I am Jalynn. I love anime, bunnies, black, and friends. I care deeply about everyone and I'm willing to be there for all. I am emotional, but love to make people smile. I can seem pervy but I trust that you all laugh at me. xD I'm 18 years old and am a junior in high school. I like giving people questions and making them think about themselves. I'm not a pedophile nor am I a stalker. (Ok, I'm an online stalker but.... >.< Meuw. I'm not creepy) ^^ I love anime. It's my escape from reality right now. Cheesy as that may sound, I like to watch anime because I feel like it's something unique and something very undermined in society. It makes you laugh, cry, clap, and boo just like an everyday TV show. This may not make sense but I love it. My opinions may be different from others and that's alright. We can all learn to agree and disagree. But I hate debates because I'm very subjective. Let's be friends. =D
All Comments (203) Comments
It's been a while.
hahah yea XD i saw this one gif where a woman player ran out of ammo an dlike literaly 100 other peoples run to her and throw her some ammo xD
haha well if u happenn to b bored and search for some games, find something free and cool ^w^
well i could say the same for women ;3 (hi5 for lame jokes sis ;3)
hahah yea i know right i totaly love that nickname >w<
School Days' ending was fine, I mean maybe killing him took it a little too far, but it definitely was a nice boat. XD
Well, if my friend still has Sims Bustin' Out on his PS2, the next time his little bro is high as a kite i'll set him down in front of it. :P
I don't play too many MMOs these days, either nobody to play it with or I get bored, though i'm usually up for trying the free ones out just incase there is a gem hidden.
Uh.. I suppose it depends on what the surprise is? I can be pretty surprised sometimes!
Yeah they are, so I tend to avoid playing with random people as much as possible, unless it is an ARAM or bot game, because usually in ARAM everyone is chill and just trying to have fun.
Well, for starters I am way better at history/other book subjects than math/science, even though I love science I am just terrible at it. But the focus for important international stuff seems to be shifting to Asia so it made the most sense. Also, I tend to enjoy looking at Chinese/Japanese history/myths and culture more than most European stuff.
Your English is fine, better than a lot of other people on the internet. :P
I don't think you are being particularly nosy, you are just asking questions.
You wish what was a thing on youtube? I feel like I got lost a bit. And you're probably not a horrible person!
I have heard of PSO, in fact I played the first one on gamecube and I played PSO2 on the Japanese servers for quite a while until Gameguard decided that my graphics card's drivers were a hack and killed them any time I tried to start up the game lol.
I don't really like Skyrim that much, I liked the older games in the series more as they felt a bit more like actually exploring a world, Skyrim is too much snow. :P
Final Fantasy can be really good, I really liked the older ones (4 and 6 especially) and I really enjoyed 9 and 10. 13/13-2 are not awful games but I don't think they are as good as some of the older ones.
You can actually find roms of 4/6 pretty easy, but I don't know much about emulation for stuff older than SNES games so I am not sure if you could find the newer ones as easily, though I expect you could because its the internet.
The character interaction for Harvest Moon is quite fun, and they kept that aspect in Rune Factory as well which I appreciate. I haven't played either for a while though, so many games to play. X_X
Uh.. I guess so? I mean I don't think that they are actually that mysterious or unbelievable. With how large the universe is it would be stupid to believe that there is no other life besides what is here on Earth. XD
Yeah it is more fun with friends for sure. Too many random people rage for no real reason and just need to calm down. If someone is playing poorly they will have a better chance of making a comeback if you're not a dick to them and actually try to help out but that concept is too hard for most people to grasp I guess lol.
Uh I don't really know what I am going to do in the end yet to be honest. Probably something international in the end, as I plan to go back for my master's degree in International Studies (focused on Asia, mostly China/Japan with a bit of other nations thrown in for good measure.)
couldn't you block him or delete him or something if he is just gonna be a jerk? I don't actually bother deleting people and haven't had a problem so severe that I needed to block someone, but I think those options exist on Skype.
Did you mean nosy? Because I don't see how you can be noisy by typing :P