im egeza, a non chalant dread head with W RIZZ and loads of grimace shakes
Watching this season :
Publishing manga :
Ok Ok i would like to explain myself, Aot hasnt always been my number 1, but, by recent change i have bumped this goat up to place number 1.
I cant begin to describe the love i have for erens cute patooty face and MIKASA 🥵..... and armin 🥰
Inconclusion, I believe aot is my fav anime due to a wide range of reasons i wont explain now but if u want to really know call me on 1800 im yours 😘
Attack on Titan
Hey Hey Hey, before you go and judge me for demon slayer being my number 2, let me explain
Demon slayer is my number 2 for 3 reasons
1. Demon slayer is my first anime i watched so
OBVIOUSLY i have a soft spot for my pookie bear
2. You could say that demon slayer is eye candy for
children, and in this circumstance CALL ME A MF
BABY bc i drool watching nezuk-- ZENITSU move
around my screen
3. Demon slayer feature many of my favourite anime
characters, being Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Tengen and
Giyuu, uuhhhh i want them in my mouthhh
Demon Slayer
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