For me, it started out decent and then became incredible. Some people say the first 50 episodes can be a slog to get into, but I think the pay-off you get from the first serious arc is really good. It is a comedy tho and ofc humor is subjective so if you don't enjoy, it's perfectly fine to drop it
Imma watch it tomorrow!!!!!!
When I see the goddamn episode fk!!!
I wanted to do that but what should I do!
Why always late in india smh
Damn bastards!
Btw do u know when it'll be out here?
Fk the ending every single thing was bad abt it.
Except for fights.
Shit was completely illogical from start to finish with no-thought out writing.
And don't forget the final villian that clown.
His motivations made me laugh for atleast 15 minutes lmao
I completed takt op today.
And what to say,
This is officially the worst show I have ever wasted my precious time on.
Like wtf? WTF Was it?
What was the story abt? The main villian was the biggest joker I have ever fking scene in any anime period!
Also the characters were pure dogeshit.
Demon Slayer is looking like a masterpiece to me all of a sudden!
This shit was the definition of waifu-bait.
Good for takt tho, got both the sisters atleast Lmfao.
All Comments (43) Comments
How tf was it??
What about you?
I hope you're having a good day
Happy Birthday mf!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I see the goddamn episode fk!!!
I wanted to do that but what should I do!
Why always late in india smh
Damn bastards!
Btw do u know when it'll be out here?
Except for fights.
Shit was completely illogical from start to finish with no-thought out writing.
And don't forget the final villian that clown.
His motivations made me laugh for atleast 15 minutes lmao
And what to say,
This is officially the worst show I have ever wasted my precious time on.
Like wtf?
WTF Was it?
What was the story abt? The main villian was the biggest joker I have ever fking scene in any anime period!
Also the characters were pure dogeshit.
Demon Slayer is looking like a masterpiece to me all of a sudden!
This shit was the definition of waifu-bait.
Good for takt tho, got both the sisters atleast Lmfao.