All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 147.8
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed617
- On-Hold30
- Dropped140
- Plan to Watch56
- Total Entries848
- Rewatched0
- Episodes8,574
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 46.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries119
- Reread0
- Chapters6,169
- Volumes868
All Comments (199) Comments
Happy new year!
Nahhhhhh, there's no way I'd fit in. I'm sure they'd eat me alive if they saw my profile theme lol. I browse there, but have no desire to register.
I understand. A series like this isn't the same without the original creator taking charge of the ship. Even as someone who supports Mori and the art team at Studio Gaga, I myself can admit that Miura and Mori's sides can feel pretty different at times. From what the interviews present, Mori knows what he's doing, even if he himself has mixed feeling with continuing his friend's work.
Also, thank you for accepting my friend request.
As for Berserk's continuation, back when the future of the series was still up in the air after Miura's death, I pretty much accepted it being in limbo. In other words: I was content sitting on the fence. I mean, what else could I do other than reread the series and wait for a formal announcement by Hakusensha themselves?
But then, then the news of its return came out, which made me happy and a little worried. I couldn't think of anyone brave enough to take on this task. But after knowing who Koji Mori was, I pretty much trusted him from the get-go, because if Miura trusted him, why shouldn't I?
No worries, I'll send you a FR. I keep it off to avoid spam from collectors. :D
Is your name a reference to Dracula? It sounds like it. That reminds me that I haven't read that book in forever lol