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Days: 39.4
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Feb 22, 2024 10:11 AM
Completed 64/64 · Scored -
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Feb 22, 2024 10:11 AM
Completed 148/148 · Scored 8
Fruits Basket 1st Season
Fruits Basket 1st Season
Feb 26, 2022 10:12 PM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 8
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Days: 8.7
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Jun 1, 2019 3:43 PM
Reading -/103 · Scored -
5-toubun no Hanayome
5-toubun no Hanayome
Jun 1, 2019 1:11 PM
Reading 87/122 · Scored -
Slam Dunk
Slam Dunk
May 27, 2019 2:24 AM
Reading 55/276 · Scored -

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Disapeared_Ghost Nov 13, 2021 5:59 PM
Leilana Aug 6, 2019 11:30 AM
I remember that show lol. I grew up mostly on the popular classics like Courage the Cowardly Dog and Rugrats. I actually enjoy dumb humor as well, though I couldn't really get into that cartoon.. but anyway, dumb humor is so dumb that it ends up being kind of funny.

Ooo I see... what did you study? (assuming you went to uni). And yes I feel old as well, even though some people would say I am still young

Wow that's some serious dedication. Have you been reading for a long time? Like is it something you've always enjoyed? You know what they say about curiosity and the cat! Jkjk. Yeah that's true. I find adult fantasy books are more complex and a lot bigger in size as well. I wouldn't really say I have a favorite book of all time.. how about you? Or is it the Pride and Prejudice one you mentioned before?
Leilana Jul 11, 2019 10:58 AM
Ohh that's nice. What is/was your favorite cartoon?
Oh right, sometimes I forget how old my MAL account is lol.

Ah okay, gotcha. Are you in school currently or? Ooo I see. Yeah the piano is a really beautiful and powerful instrument. Full of many emotions. It's crazy to me when I see really good piano players and how fast they are able to move. I'm sure it's with years of practice, but some people are able to pick up instruments way quicker than others. Lol sounds like that could give you a lot of trouble.

Actually haven't read that one, but I checked it out recently after you mentioned it and will give it a try when I get around to it. But yeah I have been reading newer ones. Oh hmm, hopefully I won't have trouble getting into it then. Books like that are either hit or miss with me. Writing style influences a lot. Oh wow lol. See, I try to focus on one at a time and if one isn't keeping my interest, I'll just stop reading it and move on to the next one. I can't really force myself through a bad book. Oh that's really neat! I've been trying to read a variety of stuff as well. Been wanting to find more fantasy and thriller books, but all the ones I have tried don't really keep my interest. I will say I found way better fantasy stuff for teen books, but I have moved on to adult books now so maybe that's my problem lol.

No worries :)
pchi Jul 3, 2019 7:12 PM
It's basically like an upgraded Skype, it has group chatting / DMs / voice video and screenshare but is more organized and easier to run !! I just prefer instant messaging to MAL tbh

Hahah if you remember the inactive username request thread, they posted about it in there! It's lame but at least there's no longer a need for making decisions like name changes if you're indecisive like me ' v '
pchi Jul 1, 2019 2:21 AM
Well it's nice you were able to catch up with them a bit! I kinda miss those forum games chat threads tbh :< But discord servers are just soo much more convenient, I feel like they killed mal somewhat..

They closed the inactive usernames request thread saying it was no longer in their powers or something idk :<

I am going to summer classes so ty tho see you around!!!
pchi Jun 13, 2019 7:40 PM
Ooh have you talked to them recently? I talked to Flume on discord a while back but I haven't seen Dotty in foreverrr. I kinda lost interest in MAL, I still use it for logging anime but I prefer instant messaging like discord and stuff

I've been okie just on summer break ! My summer classes start next week but it's only a few hours monday thru thursday ' v '

I usually go by pichi on other places but it was taken. I think I was looking at desserts and "pichi pichi" caught my eye as a cute name
Leilana Jun 2, 2019 6:36 PM
Oh, I'm not up to date with my memes haha. My apologies. And alrighty, well it's nice to meet you Linus! I used to change my username a lot as well until I ran out of ideas. It's definitely a struggle finding one that sticks though, but your current one gives me a lot of nostalgia and wow, you have been on MAL for a while now that I look. I'll see if I can come up with a good one lol.

Really? I can relate with being shy as well :c how come you don't play as much now?
Well it'd certainly help, but it's no big deal. Oh wow, that's quite the variety there. Is there one that you enjoy/enjoyed most? I don't play any, but I did take piano and guitar class back in high school. I enjoyed both of them a whole lot, though piano was extremely difficult for me mainly cause a lot of memorization and also I have small fingers and hands, so it was quite the struggle to move to the keys quick enough lol

Ooo well I guess I'd say historical romance is my most favorite, but a lot of books I have been reading, I am not sure what to classify them as since it varies at times. I occasionally read mysteries, biographies, sci-fi ish stuff and the like, plus other stuff. I'm very picky tbh and it's difficult for me to find books that keep my interest, so there's a lot of books I don't end up finishing, but I usually just go with whatever looks interesting enough to me. I only recently got back into reading more several months ago as well, so trying not to go overboard with it. Anyway enough of my rambling lol. What about you?
Leilana May 29, 2019 11:56 PM
Lol why General? Feel free to call me Chantel (my actual name). I always prefer that over my username, but if you prefer using my username then that's fine too. Anything you like to be called by, or should I just come up with a nickname for you?

Good to hear you're doing well! Nope we have not. I stumbled across your profile and just decided I would strike up a conversation with you, but it's nice to meet you as well.

I'm doing okay, thank you :)

I'm gonna ask you some random questions based off your interests (I'll try to come up with some questions and hopefully you don't mind). I suck terribly at conversations and coming up with topics, so please bare with me. What type of instruments do you play?
Leilana May 27, 2019 9:45 PM
Hello there :)
How's it going?
pchi May 25, 2019 12:51 AM
Looking at com-to-com usually jogs my memory! I vaguely remember talking to people in forum games. And ya even I barely go on MAL now :^( It's too much effort. How've you been?
KlldbyCuriosity May 19, 2019 9:12 AM
Oki, hope you like it :) End of Evangelion is the kind of proper ending btw
KlldbyCuriosity May 18, 2019 2:28 PM
I honestly think Evangelion is best on the rewatch, also you should watch End of Evangelion this time if you decide to watch it
The Rebuilds are ok, 3.33 kind of misses the point tho although the more I think about it the more I think that was intentional
KlldbyCuriosity May 18, 2019 1:05 PM
It’s all about Shinji finding it within himself to love himself and love others, even though they might hurt him or anything like that. idk, it’s hard to explain without writing a paragraph lol
KlldbyCuriosity May 18, 2019 11:18 AM
Yeah, they’re really nice. Personally reminds me of Evangelion but that’s because I think waaay too much about Evangelion >.>
KlldbyCuriosity May 18, 2019 10:25 AM
I like the quotes in your profile
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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