All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 115.0
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed449
- On-Hold98
- Dropped4
- Plan to Watch257
- Total Entries819
- Rewatched44
- Episodes7,090
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 88.0
Mean Score:
- Reading32
- Completed302
- On-Hold75
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read523
- Total Entries932
- Reread8
- Chapters12,486
- Volumes953
All Comments (16) Comments
But I do also like to interact with the people I'm looking to bring into the club.
The club consists of a lot of different seasonal activities from Power Rankings to OP/ED Comps to Seasonal Cards.
We also have an active Discord Server as well as annual events throughout the year ^.^.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
I finally went a level up on my MAL Badges, but that is still only level 15 for me.
How are you doing?
Let me know if there are any problems,
Cards will be deleted in 1 week!