What I consider to give points (score) to an anime:
-Consistent, unflawed plot line;
-Interesting setting, universe;
-Great, memorable characters;
-Philosophical significance or interesting morality/life lesson;
-Quality of animation, fluidity of action, movements;
-Graphic quality (texturing, colours, environment, backgrounds, light and "lightning")
-"Screenplay" ("mise en scène"), view angles, photography;
-Good voice acting (emotion without overacting, tone, rhythm, immersion in the character);
-Soundtrack and related music (OP-ED);
-Overall enjoyment (and the je-ne-sais-quoi- call it X-factor).
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Now we have to wait 2 more months for +α.
Although, I think it's the least interesting story out of those 6 (plus I don't like Kanbaru), and it was a nice idea to skip this particular one for MS:SS :D
Then, maybe, finally they'll manage to make Kizumonogatari.
Final season of novel is still ongoing, but it should end this year too, so maybe next winter.. ;)
But then came the MS:SS, where every story was getting more and more intriguing and goddamn awesome, and I just couldn't wait for next episode!
And now I can't wait for the continuation :)
Maybe if watch it all again back from Bakemonogatari, some time in the future, I'll find it more awesome :)
I switched SnK for Monogatari some time ago ;D
Si tu veux t'inscrire tu es le bienvneue
Enfin pour la musique de Kawai Kenji est très réussi, mais il y a Kajiura Yuki pour Kara no Kyoukai et Fate/Zero qui est sublime. Enfin, j'ai à peu près tou fait de type-moon. Enfin, il y a Fate/hollow ataraxia qui n'est pas fini d'être traduit et Mahoutsukai no Yoru qui sort le 12 avril au Japon:http://vndb.org/v777
Si tu n'a pas lu le manga Tsukihime, c,est vraiment bien, c'est sur la première route d'arcueid du VN. Sinon, je te conseil Berserk, c'est vraiment excellant comme manga(Le manga que je préfère)
Nice to meet you. ;)