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Ronderminlux Feb 8, 1:27 PM
1. I've thought to myself on talking with you about an idea I had in mind but didn't thought if I could share it with you it myself, but I have now and I'll revile it for you to see for your certainity. so on this subject of mine I'll share with you: could you see Robert Buchholz (Gene Starwind) making for a perfect Vegeta yourself? I've already suggested some actors for him to see how great they could have been and while they could work by their own takes, I felt stupified to have not feature him since he's now my head-cannon pick and he'd surely nail the the part flawlessly. his voice carries those exact gravities to it while still never going into a TOO booming type voice, Vegeta, like many characters within numerous media around the corner, was never a character I'd think should be either just soft or heavy, (I'm talking about if the character himself has too much of either, which wouldn't gel with my image of the character into my ideal voice for him) all I'm looking for a character like hin is to see if the guy playing the part can enduce the endless tons of chadness badassery and raw, bloody sadism only when he feels comfortable by it yet also handling it by his confidence if he can even when his pride colors his strength and knowledgement when he wants the challenge he begs for, whatever he'd get across that notion behind the character's signature identity, he can deliver himself. he could have been a great canditate if the z anime was to be dubbed alternatively from 1995 or 1998 depending on his experience, don't think it will be a good exhibition on it's fullest showing of it but here's a sample of his voice if you at least want to hear it:

2. real sweet how atmospheric and serene the overall theme of tekken 2 is, really gives off the vibe that with an intro like that I'd imagine how pumped it was for people's childhood to play the game but without skipping it whenever they open it up themselves. it is such beauty to behold and the major improvement on every detail is unspeakable, isn't it?

3. I don't care about the negativity some people throw about this game, resident evil 4 to me is where the franchise reach it's heights of peak quality with it's balance of haunting horror vibe mixed in with a tongue-in-the-cheek subtle factor that makes it truly endearing. and it's opening theme where the playthrough starts when Leon begins his mission never fails to give me the chills: oh, and I'm talking about the 1:15 minute mark if you're wondering.
Ronderminlux Jan 31, 11:49 PM
since you want me to limit my questions to 2 or 3, then your wish is taken for as you want:

1. don't think you have ever talked with him unless I'm missing the bigger picture, but would you like to add Doodlebugfour as a friend of yours? having a conversation with him will do the job yourself and then you two would connect with each other morever so. would you agree?

2. it's hard to not get hit by this scene even when coming back to it and even when Kuwabara enters the realm with how he suddenly miss fighting with Yusuke really gives him the doubt his life will find something more inspirational to get better as he grimmance at his demise. that's especially added to it's drama with Shigeru Chiba's utterly iconic portrayel of this character. even when he breaks into a softer voice unintentionally, he never lose sight of the dramatic tension of the scene and just relish in physical equal amounts of saddness and anger. such a well crafted first episode.
Ronderminlux Jan 10, 2:03 PM
new ones I've thought of:

1. given that it's been like a decade and half since he died, would you be willing to speak your stance about Daisuke Gori if your familiarity with him is not far off? the guy has always been one my faves of all the voice artists in all of japan with quiet possibly what he happens to have arguably (or actually not) the heaviest, most brutal sounding vocal effect any talent in Japan has ever had. a total crime he was doomed to be suicided due to the misery left upon him, glad to know he at least has some of the marginal recognition even tho it isn't all that gigantic.

2. saddest death of a person in last year?

3. my memory has slipped somewhile down the line since I last visited that franchise myself and boy, Death Note's soundtrack sure knows how to never miss and go as hard as a nuking bomb left from up in the sky: . I've always loved that track myself the moment it begun and even with how many replays I've did, I get the goosebumps where I can still hear it even when I'm not playing it rent free in my head. it has always been the best bit from the anime's whole soundtrack for me and I'll always stand by it. absolute S+ this theme is and it couldn't have been produced any better otherwise, couldn't it?

4. . this right here is where the final chapter reached it's height of highpoint. the vengeful fury that rises in Reiji to obliterate Saya for all the vietnam ptsd level memory weakness she caused in him allows him to bite her in a stronger agression than when he couldn't. Kazuhiko Inoue was utterly perfect as this character too, doesn't matter as which character I know him as between other ones like Oboro, Kars and such, he pawned it as the lead character without any hesitation on the mark. special Shoutout to Ai Orikasa and Omi Minami at the same spot, those 3 altogether have always been stucked with me as the perfect castings for all of them and I don't want to imagine it any other way what would have been if they weren't the voices I've come to know from those 3 today.

5. I'll be honest: Tekken 6 seem to fall flat when it comes to the tour de grace of the franchise in terns of why my interest and love in it came from, but some of it's soundtrack can't be denied that when they hit, it can be surprisingly jamming at some spots: and are why I wish most of it's pieces could have at least tried and approach to similar levels of stellar. hard to get enough of them ay?
JoeDiddley Jan 8, 5:43 AM
Hi, nice to meet you. Thanks for adding me.

Ronderminlux Dec 31, 2024 9:38 PM
happy new year friend, good to know you're still at it. before we'll move to something new, anything to speak on the previous comments?
Ronderminlux Oct 24, 2024 12:55 AM
sorry to skip on the questions I've asked you but I need for you to look at a fan-cast I thought recently, it's an old one but updated. just thought of updating my Texhnolyze canadian fan-cast I envisioned to alternatively happened if it were real, even tho I love the english dub of it with all my heart, I wanted to think of how it's voice cast would be like and fix some of the castings I didn't feel were ideal or even well chosen when I first thought of it myself (*coughcough David Kaye as Ichise and Richard Newman as Kazuho Yoshii coughcough*, I do think Richard Ian Cox as Hal could work just fine and I truthfully can't imagine anyone fitting Onishi himself anywhere as much as garry chalk could have done himself. weirdly enough, I also had Saffron as Ran when making it before I thought of who would be the ideal choice to play her in the end. elite actress as she is, she'd be an HAAAAARD miscast for this character with that she doesn't have that youthful enough a voice and smooth innocence to it and would serve as better casting for either Michiko or even Eriko too). so here goes, I'd also send you samples of their voices on how I imagine the characters sounding if so given you're not familiar with many of them. hope you're not bothered if you're busy or irritated these days:

Ichise - Ian James Corlett (
Ran - Shannon Chan Kent (
Keigo Onishi - Garry Chalk (
Eriko Kaneda/Kamata - Lisa Ann Beley (

Shinji - Ted Cole (
Hal - Tony Sampson (
Yoko - Kelly Sheridan (

Haruhiko Tooyama - Samuel Vincent (
Michiko Hirota - Janyse Jaud (
Mana Onishi - Kathleen Barr (
Gabe's Elder - Richard Newman (

Yasuaki Iwata - David Kaye (Optimus Prime) (
Mari -Catherine Disher (
Tatsuya Sakimura - Brian Drummond (Zechs Marquise/Miliardo Peacecraft or Wolverine) (

Motoharu/Genji Kimata - David Sobolov (it's understandable that he moved to America since the 21st century and I don't fault him for doing that, but man I wished he could have at least alternate between both that and Vancouver back and forth. the talent pool there just isn't the same with folks like him leaving it way too soon) (
Kyosuke Ishii - Dave Kelly (
Akihisa Sonada - Brian Drummond (Dragon Booster's Kawake) (
Ken Inui - Noah Umholtz ( (skip to 2:16 - 3:27)

Keitaro Mizuno - Jim Byrnes (
Hirohisa Gotoh - Long John Baldry (
Shinichiro Tsujinaka - French Tickner (
Ryuuichi Izaki - Paul Soles (can't think of a good video on what he sounds like, but maybe this one: ?)

Kazuho Yoshii - Hironobu Kanagawa (
Bunken Kohakura - David Kaye (Charles Xavier Charles Xavier with a more manic sentimental deranged edge) (
Zushi - Matthew Hill I guess? ( no idea otherwise.
Kano - Trevor Devall (

remember when I thought Kaye would fit Ichise the best? now that I've looked back on it, great of an actor as he consistently is, there are many characters that would play to his abilities as an actor far better and I regret suggesting him as the main man himself. Mark Hildreth ( is yet another person I recently thought of for the role but instead choosed him as Shinji when I first made this cast, I feel like I should switched him and Kaye around. Maybe I was taken at the time by how Alike Hildreth and Jason Miller sound to each other and I guess that's why I went with the former for Shinji for that reason, it would be interesting to see what he'd bring for the character, but having thinking about it myself? Ted Cole would wring more of the hard, suave tough man the character is defined as, and with Hildrteth's ability to play compossed and also savage characters, I find Ichise would be more his kind of role to be more of an ideal pick. for whatever reason tho, Ian Corlett ended up being the best choice I'd go with the role out of anyone I could think of. admittedly I struggled to decide between him and Hildreth on my decision, but I went with him in the end given how unpopular and arguably negativly pained the anime's reception is. I do still stand on the belief that Hildreth would have served as a great alternative and slayed it as the MC himself just as much.
BLUEBERYyummy Oct 1, 2024 7:09 AM
BLUEBERYyummy Sep 28, 2024 6:09 PM
WE have a lot OF BANGA we like in COMMON
Ronderminlux Aug 25, 2024 12:48 PM
1. I'm really not a fan of Gundam Wing at all but jesus man it's soundtrack is one of the only factors I like from it. the main song of Endless Waltz "Last Impression" in particular is sweetheartedly great so much it makes you nostalgic for a certain era. Minami Takayama's singing goes really hard to beautiful degrees that gives the soul it needs: your rating on it from 1 to 10? (as a bonus on that: would you like to take a look at my former friend Metabad's review on it? it's on his completed list so here's where it's at: (it's full titles are either Shin Kidou Senshi Gundam Wing in the original language and Mobile Suit Gundam Wing or in English depending whatever your list language is, so be aware of the alphabets from a to z)

2. I've already mentioned how much I love Jin Roh and it's English vocal track by Ocean group so there are 2 actors who don't get almost any love for their performances in said film, Colin Murdock and Doug Abrahams as Atsuhi Henmi and Hachiroh Tohbe are those performances I'm talking about. the latter is more unknown but I still stand that their work is every bit as great as that of Michael Dobson's and the retired Moneca Stori's work as main characters of the same film. from the samples you've heard from the dub, any opinion?

3. my absolute favorite iteration of Kyo Kusanagi's best theme "Tears" in all of the franchise:

4. Mark Gatha has recently asked to have a an interview about G Gundam in honor of it's 30th anniversary, he played the lead character Domon Kasshu in it before retiring from voice acting to become a doctor. he's also asked on how he's work as Mega Man X takes a part in that interview as well, so that even more raised my interest in it more than I thought. I don't how much would it get you in it given of your lack of familiarity with Gundam in general, but would you like to regardless? (link to the video: if you want to get the subject: skip to 51:22)

5. sorry I'm sending you a link from a fan-game that the track itself is not originated from, but MAN OH MAN it's beyond glory to not jam to. it really keep the fans on the edge with it's intensity of madness.

6. you're likely not familiar with her work but do you think that Kristie Marsden looks a lot like the anime characters she played? (here's her image for your curiousity:

7. Megumi Ogata has done many great work through her career so I just want you to enlighten you the character that's not her usual mold, and that character is the young girl Nanase from the Street Fighter EX entries: can you believe that's her? it shows she does have a locked and underused versatility to roll with if she streched more of these kinds, can't she?

8. any thoughts on Ryotaro Okiayu?

9. Dark Cat is one of the lousiest anime I've witnessed in my whole life, with one of the shittiest English Dubs to ever exist in general revolving around actors who never voiced anyone in their whole lives and it shows they didn't have any acting leasons at all. The Original voice cast is boosted with phenomenal talents who are much better actors than the ones from the english dub of it, but the problem is they were horribly directed. see for yourself who were there: it's sad isn't it? oh and one more suggestion: avoid it and don't torture yourself watching any of it! you'd hate it entirely and would better just massively pass on it.

10. sad news on the death of yet another talent: Doc Harris, the Ocean studios Dragon Ball Z narrator has died as of recent: . this year had a whole lot of actors who died too soon and this is one of the saddest deaths I've seen it ever gaved. I got to add that it's annoying how people on other platforms not just on youtube act like they recognize this man's voice and yet just shows clips of either Kyle Hebert and Dale Kelly's renditions instead, 2 ACTORS WHO'S VOICES AREN'T EVEN REMOTELY SIMILAR TO THE VERY MAN WHO DIED THIS YEAR!!! can they even recognize actors' voices anymore even without their basic familiarity with them? it can't be hard to tell them apart vocally, but they refuse to get it and I just have no idea why. letting that fly anyway, it sucks even more how Dragon Ball narrators have died off. first it was Brice Armstrong, (who, I'm not joking you, rather does sound much more like Harris than any of other narrators in both english and Japanese. I don't think we need to go and hear his voice roles to realize what he sounds like) then Joji Yanami was next, (who was also Lord Kaio and Babidi before his illness) and now it's the ocean studios narrator for the Z anime. poor guys have died for either old age or other reasons, quiet sad seeing the legends we did or not grew up with leaving us. isn't it?

11. how do you feel if Gregory Snegoff played either Cell or Piccolo? personally, he could be great as either, maybe I'd choose him more-so as the former but just curious.
Ronderminlux Aug 22, 2024 1:16 PM
another tragedy of a person's death happened: Atsuko Tanaka, the voice of several female characters like Lisa Lisa, Motoko Kusanagi, Chun Li and the like has been purged away sadly:

how sad do you feel about this?
Foreveryoung9999 Aug 8, 2024 8:01 PM
Not friends anymore?
Foreveryoung9999 Aug 8, 2024 7:54 PM

Hello, this is the guy that took your friend's old nickname from back then, I would just like to apologize for my actions and state I have grown from it. I am talking about Snow_Shovel
Ronderminlux Aug 4, 2024 8:42 AM
Ok now so this kind of thing was never discussed about in any platform to mind, so I'll ask you this thing: am I ALONE who thinks there are a myriad of adult anime characters who do look about cinnamon roll-tier preciously cute? like I have no idea if I'm going deaf, but there are a ton of them that exists in many popular stuff but don't get talked about how sweet they can look when it counts. like let me leave these characters to you and tell me yourself if you think if they fit that cuteness factor. characters include:

Misa Takatsuki: , Shinobu Nagumo: , Michiko Hirota: , Black Lagoon's Benny: , Garma Zabi: , Christina Mackenzie: , Aina Sahalin: , Jean Havoc: , Shigeru Aoba: , Crowley Hamon: , Mamiya: and Re-l Mayer:
Ronderminlux Jul 23, 2024 12:56 PM
1. no idea if you've done it already, but have you watched Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes in full? it's about by lightyears the best adaptation the squad itself has ever had and the only good one to exist as well, (especially when contrasted against it's horrible films (fant4cringe in particular) and the 1978 cartoon) the dynamic between them is captivating and has the awareness that they are like a family that was never like before. the art design is really sweet as well, (even if it's bound by it's inherent anime-ness but that's not a thing that would detract from sheer electryfying charm this show has so much to) the voice work from Ocean (or the vancouver folks to be precise) is phenomenal to add on that matter. Lara Gilchrist, The Dobson Bros, Venus Terzo, Trevor Devall, Hironobu Kanagawa, Michael Adamthwaite, Mark Acheson and good ol' Scott Mcneil have all offered voice performances with soul and dedication to the characters they've played I can't get enough of. your personal thoughts?

2. remember Namco x capcom? no idea if you've at least watched a longplay of it to get a decent grasp of how you feel wheter you like it or not, (I still love it even now) I also like to note on how insanely soulful and nostalgically pumping it's theme song is: (especially at 1:39 - 1:55) how is it to you in your memory anyways?

3. do you have any exposure to the gundam universe? would you be willing to watch some of the iterations of it yourself?

4. Kano from Texhnolyze is such a monstrous devil of a person so venomous whom I just can't hate as a character, he's such a real, genuine satan-incarnate and embodies overall the kind of insolent vile man that is seriously masterfully executed well. I'll totally put him in the same breath as Johan Liebert, Griffith, you know those numerous characters who are meant to be detested not because they are abysmal character-wise but because they strike legitimate fear into one another's own heart for being a foreboding force to not be pocked fun at. how would you rate him as a character?

5. sorry to tell you this misfortune but seveal of these guys are not alive anymore if you aren't aware of that yet: Tom Wyner: , Ross Douglas:,24701 , Peter Spellos: , Pauline Newstone: ok now I know it's much too late for me to say this to you but just wanted to share this with you. anything to say?

6. remember Darkstalkers? that one forgotten capcom fighting game franchise the company isn't doing anything at all anymore? I'll miss it being a reccuring presence on the field, sucks that it won't make a comeback no matter what.

7. I've no idea if I'm in the minority in this situation, but I really love Maverick Hunter X. it's plenty fun and is one of those remakes that I think actually equalls it's original game that it's based on. it's soundtrack gives me chills too, particularly the Zero's Sacrafice bit: (in a way I actually even prefer it to variable X in all honesty) and Vile's ending theme ( as well. I swear to you that I never stop feeling for him because of this track alone, it really makes you feel it to your heart. what's your opinion on it?

8. opinion on Jurota Kosugi's general work (OVA Jotaro Kujo)?

9. I've been tiring on making a whole fancasts or whatever that but I just thought of something to myself: if Ryo Horikawa had retired from playing Vegeta and left the role for another person to carry his back on, then Yuto Kazama would've been the one man to have fulfilled the duty and really slay it as the character. can you see him as the saiyan prince himself?

10. you're not familiar with SNK's Games, but what do you think of this intro: ?
Bruhian Jul 23, 2024 12:30 AM
Looking forward to finishing it all by the end of this week if that’s the case. The style, the ambience, the ending song, everything in Texhnolyze just evokes emotion.
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