Hi Guys!
Here are a few things that you should know about me:
1. My name is Adriana and I`m almost 22 years old
2. As you probably noticed, I`m from Romania, Bucharest
3. Birthday: 9 May 1991
Random facts about me: I can find the positive side of almost anything. I love art and I'm a person of great enthusiasm, easily excited by many things. Very childish, but serious when I have to be. Sometimes I'm full of myself, very stubborn and I know what I think is right. I like taking care of people, talk to them and know them better. I like to create friendship in any various types. Like I always say; I don't care how you look, how bad/good you are, what music do you listen to or even if you like me. I just love people!!!!My family and friends are the most important to me and I feel lost without them. I like to play by the rules and I give my all at whatever I do, I really tend to be dominant in a game. At my worst, I'm lazy and I do things in the last minute. The quality that I admire and value the most in a person is respect. I'm a pretty laid back person. Feel free to leave a message anytime.
Likes: Music(Duh!), reading, daydreaming, fantasizing, sleeping, laughing (a lot), love, art, manga/anime, animals maniac, internet maniac
Dislikes: Rain (unless I`m sleeping in my cozy bed), lightning storms, math (Just die!!!), fish, heights, envy, violence, false friends, sadness, bugs, insects and other creepy crawlies, being bossed around
Pet: Rolf (German Shepherd Dog) aka The killing machine or The beast
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All Comments (193) Comments
Multă sănătate şi noroc în tot ce faci !
Păi, cam ca de obicei - nu mă pot lăuda, nu mă pot plânge. Pe de o parte foarte bine, pe de alta, cam aiurea. Bah...
Eu m-am apucat să mă uit la anime-urile adunate pe hard disk - vezi listele mele - pe TV (via Blu-ray player), aşadar e mai comod decât cu nasul în laptop... :)
Mai bine decât deloc, nu? :)
*hugs back*
Şi, eşti bine? Totul e cum vrei?