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Days: 7.3
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- Total Entries25
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All Comments (10) Comments
After finishing FMAB and having no experience with other anime, I was told to watch Black Butler, Lucky Star, Bakemonogatari, Elfen Lied, Stein's Gate, Mushishi and some others I think. Which aren't necessarily bad, but they suck for a beginner who asked for stuff like FMAB. As a matter of fact I also kind of hated Cowboy Bebop at first, which has become one of my absolute favorites now. Maybe I was just too picky back then.
I find that checking out shows that look interesting to me and not giving a damn about ratings or recommendations really helped me discovering stuff I love, like Monster, Shiki and Kill la Kill. I am very glad that a Youtube managed to convince me to watch Madoka Magica though, I was super turned off by it at first and now it's my absolute favorite! :D
And thanks! I already learned my first lesson here on MAL: Don't go outside of the episode / series discussion forums. There's cancer in its purest form lurking everywhere.
Are you talking about Aqua? Well, he's actually a good guy xd He fucking hates Rebellion but he still treats me nicely (look at my comment section) and doesn't care about my taste. I actually used to hate him before, but what he said about Rebellion was true. (Ex. Mami vs Homura was just meant for fanservice, Shaft milking Madoka etc). I still love Rebellion though so I don't care what anybody thinks about it. Girl, just love what you love and ignore the haters. ;)
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