cute, girl with the popular tall talented boy. I have read and watched so much of this genre in the past, and I am sick of it. In BL I find that often the stories are very sweet, focused more on relationship development and emotions, I'm not sure how else to explain it. I like yuri as well, but unfortunately it's much much harder to find yuri with decent art.

I am quite particular with the art of the manga I read. I rarely start reading it if I don't like it. And with all the yaoi that are listed in my MAL, I loved the art. Like I said, I have not found many yuri with art that I like, or plot that I feel have had enough depth.

Also, I personally like anything GBLT because I know how it is to struggle with your sexuality, and I find it interesting and inspiring to read about different stories that tackle this theme. :)

I hope this answers at least a little!

Hahaha, I think I prefer tsundere! I can't help but thinking it's cute.
Zombiehero May 23, 2013 12:33 AM
I am sure the same thing can be said about living in Japan, amazing in many ways. Of course every country or place has its down side.

Sailor Moon definitely is a classic. I think it's one of those few animes that have been translated into a lot of different languages, and also seen on television over the world. Pretty amazing. I am looking forward to the new anime so much.

I wanted to watch OreImo2 but I realized it's the second season so I will have to try out the first season before. It seems fun?

Exactly my thoughts. NANA is just one of a kind to me, no manga has ever broken my heart so much. I really hope so too!

Gantz sounds interesting, I just read about it. I want to watch the live-action movies as well so maybe I'll give the anime a try first. Deadman Wonderland is also something I definitely want to watch or read.
Pokemon of course is one of my important ones as well. I really want to watch the whole anime from beginning to end, as well as all the movies. Ah, it's been so long since I played the Pokemon games. I miss it!

Haha, I see! I don't really think I have an anime like that, that I watch when I am depressed. Maybe Shirokuma Café. I finished it recently but while it aired it was definitely one of those that cheered me up no matter the reasons for my trouble.

No problem about your english either! Mine is not perfect as well.

Hm, there are a conventions in Sweden where you can meet people who like anime/cosplay and such. I have also met friends through the internet before, knowing of their interest in anime. Nowadays, I would say it is probably easiest to find people who love anime on conventions. I don't go to them because it's too expensive for me.

I think in Sweden most people know what anime is. I guess most people react to it as kids shows (they obviously have not seen the horror anime genre XD). But I think there are a lot of teenagers, or young adults, that watch anime. Although I think there aren't that many "otakus" in Sweden. I think more people maybe watch only some of the more popular anime like Naruto.

I hope that answered the question. It also seems like many teenagers grow out of their interest for anime. I knew of many who liked it when I was younger, I had many friends interested in Japan/anime/manga/jpop, but I eventually lost contact with a lot of them because their interest disappeared and we didn't have so much in common anymore.
Zombiehero May 20, 2013 7:32 AM
No, I live in a city by the coast. You're probably right, a safe place is of course nice. But like I said, I would rather live in a city with more life. I think that I could probably adapt to a busy city quite easy, I think it would suit me better. Although I like living close to nature as well, having it accessible but not as the only thing.

I'm not tired of talking at all.
I take your questions as meaning anime/manga that have affected me strongly? Hm, that is a difficult question. Sailor Moon is the anime that is the most special to me. I often think about it, even when I am not watching it. Of scenes that make me laugh, or characters that I like. I am currently re-watching it as well, and I have re-watched it many times before.
Fruits Basket is another one of those animes that have a special place for me. it was one of my first ones, not the first but early on. And I re-watched it a couple of times, often in the summer or when I was in a bad mood and needed it to feel happy. These are both series that I think about with nostalgia.

Currently though the anime that are affecting me is Shingeki no Kyojin and Karneval. I like them both a lot and I am always a little hesitant to watch the new episodes because I don't want to have to wait for another week for the next episode, haha.

As for manga, the one manga that has affected me most of all time is NANA. This manga is on hiatus, and it is not known if she will ever continue. It has already been on hiatus for 2 years. But my reactions to this manga is very strong. I remember crying because of it, being really angry, laughing, and even though it's been so long since a new volume came out, I think about it often.

How about you? :)
Akarin May 19, 2013 4:56 PM
Hello. Where have you found ?
Zombiehero May 19, 2013 1:29 AM
It definitely is for health reasons. I try to eat as little processed food as well, as possible.

Hm, I honestly feel it's rather dull living here. Sweden is a good country in terms of safety. We have no weather catastrophes, few wild animals, even crime is probably in comparison with the world pretty low. There is also good monetary help for people with low incomes, and a pretty good way on the equality between men and women. Well, there are other things that make Sweden a good, safe country to live in. But I also find it rather boring.
There's not many people here. Even where I live, in the second largest city, the street are usually almost empty in the night and in the morning. Not like Tokyo, or other larger cities, which I want to live in.

As for traditions, I am not sure what you think of. In terms of holidays, we mostly only celebrate Christian holidays (and since I'm an atheist, I don't care that much of any holiday beside Christmas which I love for other reasons).

It's really not amazing. It's good, like I said, but dull. That is also why I have always dreamt of moving to another country like Japan, France, US, Italy, anywhere with more culture, more things happening, more life.

Zombiehero May 18, 2013 2:53 AM
I love mythology! It's definitely a subject that interests me. I would really like to learn about the different mythologies in different countries. Japanese mythology for example has a lot of stories about gods/spirits, right? I don't know much about it, but it's often a theme in anime/manga.

I stopped drinking soda because of health reasons, I don't like the bloated feeling of my stomach when I drink soda, and the carbon dioxide hurts in my mouth. :)
Zombiehero May 16, 2013 1:27 AM
Macbeth I really want to read, I think I read it once but a long time ago. I also wan to read 'As you like it', it has one of my favorite quotes.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."

Have you read this work?

I see! I would say I read literature from around the world, many books I read I think are from the US, or England. But recently also France, Spain. And I have always like Japanese literature, they often have a very unique way of writing which I love.

I watched the first Percy Jackson movie about a year ago, I was a little disappointed. But I am hoping to read the books because greek mythology is something I find very interesting!

Kuat, I don't think so. I never drink soda so even if some new came here I wouldn't know probably, haha. I drink green tea, water, or black coffee, most of the time. I really like pizza too, but since I am a pescatarian there aren't so many different ones I can eat. I like mozarella pizza! And italian pizza is really the best. Once you have a taste of it in Italy, nothing is ever as good.

Zombiehero May 13, 2013 1:49 AM
I have yet to read any Shakespeare (other than what was required in school) and no Dumas either, although I plan to read their work in the future. I really want to read The Count of Monte Cristo, but it's such a long book.

The Little Prince is one of my favorite books! I have read it multiple times, and my dad used to read it aloud to me when I was younger.
What language is it that you most often read, Portuguese?

I would say I like to read children's books the most. Like you mentioned, The Little Prince, but also The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Winnie the Pooh, etc. I also really love the Swedish author Astrid Lindgren, she wrote fantastic children's novels.
But I have recently started reading more classics, like Jane Austen, which I am really enjoying. And discovering new genres like dystopia. I think I am pretty much an all-eater when it comes to books, except romance. I read a lot of "chick-lit"/romance when I was younger, and I am tired of it now. I prefer more adventure filled books. Or fairy tales. Or magical stories. Haha!

I also love the Harry Potter books. And the movies. Everything about Harry Potter really.

Haha, for me it's books & tea. I think I drink almost 7-8 cups of tea each day, I probably drink too much. ^^;;
Zombiehero May 12, 2013 1:24 AM
I'm sure it is!

Indeed, it really is! I really like gory anime, although I haven't watched many horror styled anime so far. That's what I thought as well, that it would be really weird if he died just like that. I'm looking forward to seeing the next episode.

I see! Yes, it's a very popular series.
You said you really like books, what are your favorites? Anything to recommend? ^^
Zombiehero May 11, 2013 10:12 AM
I'm sure it is! Someday.

That is quite amazing, four languages. It' difficult, and with languages you have to keep using them to remember them. That's why I have forgotten a lot of kanji I think, because I haven't gotten much of a chance to use them. And same for speaking Japanese. I was better at it before. I'm hoping that watching more anime will get it better again.

Also, how did you feel about episode 5 of Shingeki no Kyojin? I was so surprised by Eren getting eaten!! And then I read in the forum that Mikasa is the real protagonist. Did you know? Maybe you've read the manga?

It's great talking to you too! ^_^

P.S Oh, Doctor Who gif? I really want to watch that show. Although I want to watch it from the first season, the old series.
Zombiehero May 10, 2013 1:19 PM
I really wish to go to Akihabara one day, I never got the chance to go there last time. Well, there are many places I didn't get a chance to visit last time. But Akihabara feels like a place I would really feel at home!

I guess most languages are difficult to learn, at first. I find it really fascinating how languages are structured though. And I love learning languages in general. Like I said I studied japanese for some time. I've also studied latin for a term, although i've forgotten a lot but I remember some things that have helped me understand other languages that are based on it.

Canada is also a country I would like to visit someday, although it's cold like my country. But I hear it's a very beautiful country.

Oh I see! Italy is really nice. When I go there with my family, we stay in the northern parts of Italy, the first years in Bibione, and then in Lignano. But we've also visited Genoa, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Verona, etc. This year we're also visiting Rom for the first time. I'm really looking forward to it, because I love to visit historical places.

What is your plans for the summer? I think the summer vacations in Japan isn't the same as most our countries. In Sweden, summer vacation usually start early June and ends late August. It's a little different with Universities, but about the same. But in japan the school term begins in April, correct?

Hope you have a lovely day! ^^
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