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Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen
May 7, 2017 11:41 AM
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Days: 68.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries472
- Reread28
- Chapters10,877
- Volumes398
All Comments (48) Comments
Also you probably also know this but in order to get into Akagi/Ten you need to know how to play mahjong, if you don't have an understanding of the game it kills a lot of the experience.
I notice you have Only Yesterday listed on your favorites, a film that I recently reviewed, what did you think of it? I also plan to watch Fantastic Children very soon soon, right after I finish Votoms.
P.S. Ten has a sequel called Hero, don't bother with it, also avoid the MAL page for it at all costs, the synopsis has a big spoiler for Ten.
If I were to choose Shintaro Kago works that would scream "that's a Kago for y'all!" , it will be:
Kasutoro Shiki (Short stories collection)
Notable chapters:
-Oral Cavity Infectious Syndrome
-The Memories of Others
Yume no Omocha Koujou (short stories collection)
Notable chapters:
-Dream Toy Factory
-Head Prolapse Elegy
There are others as well like Suck it and a Hell Season chapter where it made quite a reputation with most of the manga readers for its "contents" but those are just for the shock factor it gave them. There's much more about Kago's works and most of it is strangely funny yet will leave you something to think about (that is what it's like to me).
Ah, I just randomly chose those pics for my profile that I can easily find on the internet. My intention of putting it up there together with those selected images from other mangaka was for comparison in art style only, nothing more.
Oh, I have to thank you for the awesome recommendation. I'm really a fan of Matsumoto Tayo work, almost fan girlin' over him. It really seems I'm going to love Igarashi Daisuke's works for what you have said, seems to be such an interesting mangaka with a detailed artstyle and innovative storytelling. From wich work should I start?
So, you are a rock fan? That's amazing, welcome! I do listen to stoner/psychedelic and doom rock, being that my favourite genre. Maybe you know Kyuss, Electric Wizard and Orange Goblin?! Recently, I've been into atmospheric black metal and shoegaze, such a beautiful genre. Wich genre is your favourite? Well, Sun O))) is a unique band, most people can't get into it. I think it was easier for me to enjoy it because I already had listen to 'lighter' noise band such as Boris. So, maybe you should listen this album. Hope you like it!
Used to be very much a game enthusiast while growing up ,but nowadays I really grew out of this hobby.When I do feel the need to play something (once every full moon) I mostly play Civilization 5,Dark Souls 1/2 since I love relentless,unforgiving old school-esque role playing games and Path Of Exile as a recent adaptation of the Diablo 2 formula.Other than that not so much ,it just got to a point where I simply got bored of video games and newly released games in general and felt like I was wasting my time.
Haven't watched Space Dandy or Death Parade yet,so unfortunately I cant exactly share my impressions of them.Although Dandy should be a interesting watch considering the very well know director responsible for it.If its anything remotely close to what Bebop and Samurai Champloo then it would easily be worth checking out in the near future.
No unfortunately that's not the case in Anne,i re-watched the episodes to see exactly when the actual character development took place and it literally happened between episodes 35-37 ,which just felt much to fast all things considered.
I understand what you're saying ,but that's what slightly bothered me about the series,all the talk about romance,books,romantic stories they made up, was exclusively done in a dreamlike/fairy tale like manner in a way to pass time.
You would naturally expect that when characters such as Anne who are young and still growing up that they would obviously not get along with boys and seek immediate comfort ,refuge and understanding with girls of the same age ,which did happen extensively I might add,because that's extremely plausible for that period and even nowadays.But the slow transition one naturally experiences when starting to get interested in "members of the opposite gender" didn't happen as you might expect and to me felt a bit unrealistic and almost forcefully ignored.
Maybe its because of my expectations when it comes to a realistic type of story,especially one involving the journey of growing up, and it was by no means a major detracting factor to my overall enjoyment but it just felt like something that was missing.
No I was just comparing it to Ie Naki as the other World Masterpiece Theater titles that I've seen (which in total are only 4 atm) but if I had to then yes I did prefer Dezaki's signature direction style.Although that can only save a series for so much ,this was the most apparent in Hakugei Densetsu which is now easily the absolute worst Dezaki directed series I've seen,all the rumors about it are absolutely true.Space Cobra now looks like a masterpiece in comparison...
Again like I mentioned earlier I really need to keep my expectations in check when viewing future WMT titles and start them with no predisposition ,misconceptions and such.Hype sure is a weird thing when it comes to experiencing things that you might otherwise have genuinely liked if not for the abundance of ideas,opinions you get from various sources (reviews,forum posts,quick thoughts from others or even yourself...)
Thanks for the info ,yeah wanted to check out Miyuki for a while now,will surely make time to start it as soon as possible.
Just recently finished watching Akage no Anne and wanted to share my quick impressions of it.
It was well worth the watch and just something that cant be reproduced in today's anime industry,it might not be a perfect series as I hoped it would be when I first started but it surely made up for any downsides it might have.
From what I understand it follows the novel extremely closely ,so any minor annoyances I have towards it should be attributed to the original book.For instance I would have preferred if it had a romance subplot going on throughout its episodes (the whole deal with Gilbert felt very silly and underwhelming to say the least) ,maybe a bit more focus towards the supporting characters and also a better/memorable soundtrack would have elevated the series even more.
But besides these minor stuff it was simply a superb and wonderful depiction of life from that certain time period,Anne was easily one of the very best child characters that I ever come across in anime and just a pleasure to watch her growth,although the way they handled her character development from impulsive/talkative/imaginative girl to a modest/intelligent young lady was much to fast and happened literally in just a few episode notice,was expecting something more gradual and seamless but unfortunately that wasn't exactly the case.
Matthew and Marilla were also extremely likable as well and contributed immensely towards the overall enjoyment of the show.At first I was expecting strict ,"by the books" parents types like you see in so many other similar shows, but it turned out that they were easily some of the best parental figures out there.Not to mention how the certain major spoiler moment involving Matthew and the end really hits a soft stop no matter how insensitive you may be.
Other than that these 50 episodes it had just flew by in a instant ,its one of those cases of a show where it doesn't feel its length at all.In fact it could have probably used 20-30 more episodes to flesh out certain moments or characters even more and it would have been just fine.
Although if I were to think about in retrospect I still prefer Ie Naki Ko over Anne ,mostly because the first had so many memorable and dramatic scenes/moments that really "hit the viewer" where it matters and made you all the more invested to what is going on and the characters involved.Where in Anne the only significant and major story element happens only at the very end of the series and unfortunately I think there were a few not so noteworthy scenes in certain episode ,that wont stick around in your memory as much as you would want to ,that cant really compare to what happens in Ie Naki Ko.
It's been a long time, but I found some short animations and things I thought you might be interested in...
The Little Prince (BASED ON THE BOOK)
Tabaimo - a really interesting Japanese artist who makes cool animated shorts with a rich historical and manga influence.
Кстати, благодарю за подробный ответ, особенно про творения Суэхиро Маруо, которые раскрыли глаза на мангу в целом своей необычностью повествования.
>можно узнать, чем так приглянулся Акира, да и вообще чем нравится творчество Нагая?
Хорошие вопросы, однако...
Мангой "Акира" заинтересовалась после просмотра мувика, где полюбились дизайн персонажей, некая мрачность и музыка. Ну и Кацухиро Отомо постарался - был и автором оригинала, и режиссером. Вообще, решила пройтись по "золотой классике манга-индустрии", Акира как раз входит в число таких произведений. Пока его отложила, но потом найду в себе силы и прочитаю полностью.
Насчет творчества Нагая Го. Это длинная история, так что постараюсь сказать вкратце. В детстве (чудесное время, да) выпал счастливый случай увидеть по тв аниме "Грендайзер"; понравились герои (алсо - помню, там даже романтическая линия прослеживалась), космос и сам огромный робот Грендайзер. А когда подросла, то узнала, что автором оригинала сего сериала был Нагай Го. Его герои веселые, но также сохраняют стойкую серьезность, девушки с одной стороны безобидные, но с другой стороны могут дать отпор. Еще меня поразило то, как этот профессиональный мангака смог включить в свои творения и гигантских роботов, и причудливых монстров, и достаточно насыщенную эротику, при этом не испортив картиy (смотря у кого какие взгляды, конечно). И вот так появился интерес. Безусловно, Нагай Го внес огромный вклад в развитие аниме/манги (особенно для взрослой аудитории), как в свое время сделали Тэдзука Осаму, Мацумото Лэйдзи, Хидеши Хино, Дэдзаки Осаму и другие выдающиеся люди. Есть, конечно, ярые противники Нагая, но и поклонников тоже немало))
>стоит ли браться за экранизацию манги Shigurui или лучше сразу начинать с манги?
Без разницы. Это Ваше право с чего лучше начинать.
Я, например, сначала посмотрела экранизацию манги и осталась под большим впечатлением от стилистики, темных тонов декораций, а также барабанной и завораживающей музыки (меломан во всей красе, да). Было чувство, будто я правда попала в Японию 17 века, вот.
[spoiler]Напоследок даю Вам парочку амв (Shigurui):
насчет стима - ты получаешь только цифровые копии игр, но для меня это самое оно. я уже не помню, когда в последний раз открывал сидиром. я тоже давно был пиратом, пока не увидел в стиме распродажи, где можно за 50р купить ААА игру. установить можешь везде, где у тебя есть комп, не таская с собой диски (если нету территориальных запретов). в общем, ты сама все про стим расписала, не вижу смысла еще что-то рассказывать. но самый главный довод - многие современные игры, которые ты купишь на диске потребуют активации в стиме. второй самый главный довод - удобные фишки стима и игровое коммьюнити.
Тут, думаю, стоит сказать, что я живу в Латвии
ну, да. Почти Сибирь. но компьютерные клубы по твоему описанию такие же как и в Москве :)
В ноябре, например, я играла в Dishonored
я сам в неё не так давно впервые поиграл, все откладывал почему-то. тоже понравилась, может даже ещё разок когда-нибудь пройду, чтобы ачивки в стиме пооткрывать.
С наступающим! Встретишь на час раньше меня.
и тебя, уже с наступившим :)
As for The Mysterious Cities of Gold, I've loved that series for nearly thirty years. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
I don't really like these pacifistic type of stories (even if its technically a more secondary plot point) and its not exception here in VS.Although I do applaud the reverse character development between Thorfinn and Canut,it was very interesting to turn of events.
Yeah I noticed the situation as well in Votoms and got me a bit confused,such a weird thing to release so many OVA's/movies in such non-chronological order.Will just stick with the original series and move my way up with the others depending on how much I enjoy it.
That's the thing with horror anime series ,for some reason or another they just don't seem to work in this format.They either focus on the violence/shock elements to much or drag things up for audacious amounts of time to the point of having very little pay-off when they finally get things going.And its so weird considering how many good real action japanese horror films there are.
Higurashi as well falls in both ends of the spectrum that I mentioned.Although the first season wasn't all that bad,it had some good build up and suspense and it raised quite a few number of questions regarding the plot to keep the viewer interesting and constantly on their toes.
The second season of it felt like i was watching Scooby Doo ,so much over explaining and so much info dumping brought the series to its knees."Hey gang lets team up and foil the bad buys plans,that will teach them to do for doing no good deeds" just myeah....
The underwhelming finale didn't do it any favors to say the least.
Honestly don't remember much about Toradora ,only know that I watched Golden Time more recently,which was made by the same people , and it felt like a cheap unrealistic melodrama which failed on all accounts. .Where it tried to be serious it came across as goofy,where it tried to be funny it came across as plain dumb.
I already watched Fate Stay Night by the time I watched Fate Zero so I knew exactly what I was getting myself into story wise,its only enjoyable for me mostly due to for well animated fight sequences (as sporadic as they are) ,just the overall visual presentation was a extremely impressive one for a TV series in this day and age and for the Alexander The Great character (he was the only one who stood out from the rest)
Whenever I hear a anime that is based on a visual novel or a light novel I almost instantly roll my eyes back and take a grain of salt before watching the anime in question.Almost all the time the fans of the source material are hyping the anime to ludicrous extends and the end result is a very lackluster and very
Nah my list is purely subjective ,I mostly consider the overall enjoyment value and everything that comes with it.Nothing is rated very objectively to say the least,but anything bellow a 5 is typically something that I disliked and will probably never watch again.
So without no further ado for me Ikkitousen is easily the worst anime franchise I've ever watched ,I must have been crazy for even completing all of it's seasons or just morbidly curios to see how much worse it can possibly get.And it sure delivered in that regard.
It was just so excessive in every possible way:from the number of episodes ~50,the abundance of constant sexual fancervice every single minute shoved down the viewers throat,to the mindless and tiresome fight sequences that were repeated over and over,to just how plain dumb/poorly written and downright mentally retarded the characters were (how they switch motivation and any form of "character development" from scene to scene).And lastly because its a absolute mockery of The Romance Of The Tree Kingdoms mythology ,a absolute disgrace that should have never been associated with such a important piece of universal literature.
Creative liberties and all that jazz,but some people simply don't deserve that freedom of doing things and Ikkitousen is a clear example of that ,where the people making it should have just made a pure hentai title in the first place and drop any excuse of "were above that category" mentality.
Also done with Heidi btw,surprisingly it turned out to be very similar with Ie Naki Ko in many ways than I initially expected and shared many plot motives and themes especially the "there's no place like home" "the rural country life is best type of life" straight out of The Wizard of Oz.
Although its been a enjoyable experience I cant really say that its one I loved it,maybe because my expectations are set a bit to high for these WMT series ,maybe because I watched it on a much slower pace (only 3-4 episodes a day) but it just really felt its length and not always in a good way.
Very charming and endearing obviously,especially the characters. Heidi really felt like a child character trough and trough,completely the opposite of Erin from Kemono No Souja Erin for instance.But it felt a bit to stretched out compared to the actual content and many of its plot elements were repeated a bit to much.
Think I mentioned Hyouge Mono in a previous message ,yeah its worth checking out for sure.Very interesting mix between comedy and historical events,also has some interesting and contemplative themes and subject matters throughout its episodes.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays btw! Not a religious person myself but I still thinks its a great time of the year to spend with family and friends.
Same with One Piece ,a series I grew up on and one of my guilty pleasure titles that I only pick up when 70-100 episodes or so have "collected" .Having to sit trough just 1 episode a week feels like a absolute drag and also feels like i'm missing out on a lot of continuity .That's why I never watch on-going series until they are done airing,and only watch 1 anime series at a time ,all the time and I tend to always vary what I watch after i'm done so that I mix up the genres and not end up "typecasted" with the same stuff over and over.
Still need to watch the LOGH prequel series,just never got the right time to do so.When I rewatched LOGH the second time I thought I would leave them after finishing the original series ,but it was a bad idea since the original tied basically everything together all so perfectly so having to go back to the beginning dint really feel right.I should have started off with the prequels and then move on with the full series.Maybe on my 3 watch ,who knows...
Didn't plan to watch Devilman at all,same with the original Getter Robo and Mazinger.Not everything "old is gold" and after getting the taste of Getter Armageddon I think I got the overall idea of the franchise,
Devilman Lady seems to get some fairly good reviews/reception (maybe because its more recent).Might check out that one out sometime.
The only old mecha related series that I can honestly say i'm interested in trying out are Ideon and Votoms which are very high up on my PTW list.
Votoms seems to be regarded as the first true realistic mecha anime so that should a be interesting watch for sure.Ideon is also cited as the source of inspiration for Neon Genesis Evangelion ,so that alone should make it worth checking out.
Only have very few complaints on Takarajima ,mostly how they omitted the "X marks the spots" part and how the actual finding the treasure part felt a bit lackluster,since it was "hidden" behind that glass covered cave that was on the surface.Don't remember that being the case in the novel.
And also Jim's design felt very out of place and downright silly compared to the other characters.
But besides that it was a absolute joy to sit trough and watch.If Hakugei Densetsu is also close to that level of quality and entertainment then It would make me very happy and should be must watch as well.
Oh and something I omitted about Space Cobra is that visually its very well made,not quite up there with ANJ 2 but still fairly close.Sugino Akio character design is extremely well made and pleasant to look at ,which is no exception here.
And also how its quite mixed with its episodes :there are somewhat lengthy arcs ,sometimes its completely episodes,there are also 2 episodes in succession.Its very mixed altogether,was expecting it to be completely episodic considering when it aired,so that came out as a good surprise.
So you might want to watch it for that ,or at the very least to have closure on the Dezaki directed series list.
Btw i'm quite curious to find out what do you consider some of the worst anime series you've watched. Always interesting to find out the best and worst things someone had to sit trough imho.
And i'm referring to full TV series not cash cow OVA's that were mostly hit or miss.