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- Episodes6,928
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Days: 8.1
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- Total Entries29
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- Chapters1,454
- Volumes98
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All Comments (16) Comments
There is also a similar show called Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei that I was recommended by a friend of mine Lambtron not long ago, it's a bit more of a comedy though, I think you might like it. *turns out you already have it in plan to watch XD
Your anime list style is amazing btw.
I for one liked all the talking in Katanagatari.
After I finished it, I was slightly amazed at how they kept me hooked even with all that talking.
Watching an episode, and before I knew it, 40 minutes of talking went by...
Havent checked out the -monogatari series, I've only seen the 1st 3 episodes of Bakemonogatari a few years back. I remember that it was kinda interesting enough to keep watching, plus didn't it have like this weird animated style?
And am not planning on watching Nisemonogatari."
Sounds like I should pick Katanagatari back up, I didn't realize it was like that when I watched it a long time ago, thanks.
Howcome you don't want to watch Nisemonogatari? I think it is actually better than Bakemonogatari, though it might be because I watched it first.
"Forget it, I no longer care" xD
haha, thanks for that
Haha, yeah I know eh? Best compliment someone could give xD