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Days: 102.7
Mean Score:
- Reading22
- Completed546
- On-Hold34
- Dropped34
- Plan to Read76
- Total Entries712
- Reread0
- Chapters17,121
- Volumes1,697
All Comments (108) Comments
A quote from one of your reviews. I have heard of the other artists mentioned in the synopsis of the show you reviewed but I don't remember ever hearing about Hokusai. I am from Europe as you.
While I've never had a general interest in art, I've had particular interests in particular kinds of art along with a general interest in history.
I'm wondering where your confident view that "the vast majority of people must have heard about Hokusai" came from?
Where did you read Kuuya Shounin ga Ita?
Have you ever read or heard about Simone Weil? I recently read her book "On the love of God"; you may find her interesting. She says one may find God and Beauty even through pain and horror. She lived the second world war
This is her talking about "le malheur"
Also i actually never heard of this movie. Interesting i will give a shot. Thanks very much
Sur de la literature et de la poesie. Je crois que la poesie est la melieure forme qu'on a pour approche la compprension du monde. Ce hiver j'ai lu trois livres: La Plaine en Flammes de Juan Rulfo, Los de Abajo de Mariano Azuela et Muerte sin Fin de José Gorostiza; touts ils sont ecrivains mexicains. C'est tout que je peu ecrire en francais, desolé.
El llano en llamas and Los de Abajo are both narrative (you can probably find La Plaine en Flammes in French, you should be able to) that deal with very mexican themes, Los de Abajo is about the revolution, so is El llano en llamas to some extent. But there is a much more universal feel to El Llano en Llamas, sometimes approaching greek tragedy, very recommended. While Muerte sin Fin is a long lyrical poem about metaphysics, I really liked it. You won't find a translation though.
Regarding your haikus, I find them well done actually. I really like how you paint a picture about "dead nature". really comtemplative stuff. Do you measure your rhythm? For example, I like the alliterations on "Serpent s'amusant du présent" or on "Les Larmes sèche sur le visage". I myself have been writing mostly -unrequited- love poetry, in Spanish of course, because l'anglais est une langue moche.
If you don't mind I'll show you my latest "creation"
That's an amazing project, to learn Japanese. I'm sure it'll definitely open up a lot of options that will be more fitting for your particular curiosity of the 'new' feel. It is true that many of the manga that get scanlated or licensed might not all offer originality, most of them don't and it's just a percentage of the number of titles available in Japanese only. I wish I also was motivated enough to try the same!
Hopefully you'll still be interested in joining us for next years' challenge.
I've also been getting more into Poetry and Theater, I mostly like poetry that rhymes and Tragic theater. I think there must be something on theater that can be useful for comic book crafting.
I've read both Madame Edwarda and Ma Mère, they are different books, If I recall correctly Ma Mère wasn't completed and I didn't like it too much
How's filming going?