I use it on everything I have (games, forums, accounts, you name it).
Drakkiss means the dragon's kiss, the dragon's kiss means death.
Currently Playing(updated 7/8/09)
Left 4 Dead
Neverwinter Nights
The Sims 3
MMOs I've Played
City of Heroes
City of Villains
Star Wars: Galaxies
Tabula Rasa
World of Warcraft
And TONS of Free to Play MMOs
Favorite Games(updated 4/1/09)
Age of Empires 1-3
Age of Mythology
Armored Core
Army of Two
ATV Off Road Fury 1-3
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Twooie
Call of Duty 1-4 (Haven't played World at War yet)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
Conquer: Bad Fur Day
Conquer - Live and Reloaded
Counter Strike (All)
Crash Bandicoot
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
DOOM (All)
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind & Oblivion
Fable 1 & 2
Fallout 3
Forza Motorsport
Gears of War 1 & 2
Ghost Recon (All)
God of War I & II
Grand Theft Auto 1-4
Halo 1 & 2 (3 was okay, but not great.)
Incredible Hulk
Left 4 Dead
Legend of ZELDA (All)
Mario 64
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Mass Effect
Mercenaries 2
Mirrors Edge
Monster Hunter (Only played on PS2, had 500+ hours in game)
Mortal Kombat
Ninja Gaiden 1 & BLACK (NOT 2!)
Persona 3: FES
Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2
Saints Row 2
Soul Calibur 1-4
Spider-Man 1 & 2
Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Street Fighter
Super Mario
Super Mario Kart 64
Super Mario Party 1-3
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros. & MELEE (Haven't played BRAWL)
Splinter Cell (All)
Siphon Philter (First)
Turok (N64)
Favorite Music
Simply put; I like all types of music EXCEPT blues, jazz, and rap.
If you have a question regarding me, the anime I watch, or the games on my 'favorite list,' go ahead and ask, I'll be more than happy to answer anything.
Well im watching one piece again :P currently 156. I just love this show so much. You can't pull your self away from it, its just so addicting. I am chatting about it to in the discussion forums. People are just missing out if they don't realize the epic quality of this anime.
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