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Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro
Mar 21, 2008 12:39 PM
Watching 7/25 · Scored 9
KimiKiss Pure Rouge
KimiKiss Pure Rouge
Mar 21, 2008 12:39 PM
Watching 23/24 · Scored 7
Meitantei Conan OVA 06: Kieta Daiya wo Oe! Conan & Heiji VS Kid!
Meitantei Conan OVA 06: Kieta Daiya wo Oe! Conan & Heiji VS Kid!
Jan 14, 2008 9:59 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
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Days: 15.9
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Peace Maker Kurogane
Peace Maker Kurogane
Jan 13, 2008 1:55 PM
Reading 25/? · Scored 10
Shinshi Doumei Cross
Shinshi Doumei Cross
Jan 12, 2008 3:08 AM
Reading -/59 · Scored 9
Silver Diamond
Silver Diamond
Jan 12, 2008 3:08 AM
Reading -/82 · Scored 10

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RuiYagisawa Feb 2, 2008 4:47 AM
Hi! :D Your Anime/ Manga List sounds quite interesting! And you also like Demian Syndrome! Well, I'm a big fan of Oki! (As you can see... XD)
Nekokitsune Jan 31, 2008 8:18 AM
:) Oh, yay! I missed you! It's really nice to hear from you again!

^^ You're going to Germany!? That's so cool! :) Have fun and make sure you get A LOT of pictures, okay?!

O___O And yeah...! That new girl in KH...! Everyone's just hoping that it's Namine... just so it's kind of obvious that there's something going on between her and Roxas, like seen in KH2 ... Instead of some new girl...

:) Oh...! And Naruto...! It's pretty good! How far are you in volumes? I don't really read that much... I know the story and I'm caught up with the plot so far... only because my brother's really into it and I like to read over his shoulder when he downloads a new chapter XD!

Anyways, it was great to hear from you again! :)
Karkki Jan 28, 2008 3:03 AM
Hello and thanks for your comment & welcoming ^^

Oh, You like pretty nice characters too~ :3 I love Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Gravitation and so on.. I think they're very great series.

So, I'm quite new here on myanimelist.. wanna be friends? :)
Nekokitsune Jan 17, 2008 6:22 PM
:( No KH 3... I've heard of both 'Birth by Sleep' and '358-2 Days'... but I didn't know which game console they were for and what they were about... :3 Weeeeell... I kinda knew about the Roxas thing...! ^____^ I'm so happy for that! But did you hear the rumour about that...? Apparently, there's another girl in the organization that they created for Roxas so that people would stop saying that Roxas and Axel were gay... XD Hee hee... Not like that would stop girls from saying they're gay...

Ha ha... Demian Syndrome... I have to look for volume 3 and 4 now...!

:) Have you read 'Saa koi ni Ochitamae'...? It's sooooooo good! I really hope you have...!

And Darker than Black...! That picture was so good! XD You were right though... It was a HUGE picture...! :) The summary sounds really good too...! I can't wait to see it once moy school exams are over in two weeks...!

^^ Hope to hear from you soon! :)
Nekokitsune Jan 16, 2008 4:23 PM
^^; I'm Chinese... but I'm not that great at it...

:) And play .hack ASAP! It's so great!

^^ And go get some sleep...! You really need it with your busy schedule..! Ha ha... but you sound pretty good for someone who's up at 1am...!

Oo I haven't heard of the anime before... 'Darker than Black...' Sounds cool...! :) And show me the picture...! It must be so good...!

^^ And of course I enjoyed your AMV...! :) Can't wait until 3 comes out...!

Oh...! About Demian Syndrome...! I got up to volume two... but that's as far as the scans I have go up to... I'll have to search another website for more, I guess... It's a little slow - or at least, a little slower than other yaoi/shonen-ai manga I've read... :S But maybe that's just me...

^^ Anyways...! I added you on dA, I think I told you that already... But... hee hee... In case I forgot...

And get some rest right now...! You need it! :)
Nekokitsune Jan 15, 2008 12:37 PM
^^ Aww...! I really wanna try FF7...! I know the graphics aren't as great, but the story is just so amazing! :)

Ha ha... I'm chinese, so i can speak a little... (not that great though...!)

^^ And you SHOULD get .hack...! The best part is that when your character confesses his love to the guy, the girls are so in shock! XD It's soooo funny! :) It's great that you can marry a guy though...! If you try to marry any of the other guys, you only get a 'friendship' scene... and EVERYONE knows that's just not as fun! XD

^^ I liked your KH3 video the best...! It was really well done and I'm SO excited for it!

:) Get some sleep...! Your life is sooo busy, wow!
Nekokitsune Jan 14, 2008 7:45 PM
^^ Aww... I'm sorry...! I was at school... So I couldn't answer you...! :(

:) But...! YES! Akuroku! I love that pairing like nooooooooo tomorrow! XD The plushies are really cute...! Roxas has huge eyes, hee hee...!

And I LOVE your AMV...! After seeing it, I really want to play now...!! WAAAAH...! I absolutely loved Final Fantasy Advent Children, and my friend's going to let me borrow FF VII when she finishes with it!

:) You're so cool that you can speak so many languages...! For me... It's just English... French... and some Chinese... - And a little Japanese only because I watch too much anime XD!!

I hope you'll get back into .hack//GU...! It's a really good game when you can fight well and stuff! XD My favourite part is in the last game... You can 'marry' the girl characters that you became friends with... but there's this one guy you can marry! XD It's SO funny!

:) Thank you for adding me on dA...! I'll add you ASAP!

^^ I'm trying to read Demian as fast as I can...! It's so sweet...! :) You and your lucky location with ALL the great manga...!

^^ Show me your KH2 videos..! :3 Are they Akuroku...?

^^; It seems that we have about a 6 hour difference... It's 11 at your place when I got this... and it was 5 here...! O.O But you have to wake up so early...!

Night night~!
Nekokitsune Jan 14, 2008 1:33 PM
^^ Aww...!! Sephiroth...! That's soooo cool! You're so lucky...! And that Cloud was so cool too...!

:) I'm so glad that you know Kingdom Hearts...! I have Roxas and Axel plushie - and my girl mind just loves that pairing too... Do you...? ^^ I love Akuroku!

If you have AMVs, show me!! They must be amazing! I must see them!

My brother got Dirge of Cerberus for his birthday, but we haven't plaed it yet... hee hee...

And video games are AWESOME! I can only play RPGs... so I have Final Fantasy 12 and Kingdom Herats 2... Suikoden II, and I've heard of Star Ocean... My brother also got Suikoden V ... Have you heard of .hack//GU...? The three games for that are AMAZING...!

:) Also, I think that your English is SOOO GOOD! You're really great at it already!

And if you want, I have a deviantART account... Nechan8 is my name ^^ ...! Add me and I'll add you too...!

(PS: I started reading Demian Syndrome...! The art is so pretty...! *heart*)
Nekokitsune Jan 13, 2008 2:17 PM
oooh...! not i'm SO going to download demain...! ^^ i can't wait!

:) you're so lucky...! and i LOVE your collection...! you're so amazing...! and TWO ROWS?! you're so lucky...! i only have about 30 mangas myself... they're mostly cantarella, bleach and fullmetal alchemist (it's because they are mine and my brother's collection; so we share) ... i don't have a picture of it though... ;_____; but it pales in comparison to yours anyways... >____< WAS THAT CLOUD AND SEPHIROTH ON THE BOTTOM SHELF?! YOU'RE SO COOL! I LOVE YOU!!! ... i don't have anything like that... i have a few plushies... and a small kurogane from tsubasa figure...

do you know kingdom hearts...? :) i have an sora action figure... i refuse to take it out of the box though XD gotta keep him in mint condition!

peace maker kurogane sounds pretty good... i'd like to read that too...! the art is interesting!
Nekokitsune Jan 13, 2008 12:31 PM
>.< is demain syndrome good...? i'll download it off the internet X3!!

and i loooooooooved those from takanaga...! ;_____; i want to move to germany now!

and i love vampire knight...! dn angel is a great manga... not so good anime... but now it's on hiatus...! rawr!!

CHRONO CRUSADE!!! THAT WAS MY CRACK MANGA! ... literally. i borrowed all 8 volumes from the library and seriously refused to give them back... the storyline was amazing... i was crying so much too...!

i haven't read peace maker kurogane, but i've heard of it...!

:) take a pic of the collection...! i want to see it!
Nekokitsune Jan 13, 2008 10:26 AM
*squeals* does oki do 'demain syndrome' ...?! i soo wanted to read that...!!

and now i remember why takanaga seemed so familiar...! :) i had to look at the pictures you gave to help remind me about the art style...! i read one by takanaga called 'you fall in love' ... it's like... 'kimi ga koi... something' in japanese XD have you read it? it's about archery and hot guys; hee hee...! ^^ and did takanaga do 'bukyiou na silent' ...?
Nekokitsune Jan 13, 2008 8:08 AM
:( I know... I'm so sad with the limited amount of yaoi and shonen-ai here... everything I read is usually downloaded...

Yes! OKANE GA NAI! ^^ 'No Money'! I've read it! I love it...! I've read... I think about 25 chapters - around 5 volumes :) It's soooo good...! Super Yaoi though... SUPER! Abd the uke, Ayase, he's just so cute...! You should watch the OVA's... If you've seen Gakuen Heaven by Higuri (the anime)... the voice of Keita is also Ayase's...! ^^ It's really well done...!

I've heard of Takanaga... what's the names of some of her works...? Oki sounds familiar too... ^^ !
Nekokitsune Jan 12, 2008 11:26 AM
^^ I KNOOOOOOOOW! Seimaden was beautiful...! I loved Tetiyus and Zadei soooo much! *heart*

And you're soooo lucky...! I'm in Canada, and we don't have a lot in English... (most of it is here... but not tranlated into English, so I can't read it... It's in French... German... Chinese... or still in Japanese)

Anyways! Hero Heel and BrotherxBrother! BEAUTIFUL! I've only heard of Hero Heel... but I sooooo wanted to read it...! Tell me what it's about!

And BrotherxBrother... I've read the first 4 chapters... it's got the most beautiful art ever... and the story itself is really well done...! :) little kinky moments that you must keep your eye out for though! hee hee...
Nekokitsune Jan 10, 2008 1:26 PM
ha ha... i opened that link and was like ... '*gasp* omg! there's a girl in this!' XD!

it looks really good though...! have you read seimaden by higuri...? :) that was a beautiful one...! the main pairing wasn't shounen-ai... but tetiyus and zadei at the side... *heart*
Nekokitsune Jan 9, 2008 4:38 PM
>____< Oh MAN! I've never heard of it...!! What's it about?! Is it good?! ;___; Waaah...!
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