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Days: 1,489.4
Mean Score: 7.46
  • Total Entries748
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  • Episodes39,690
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Nov 16, 2024 7:17 AM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 7
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Nov 15, 2024 4:21 PM
Completed 10/10 · Scored 7
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
Nov 15, 2024 4:21 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 147.2
Mean Score: 7.64
  • Total Entries512
  • Reread0
  • Chapters17,299
  • Volumes2,225
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Euphoria: Another Room
Euphoria: Another Room
Sep 25, 2016 1:40 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Shousetsu Akatsuki no Yona: Onaji Tsuki no Shita de
Shousetsu Akatsuki no Yona: Onaji Tsuki no Shita de
Jul 26, 2016 7:20 AM
Reading -/8 · Scored -
Jul 26, 2016 7:19 AM
Reading -/544 · Scored -

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Diangelo18 Sep 7, 2021 7:16 PM
Vetmi Jun 7, 2021 6:31 AM
VoidFoXX Jul 1, 2016 12:44 PM
Haw arya? Something new going on?
VoidFoXX May 21, 2016 1:09 AM
For me nothing new... ordinary high school life. And lately its hard to chose anime to watch cuzz there are to much choses but time limited... :DDD

And cool that u finished all finals (hope was easy and got good scores)- time to go on summer holidays and enjoy till the end! ! !

If u finished everything do you know where u ll go next? (what prof or somewhere...?) I kinda know everything what i ll do and when... :D but that needs to wait a little XD

PS. I kinda heard that in Magika no Kenshi to Basileus after vol 8 starts to cross borderline of echi and goes till the hentai- i just heard that but cant remember where so i want to get to that part and want to know a little about characters cuzz i think that pretext or whatever (info about LN and manga) is good enough for harem and ecchi anime adaptation...
VoidFoXX May 20, 2016 3:34 AM
Uhhhh... i completed Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria and i am so... happy! Really enjoyed this novel- and my favorite was volume 7 OFC! cuzz of ending and how Mari took care of Kazuki and made that announcment for marrying. (NOTHING beats real love)

Now i am reading something whenever i am out of home or have free time. And LN are not at least bit worse than anime or manga- its even sometimes better cuzz its hard to search for grate anime or manga (and then u have another sulution-LN so thats a big plus) and u dont have to be ashamed of reading book in public place (i cant read manga out :DD and anime is out question XD) and after reading its hard to imagine adaptation of such a good LN (but in my imagination everything was like in the anime XD - My head generated anime from LN- how cool is that :?DDD)

Now i ll try out Magika no Kenshi to Basileus LN and manga with few chapters- (i WANT ECCHI LN!)- (OH YEAH MY IMAGINATION! UHUUUU)
I think it ll be good enough.

PS. How are YOU? Summer is near- only 11 days! ONLY! And then starts... (imagination- everything- just to lazy to count everything XD) And exams?
Moriya_san May 16, 2016 4:40 AM
You Got A Message!

Sorry if I'm bordering you!
VoidFoXX May 15, 2016 2:32 PM
WOW. Everything u wrote in your prof... well said. The same for me. i allmost freaked out cuzz even i couldnt write it better than u did. Like all my thoughts... ;DDD

VoidFoXX Apr 30, 2016 1:14 PM
Yup... I kinda got ''trolled'' once from my friend about ''grate anime'' called boku no pico in my school and then I with my friend who trolled me, we did the same with a lot of our clasmates... that was something- we just said that u need to whatch something funny and then it begun :DDD

And one stupid thing- i didnt know what is the game ''neko para'' and i got recomendation from friend that its super funny and interesting anime game! Yes ofc it was ... OMG!
When my friend downladed it i played it and i really liked the art and then it got kinda strange cuzz i had never ever played this kinda game (dating sim or what its called... i dunno).

Everything got sexual fast... and then i knew that its H game :DDD It kinda felt gross playing sucha game but that was soooo funny really! Thats for sure.... :DDD (I kinda played a little... just a little, onlly a little :DDD I wanted to know what happend at end so i just skipped everything in youtube :DDD)

PS. I already decided long time ago that i wount ad to my list any H anime... :((( but i could get bigger episode and time score... :*(
Yes and question- ''Days: 73.5'' it really says that i have watched 73.5 days of anime> like 73,5 x 24= ...h? OMG! And u have almost ~1500 days!@MAL! THATS MIND BLOWING!
VoidFoXX Apr 30, 2016 10:47 AM
Do you watch hentai? (rhetorical question)
Ok... srry but i cant ignore that- Shoujo Senki Soul Eater! ! ! ! !

I found in your list hentai! :DDD
(I thought why only this H is in your list and i was interested why exactly this H... i didnt found out only that u probably like tiger-men gang bang some magical girls) LMAO! ! ! AND why only one H?
PS. I watch H but I dont put them in my list... cuzz... if i would then my episode count and time watched animes would grately increase and number of rewatches too... :DDD
I dunno... is it ok to put them in? Cuzz that is something that... hmm... is not... hmm... i dunno. Mayebe something to be ashamed of? Cuzz if someone close to you IRL would see that... that would not be ok... :DDD But everyone does that ;P (watch p**n) :O

And then i saw Boku no Pico in on-hold list :DDD
VoidFoXX Apr 26, 2016 12:22 PM
Yup! I wish you good luck! After 2 years i ll have my ''big'' exams too! Only thought about all that makes me emotionless...

I for example hate exams- cuzz everyone is so serious about everything... that kinda gets me down.
I heard somewhere, that if you take a page and one day before exams go and write down on that page everything bad that ll happen if you fail and then everything good, if you pass exams super good, that relieves stress and u ll get better marks!

I am thinking of testing it out but only if i wount forget about it... :DDD

OK! Go enjoy yourself and mountain of books and notes! :DDD (i wount trouble you anymore)
VoidFoXX Apr 26, 2016 6:01 AM
OoW DAMN... so good! <Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria> is so good. And i just finished only first volume...

This LN i want to read all day long... but sometimes cant... :( And its not like this LN is infinite... only 7 volumes :(
So DAMN interesting!

I kinda dont love books very much (cuzz some are really terrible and boring) BUT this LN is so good only cuzz its so simple! I just want to read and read and know what ll happen next!

Characters are very lovable and story not boring.
I wonder what ll happen at the end to Kazuki and Maria... (dont give me any spoilers! Illkillu! if u do! :DDD)

PS. Do you have any exams now going on? Or just ll be there soon? Cuzz if you are 1997. then... if i would be you then... i would have to take my exams soon enough... (ughhh thats so terrible!)
VoidFoXX Apr 19, 2016 1:43 PM
YO! How are you? Long time no seen... What good up to have you been lately?

I completed watching rainbow... grate anime. I liked it cuzz this was something really diferent from what i am usually watching. But i hated that ''Bro'' died... that was sucha shock! Even in Akame-Ga-Kill i didnt suffer so much about all those deaths (exept Tatsumi and Esdeath).

After that and those 2 ''psycho'' guys got what they deserved i felt like that would be PERFECT end for an anime (~15 ep) but they made story longer... then i was bored cuzz my favorite char was dead :( but everything got better again at last ep (about world champ wish and ''Anchan'' showed up a little). But i am satisfied now- i dont regret watching this show.

Now i ll wait for more new eps from anime this season! I think that this year ll be grate! Cuzz there are really so many new animes that i like and love that i cant wait to be complete!

PS. I started reading light novel- Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria. It was kinda hard to understand at begining but now i like it- though i am only in first volume... :DDD And what are ya doing? :P
VoidFoXX Apr 12, 2016 7:45 AM
Yup! Tnx :) I ll start to read soon enough... my interest caught Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu, Gekkou, Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria.
VoidFoXX Apr 11, 2016 1:15 PM
And i have one question- what is ''Kadokava'' and ''TBS'' at end of animes that i like usualy? Some sorta companies or studies?
I just dont have a clue in all this BIG ANIME WORLD... i am so green in comparison to others... :DDD
And i dont know anything else... mayebe cuzz i just dont search internet all day long to trully understand all anime industry... :P
VoidFoXX Apr 11, 2016 1:03 PM
Hm... kinda understsnd. But LN is like normal book right? And then its better to just download in random from internet? Tnx :)

PS. What is your favorite LN? I really wanna know :P
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