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Slayers Try
Mar 21, 4:51 PM
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
Mar 16, 12:42 AM
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K-On! Movie
K-On! Movie
Feb 25, 2:00 PM
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Denei Shoujo
Nov 16, 2024 11:22 AM
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The_Blue_Lotus Feb 6, 8:28 PM
Oh, don't worry about that, I share the exact same toughs about that anime as you do. An overall downgrade from the '99 series no matter were you look at it whose main saving grace was the emotionally compeling story the characters went through.

Altough to be fair, besting the '99 adaptation in terms in quality is not exactly the easiest thing to do. That anime was such a vibe, lol.

Answering to your question: I am currently watching To Heart 2 and all other animated series that came out from that product, currently I am at the second episode of the 2 AD, hoping the finish the OVA by tomorrow and the whole To Heart 2 animated universe by next week maybe (hopefully). I have heard of some of the series you have mentioned (about Da Capo, to be more specific) but have not made any research on them nor added them to my "plan to watch" list.

I probably won't watch them for a long time, tho. I am a person who likes to make a little "schedule" of the series I am gonna watch after finishing another. For example: once I finish the whole To Heart franchise, I will start watching Majikoi, since I want a change of phase from the usual Slice-of-Life shows I watch for a little while, afterwards I will start Seitokai no Ichizon, followed by Ebiten and finishing with Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi, since that series seems pretty good on its own.

After all of that, I am thinking of rewatching some of the series I had watched on my old account, School Rumble, Paniponi Dash!, Aho Girl, Wataten, Nekopara, just to name a few.

Am I the only one who does these kind of "schedules" or am I not alone in this? lol. Do you know anybody else who this and now that we are here, what is your modus operandi when it comes to watching anime? Do you just start watching some series out of the blue or do you have a plan beforehand when it comes to watching? I would like to know.

Cheers and regards, Eggyy.
The_Blue_Lotus Feb 3, 8:50 PM
Hey man, thanks, appreciate it :)

Multi is also my favorite character of the whole To Heart series, no one else even comes close to her, lol.

Have you seen Remember my memories also? Multi's character act is completed through that series and even tough is a vastly different (and somewhat inferior in some aspects) to the original To Heart series, Multi gets a level of exposure one could only dream of in the first season and I would say you would enjoy it just for that.

Just, consider having that series in your radar, ok?

Also, just sent you a friend request, you seem like a cool dude and those are always nice to have around, even if just in a virtual "friends" tab, lol.
MechaFanBoy1979 Dec 30, 2024 12:41 AM
Yo, it's been awhile, i don't have much else to say, other than i'm temporally withdrawing online. So this will my last message to you, but i hope you have happy new year, plus, i got smt V vengace from christmas, so yay!

To make this a little special watch this video!
tokyodrifting Dec 4, 2024 4:25 PM
Thanks, I appreciate it :D Hope you're doing well these days!!
malvarez1 Oct 16, 2024 10:06 AM
Thank you very much. It was pretty low-key, but that's how I like it tbh.
MechaFanBoy1979 Sep 26, 2024 2:42 AM
I can be quite lazy at times, even when trying to finish an anime, lol. Also thanks for the well wishes as well, i been slowly recover from some stuff that happen in July and August.

But anyways, sorry that i assume you were in your late 20s, since your profile didn't show the year you were born. I just automatedly assume that you were munch older than me. But that seems not to be the case, since you were younger than i thought, but your still older than me anyways, hahaha!

I have 6 siblings, two older (half) Gen X's and 4 zoomers siblings. I'm oldest of my zoomer siblings, with the youngest having just turn 12 a day before your birthday. Also the reason why i have Gen X siblings, is because my father is a baby boomer who was married till they were divorced somewhere around the 80s or 90s, i think. one of my Gen X sibling has two kids around my age. So you be surprised to know that despite my age, I'm already an uncle, lol.

I did grew up a lot of things such as games and shows through out the 2010s, especially my early experience with the internet. I had a lot of Wii games, mostly because i picked games that had interesting box arts at least to young me. hence why i had lot Wii games compare to the 4 Wii U games i had, lol.

As for my thoughts on Texhnolyze, I can say it's pretty damn dark for sure, and i love it. It's definitely a stark contrast to Haibane and maybe even Lain too, it does feel way more dark than Lain at least in my opinion. I started watching Texh after finished FullMetal Alchemist (2003), it was a dark show, but it does some light hearted moments. So after i finished FMA, i wanted to watch something more darker and man i got want i wanted. Another reason i wanted to watch it, was because i heard that this show deals with transhumanism, since i do like the transhumanism philosophically. I personally believe that as long as humanity doesn't nuke itself, we as a species we'll eventually evolve into become more machine than organic. Although the one's that don't become cyborgs (normal humans) would go extinct. So i guess either way humanity would go extinct, just the latter is the better outcome.

Beside that i'm still looking forward to seeing more of it. Like Lain and Hanibane before it, it is pretty unquie, especially how there was very little dialoged in the first episode and i'm curious as to where the story is heading. How also something a bit funny about FMA is that one of the protagonists had lost his right arm and left leg, which were replace with an robotic one (Plus a dead mom). Now i'm watching show where the mc lost his right arm and left leg, and even a dead mom too. It's funny that i just realize that now, haha😅!
MechaFanBoy1979 Sep 24, 2024 8:49 AM
Haha, no problem dude!

Sorry that the late response tho (I was just lazy), But I'm glad that your doing better from being sick.
At least compared to the problems I'm dealing with, let's just say that real life isn't exactly very kind to me, especially when it comes to my childhood.

For a while, I was under the impression that you were in your late 20s, but since you said we're in college…does that mean your an (early) Gen Z!?

You know it's interesting that your watching Texhnolyze just as I started watching it yesterday. First Haibane Renmei and now Texhnolyze, it’s an interesting coincidence that we're watching almost around same time lol.

One more thing I want to ask, if I ever wrote a fanfic, would you read it?
MechaFanBoy1979 Sep 19, 2024 6:42 AM
Happy Birthday Day dude!!!
aphies Aug 21, 2024 9:56 PM
zetsuboushita (°ロ°) ! ! !
returntothenhk Aug 17, 2024 9:54 AM
Thank you! I’m in despair! Being one year older has brought me despair!
anizawa89 Aug 11, 2024 6:13 PM
OMEGA maho
MechaFanBoy1979 Aug 3, 2024 7:08 PM
Sorry that i left you hanging for so long, i was planning to reply earlier, but unfortunately July proof to be a very stressful time for me. So not a great time for me, but at least my birthday was pretty decent. i didn't had any gifts, since i didn't plan on getting gifts in the first place. I did had a Hershey cake, which wasn't the best cake i had tasted, but it did tatse good.

Well to be honest, the reason why Hamdou sounded familiar to me was because i had watched an other anime done also done by AIC. The Legend of Black Heaven which you may be familiar with this famous clip:
Hamdou seiyuu voiced the mc of the show Ouji Tanaka. I remember that after i had finished Black Heaven i decided to Now and there the week after. so the hole time i wonder why did Hamdou said like Ouji for some reason lol. side note the OP of Black Heaven is the most ''unanime'' op in the history of anime and i fucking love it!!!

Ah yes the Untied Nations, an organization that suck ass at doing it's job. You know for a peacekeeping organization that exist to prevent future wars, they would rather watch a building being on fire rather than putting out the fire. Rwandan Genocide while arguable one of worst things to happen in recent human history. in the end what's done was done, all we can do is to pray to those who lost there lives' and hope that they find peace in the afterlife. We can also hope that future generation will prevented the same catastrophe again.

As for how long Sara and the kids would survive after the events of the show? Hmmm that's actually a good question, the village they come lived was destroyed plus it's pretty far away. so going back there and rebuilding it is going to take a long ass time. Plus lack of food doesn't help either, But i firmly believe that they will live a long happy life. The anime is already depressing as it is, they at least should get a happy end from all the shit they went through.

I think it's possible that Abelia may had loved or was very close to him before he was insane. I mean Hamdou was likely a very different and Abelia may had been very loyal to him prior to events of the series. That's the only way i could think of, as to why she had to deal with a lunatic as him for so long.

Glad that you enjoyed Samumenco. a lot of people definelty didn't like the Guillotine Gorilla scene. when i first saw that, i was like ''What the fuck was that about'', tho while i was surprised, it did however made me way more invested. in fact i was so invested that i finished the anime in just two days. which is pretty rare for me to do lol. i loved everything about it especially that Gay part between Masayoshi and Gotou near the end of the series. Even thinking about it now, that shit was mad funny LMAO😂. i agree about Sawada being a major villain for some reason. Like after seeing super villains, aliens and the fucking Prime Minster himself. This kid who we seen a few times is the last Antagonist, Masayoshi has to face, is kinda of a let down. despite that i really did enjoyed Samumenco. Maybe i should rewatch it again in the near future.

i seen some images of Sayonara Zetsubou online, here and there. But i wasn't really that instered, till you menotied it had mecha references and i'm a little more intersed now. i might put it in my PTW list later. thanks for liking my picks and the Demi Fiend pfp i had for awhile. too bad i change it, but i do like the currelty profie pic more than the last one. The character name is Shirou Yusa from Dies Irae, a visual novel i'm curretly reading. Basically all you need to know about him is that he's one of most coolest and badass character i have ever see in my life. Plus the pfp does fit my despticon pretty well.

BTW if your looking some more Toku anime, i recommend Casshern Sins, it's the 2nd remake of an 70s anime Neo-Human Casshern, altho it's much darker in tone then the original. taking place in an post-apocalyptic earth we follow our mc Casshern a humanoid robot who not only learned he has amnesia, but he's responsible for spearing a plague known as Ruin that kills humans and robots alike, expect for Casshern who's immune to the Ruin, because of his immunity, many robots desperately want to devour Casshern so they can become immune to the ruin as well. it's an anime question that immortally and death now that robots have lost their immortally due to Ruin and how they deal with death itself. the anime does have a unique artstyle and pretty good animation (as expected of Madhouse), also i did saw a comment that once said this the SMT Nocturne of anime, i'm not sure if this is true or not since it has been awhile since i watch an walkthrough of SMT Nocturne. But the anime did gave more vibes to Digital Devil Saga 1 than Nocturne. the anime does have a similar atmoshpere and the hole devoring thing going on. Beside it is a great that watch i 100% recommend👍!!

Dagvi Aug 1, 2024 8:42 AM
The world has left me in despair!!!

PS. I'm surprised to how you found my profile, I don't remember us talking previously, how'd you discover me?:D
Adriannitro Jul 8, 2024 10:32 PM
no, i haven't seen the movie. In general i don't watch anime often nowdays. I want to watch the movie only because of the fucking incredible visuals. Seriously how this japanese mothrfckrs had so much style for steampunk / medieval fantasy shit in the 90's
LordSozin Jul 5, 2024 2:50 PM
That's an interesting take, actually. That's something definitely beyond the usual contemporary elements in the show upon a second thought. However, I haven't seen much from Lodoss War that it gives me the impetus to continue. In regards to those fantasy novels that you mentioned, what do you think are the general appeal of them? I'm quite intrigued on that front, tbh.
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