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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season
Jan 26, 11:44 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 27.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries80
- Reread0
- Chapters4,352
- Volumes369
All Comments (33) Comments
Since I first laid my eyes on it I loved it; it portrays the dark atmosphere of its story with its colors, while also presenting the villain as a mysterious individual that could be more threatening than what his size may indicate.
That's great man, 250 is an impressive number. I still have a lot to look forward to which makes me very excited.
As for future seasons? Well, not looking forward to anything except horrors. ;D Fall doesn't give them? Meh, not a season of my taste, although it will be a nice one because of noragami second season, Subete ga F ni Naru seems to be quite nice as well. Ehh, I have no idea! Might spend summer time re-watching shows...
Anyway, any recommendations for psycho characters fan? Horror preferable, must be 1 season only (no more episodes than 20 :P)
So, as I ask that everyone, it's now your turn as well: What are you going to watch from summer season? What do you think will be the best anime (well, you know: what will you enjoy the most. It's not that I am interested in what will be the best anime voted by masses. xD)
However, I am thinking of writing a few reviews and trying to summarize everything for each anime I have watched (or at least the good ones) and write rating then. It just feels bad to rate anime now and then change my opinion twice or trice :/ Have you ever felt like that?
You should definitely re-watch Youjouhan, as much as I am dead fan of it, it's definitely something worth your time (I talk like this right now, however, before I started watching it I was really unsure, if I should start or not. In fact Youjouhan Shinwa Taikei spent a few months in my "Plan to watch" category (basically I am putting anime that I might watch, but unsure yet there). Quite ironic...) For me the fast paced dialogue (thought it was kind of monologue for the most of the time as there were a huge amount of main character's thought said) suits the anime so well, tho it made me re-watch first episode two times until I got used to it :D What made it hard to follow for you?
I see that you liked Ping Pong! It is one of my top anime (definitely the top from sport ones), nice to know that you enjoyed it as well. :)
What did you think about Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei? At least for me it was somehow like Ping Pong (or vice versa as I watched Yojouhan first), but not quite the same. I loved the idea and practically everything about Yojouhan, but I see that you gave it 8, what did you not like about it?